Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 552 There is One More

With a deep sense of fate and meticulous time, Hongjiang silently recited Urahara's words in his heart, and a certain idea gradually emerged in his mind, and his expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Any specific ideas, Urahara?"

Yoruichi also turned his gaze to Urahara, gesturing for him to share his opinion.

"The combination of a sense of fate and time will give me an inexplicable sense of rigorous logic for this wild talk. It is obviously a declaration to boost morale, but it leaves no way out."

Yoruichi said with some confusion: "Didn't you just say that this is the confidence born from an absolute understanding of the enemy? It is also why you proposed to abandon the past judgment of the Quincy."

"I think it should be different perspectives of understanding, or that this passage has different interpretations for different people, or individuals and groups. Right, Urahara?" Hongjiang asked tentatively, actually speaking to Urahara. a kind of guidance.

Although he did not remember all the Quincy abilities in the Invisible Empire in his previous life, he could never forget the abilities belonging to Yhwach.

Omniscient and omnipotent, with the terrifying ability to span space and time like a god, omniscient and omnipotent.

Of course, Yhwach's omniscience and omnipotence have not reached this level. His abilities are not impeccable, but just being able to predict the future related to himself and being able to use his abilities to change the future are tricky enough.

Hongjiang knew that Longxian had something fatal to Yhwach in his hands, but it was almost impossible to take it by force. According to the memory of his previous life, Longxian gave Yulong the trump card to defeat Yhwach. make a choice.

But the cost of moving everything forward as it was in the previous life is not heavy. In addition, now that he has his own existence, changes are almost inevitable. Hong Jiang really can't rest assured and follow the steps of memory.

If there is a chance to make Urahara realize that the other party has this ability, it will definitely be a good thing for them.

Once ranked among the top five special forces, if Urahara can prepare in advance and use enough intelligence, he might be able to find another way to deal with Yhwach.

Under Hongjiang's expectant gaze, Urahara slowly said: "Yes, if the prophecy about Yhwach was brought out by other Quincy, then I might be overthinking it, but if I take it in the worst possible way, Thinking about the situation, is this a prophecy of Yhwach’s return?”

"It takes nine hundred years to regain a heartbeat, ninety years to regain consciousness, and nine years to regain strength. Let's try to deduce this passage backwards. Since in the first battle with the God of Death, Yhwach has lost his strength and consciousness. Even those who have a heartbeat can only make such predictions before the war. "

"He foresaw the failure and made more rigorous preparations for his return. Of course, this could also be a preparation for the defeat, but the time span was so long and the details were so detailed that I came up with an extremely absurd reason."

Ye Yi's face was full of doubts at the moment, but Hong Jiang was different. His eyes were blazing, and although his face had no expression, it always gave people a feeling of excitement.

Urahara didn't notice the performance of the other two. He fell silent for a moment, as if the answer he was about to speak also gave him a headache. In the end, his eyes gradually became firmer and he said in a deep voice: "What if the sealed Quincy King really has the ability to predict the future?"

As soon as these words came out, Hongjiang breathed a sigh of relief. Urahara did not disappoint him, and even said that the other party's performance far exceeded his expectations.

With such a bold conjecture, Hongjiang felt that he could not reach Urahara's level.

Ye Yiliang's eyes widened, and he took a breath of cold air and said, "How could you have such an ability?"

It is precisely because of the inability to predict the future that people know how terrifying it would be to have such an ability. Even if the God of Death bears the name of God, such ability is unacceptable. After all, this is the domain of the real gods!

"It makes no sense at all! If that Yhwach really has the ability to predict the future, why did he start a war with us when he knew we would lose thousands of years ago? It makes no sense at all!"

"The way to regain power!" Hongjiang suddenly said: "The souls of all Quincy will return to Yhwach after death. From this point of view, the defeat thousands of years ago is of no importance at all."

"But this doesn't support the fact that he can really predict the future!" Yoruichi seemed a little unacceptable: "If he really had such an ability, there would be no need for us to fight this battle!"

"Are we going to deceive ourselves?" Hongjiang asked back. Yoruichi gave him a hard look and didn't refute. Seeing this, Hongjiang turned to Urahara and continued: "Since you think so, do you have any countermeasures?"

Urahara shook his head, "It's all just conjecture now. How can there be a way to deal with it? I just refer to the prophecy, and I can do something about it."

"Time?" Hong Jiang asked.

Urahara smiled and nodded: "Since it is such an accurate time, that prophecy can also be understood to mean that the sealed Quincy King can only regain his heartbeat after nine hundred years, and regain consciousness after another ninety years. It takes nine years to regain the strength.”

"That is to say, nine hundred and ninety-nine years must pass before Youhabach can prepare for the war and then win the war. On the other hand, if he is not prepared enough, he will not be able to win in the future that he foresees. , at least not absolutely.”

This was one of the few pieces of good news so far, and Yoruichi's solemn expression relaxed a little.

"That is to say, we have to seize time." She concluded, and new questions emerged: "But we don't know how much time we have, and more importantly, we haven't found those guys yet. Hideout."

"But at least we know a way to win. If Masaki Kurosaki's death is used as the beginning for Yhwach to regain his power, then we probably have less than two years left. This is the best case scenario and the worst case scenario. Of course, the Quincy will suddenly start a war with us tomorrow."

Urahara shrugged and continued: "As for where they are, we can only do our best."

"I have heard an interesting statement." Hong Jiang pretended to be relaxed and said tentatively: "At that time, one of the Quincy captured alive from the Star Cross Fortress once said, 'We will wait in the shadows for the day when we overthrow you. ', Could the Invisible Empire be in the shadow of Seireitei? "

"Do you believe this?" Yoruichi smiled and didn't care, but Urahara held his chin, looking thoughtful.

"It is possible that the shadow itself is a door to a certain space, but according to the Technology Development Bureau's observation of space fluctuations, there are no signs of hiding other spaces, unless it is extremely hidden, so hidden that our technology cannot detect it at all."

Urahara raised his head and said: "But this is a direction. Hiding under the eyes of the enemy is indeed the safest place. I'm afraid Hongjiang believed these words when you went to Hueco Mundo to form a force, right?"

Hong Jiang smiled and did not respond. This was just nonsense that he was making up, and there was no need to explain it in such detail.

Ye Yi looked left and right. She really didn't know whether she was too unimaginative or whether these two guys were too active in thinking and naive in character. Why did they have to think carefully about everything they said?

"Then we are going to search for the shadow of Seireitei now?"

"This is what needs to be done, but we can't just put our hopes on this side, we need to find a helper to help us."

Hongjiang said helplessly: "But if we don't betray Ishida Ryugen, no one in the Seireitei will believe us."

"No, there should still be someone who knows about Yhwach."

"Old man Shan?" Hong Jiang shook his head: "Old man Shan will be a ghost if he doesn't get to the bottom of it. Then either I will be unlucky, or Ishida Ryugen will be unlucky."

"I mean the helper is not Old Man Shan." Urahara shook his head and said mysteriously: "The captain is not the only one who has lived for more than a thousand years."

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