Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 785 Those who deny their own power will also be denied by it.

But the ending is destined to disappoint Gremy. When the smoke and dust clears, Zaragi's tall body is still standing in the air.

But being trapped in the universe before had a big impact on him. At this moment, his clothes were blown to pieces, and his exposed upper body seemed to have shed a layer of skin, revealing flesh and blood covered with scorches. Just looking at it made people feel... My whole body aches.

But just like this, Gremi felt the powerful life breath of the opponent like a wild beast coming from behind. Even though he was covered in blood, he stared at the prey with his red eyes.

Gremy was breathing heavily. Although he relied on his imagination to fight, it did not mean that he could continue fighting endlessly. Whether it was the meteorite earlier or the space just now, it cost him a lot. energy.

Coupled with the fact that he had detonated eight clones, he was almost at the end of his strength.

During most of his life when he was imprisoned because of his strength, he could not even imagine it, let alone experience this feeling of embarrassment.

So, what to do now?

It was already difficult for him to attack as powerfully as before, but Zaraki seemed to have the possibility of falling, although he had imagined this possibility more than once.

So, is it time to run away and wait for a chance to make a comeback?

Or, if you continue to fight, you must decide the outcome with the man in front of you?

This choice only existed in Gremy's mind for a moment before he made up his mind. He would not back down. Although he had lost a lot in being imprisoned for most of his life, it did not make him lose his dignity as a strong man!

He must compete with Zaraki Kenpachi here!

I want to win, I want to win! I want to win! !

Gremy had never had such a strong idea in his life. He wanted to defeat someone. He wanted to defeat Zaraki Kenpachi to prove his strength!

At the same time, he also had an unprecedented idea in his mind. Since the man in front of him has the strength and vitality of a monster, then I just need to imagine being stronger than him, right?

I want to become stronger, more powerful, more powerful than him! Gremy was thinking hard about such things, and his body swelled rapidly.

Like a child who grew up in an instant, his body became taller, and at the same time, muscles one after another burst through his sleeves like rocks. He felt unprecedented power bursting out from his body. out.

Is this the power that surpasses Zaraki Kenpachi? It seemed that just a flick of the finger could pierce the hardest steel, and if one thought about it, nothing could survive such force.

Seeing this, Zaragi seemed to understand something, but he had no intention of stopping it, and the fighting spirit in his bloodshot left eye was quickly fading, as if he suddenly lost interest in the enemy he had been fighting with for a long time.

what does that mean? Gremy looked into Zaraki's eyes. What did he mean by that look that seemed to be looking at a weak person? !

But before he could think about the reason, a clear and crisp sound suddenly came from his body, and then his right arm suddenly broke on its own, and the bones in his body stabbed out of his body uncontrollably, and this trend It's getting crazier and has no tendency to stop.

What exactly is going on? Why does such a strong body begin to collapse on its own? !

Gremy didn't understand, but he had lost control of his body and fell backwards involuntarily.

And the collapse of his body seemed to represent his complete failure. The gorgeous stage underneath him, which he had personally created specifically for fighting Zaraki, quickly collapsed, and he fell to the ground with it.

Zaraki jumped down in mid-air, slowly came to the ground, and looked at Gremy who fell in the rubble, with disappointment written all over his face.

"You imagine me as a monster in your mind, and then you imagine that you have more power than this monster, right?"

Zaraki seemed to have insight into Gremy's heart, and casually said what the other person was thinking just now.

"But in this way, haven't you already admitted that you are weaker than me? Including your body and the imagination that you are proud of, do all of these combined make you weaker than me?" More Mu asked back: "How can a guy who has admitted his weakness and determined that he will fail by relying on his own strength be able to surpass someone stronger than him with his own strength?"

"So it's not surprising that you would be like this. Once a person denies his own power, he has lost from that moment on." Zaraki looked down at Gremy who fell at his feet, as if he was sorry for the opponent's failure. And regretfully, "The guy who started but ended in an anticlimax is really a fool!"

is that so? Did I deny my own power, so I ended up being killed by my imagination?

No, no, that's not the case, my imagination is almost perfect!

Gremy was unwilling to acknowledge what Zaragi said and retorted weakly: "No, that's not the case, Zaraki Kenpachi. My imagination is correct, extremely correct. I imagined all your power, What I didn’t imagine was that the only thing that could withstand your power was your body.”

Zaraki didn't answer, but just looked at him quietly. Gremy put his hand on his chest and continued: "What failed you was not my imagination, but my body..."

He paused suddenly while speaking and was silent for a long time. Finally he sighed, as if giving up this last meaningless argument, "No, this is just an excuse. I lost, and my imagination also lost. You You’re right, I denied everything about me.”

"But I'm so unwilling. I really want to win." Gremy said, trying to support himself, but the back of his head suddenly broke open and something fell out.

Zaragi glanced sideways and saw that it was a brain that really wanted to be put in a container, "What's going on with you?"

Gremy's body was still dissipating, but there was no fear on his face. He smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you? I can kill you without even using a finger. Have you forgotten?"

Zaragi has not forgotten these words, but what does this have to do with the brain falling out of the other person's body?

Gremy soon revealed the answer: "My body is also a product of my imagination. As I said, I can't even use a finger, even though it's me who died."

So, is the brain the real body of this guy? Zaraki thought to himself, but Gremy's body was almost completely dissipated.

With only one head left, Gremy looked calm, with a hint of regret in his tone, "My imagination has almost reached its limit. I will be lonely. I feel lonely when I think of a world where I can't imagine anything in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body completely disappeared into the air. Except for his brain on the ground, it seemed that there had never been any trace of the existence of Gremy.

This imaginative battle ended in such a dull ending, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

If Gremy was still alive, he would probably feel the same way.

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