Later, Aizen obtained the Hogyoku and created a more powerful Arrancar. These first-generation Arrancars were eliminated from the Ten Blades and placed after the 100th Arrancar.

The reason is that these Arrancars have not been completely transformed by the Hogyoku. They are actually failures.

The two Arrancars also proved a point with their own strength.

The two three-digit Arrancars fought desperately. In addition to providing information to the three people and letting Ishida Uryu and Chad Yasuto show their skills, they had no other purpose.

At this time, Uehara Shiraha, who quietly came to Hueco Mundo, also saw this battle.

In the process, Ishida Uryu and Chad Yasuto also performed a classic"side change". At the beginning, the speed-type shooter Ishida Uryu faced the power-type Arrancar, and the power-type Chad Yasuto faced the speed-type shooter Arrancar, and then both of them fought very hard.

So, the two decisively changed sides, and then the demon right arm and the silver bell arc bird began to exert their strength.

Although the operation of these two people seems very exciting, they are very timely in responding to emergencies.

But the question is why can other people's speed-type suppress your power-type, and the power-type can suppress your speed-type, but they can't beat it once they change sides?

Isn't it because of the strong strength that they can suppress everything?

It seems very reasonable, but in fact, there are many loopholes.

Uehara Baiyu saw it and was speechless.

It can only be said that the battle between the Wandeng Jue and the Extermination Master is still different from the battle of the Shinigami.

But in the end, they still won.

It was just that the Arrancar who lost the battle also triggered the mechanism, and the hall and the passageway began to collapse.

Hueco Mundo does not keep idle people. Since you lose, you must die.

Ichigo Kurosaki, Yasutora Chad, and Uryu Ishida did not want to be buried with them.

They rushed to the only passage and finally ran to the ground.

After rushing out of the ground, the three came to a desert.

They looked around.

What they saw was a desert without vitality, and a cold crescent moon hung in the sky.

Barren, desolate, vast...

Uryu Ishida nodded and thought to himself:"This fits the stereotype of Hueco Mundo, it's right!"

He found that the concentration of spirit particles here is very high, even more suitable for fighting than in Soul Society!

Here, his Quincy power can be better exerted.

This time, the Quincy's sacred arrow of destruction will illuminate the entire Hueco Mundo!

Looking at the desert in front of him, Kurosaki Ichigo, holding Zangetsu, exclaimed:

"Is this Hueco Mundo? It's really lifeless!"

As he spoke, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

After arriving in Hueco Mundo, the power of Hollow that he had been suppressing began to stir. 443 But he didn't have the time and energy to think about the problem of Hollows now.

His eyes were on the huge shadow in the distance.

Under the cold moonlight, a huge palace stood quietly in the desert.

The style of the palace was very strange. The main body was round, and there were huge stone pillars around it whose function was unknown.

On the top of the circular building was a huge arched cover, like a canopy.

Recalling the Hueco Mundo mentioned by the two Arrancars just now, Ichigo Kurosaki's eyes became sharp.

"Is this the Xuye Palace?"Chad Taihu, who was sturdy, brown-skinned and wearing a floral shirt, also looked at the huge palace in the distance with a serious face.

His"giant's right arm" was trembling slightly.

Its power became more active.

He thought secretly in his heart:

"That's good!

This way I can help and fight alongside Ichigo!"

Kurosaki Ichigo clenched his Zanpakutō:"Let's get going! Otherwise, we may run into some strange troubles!"

The three of them ran for a while, and were surprised to find that the distance between them and the Palace of the Night was not shortened.

The huge palace standing in the distance did not change in size or distance.

The three of them stopped involuntarily.

Chad Taisho said in a low voice:"The distance has not changed at all."

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses and said:

"This means that we are very far from the Palace of the Night, and this palace is terribly large.

Therefore, the sense of distance is confused.

Its structure is not a conventional building.

There is no palace of this style in Karakura Town and Soul Society.

I can't imagine how such a huge palace can be built in the desert, and I don't know what such a huge palace is used for."

In addition, they also noticed that after a while, the moon was still hanging high in the sky without any change.

As the legend said, there is only night here, no day, and only the moon in the sky, no stars or sun.

What a desperate world.

Only in such a desolate world can monsters like Hollows be born.

Ichigo Kurosaki looked around again, and all he could see was endless deserts, stone mountains, and some things that looked like trees.

He walked over and took a closer look, only to find that those trees were made of quartz.

These trees looked dead, just like the Hueco Mundo in front of him, lifeless and full of wildness.

The Hueco Mundo Palace standing in the distance was incompatible with this dead and desolate atmosphere, but it was not abrupt.

The three knew that the enemy was in that palace.


At this moment, in the Fifth Tower of the Kyon Palace, the Ten Espadas began to gather.

"What happened?" asked the second-edged Bylergan Ruisenbang casually.

"I heard that there was an enemy invasion and that passage 22 had collapsed!" Nine Blades Aronilo Eluluyeli replied.

"No. 22? I remember that was where Picaro was in charge."Bailagan sighed:

"They actually invaded from such a far place!"

He didn't care about Picaro's death at all.

A piece of trash like an ant, it's dead.

Aaronilo also nodded and agreed:

"That is to say!

If the invaders can rush into the throne where we are in one breath, it will be quite interesting.……"

"If that's the case, it's really interesting!"Five Blades Nnoitra Gilga said excitedly

"Really, it's keeping me awake." The leader of the Ten Espadas, the First Espada, Koyata Stark, looked bored and decadent.

The other three Espadas, Tia Harribel, who represented sacrifice, the Fourth Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer, who represented nothingness, the Sixth Espada, Grimmjow Jakajek, who represented destruction, the Seventh Espada, Zomarilulu, who represented intoxication, the Eighth Espada, Sar Apollo Granz, who represented madness, and the Ten Espadas, Yamilyargo, who represented anger, all sat down calmly.

All the Ten Espadas have been assembled!

In the cold moonlight falling on the palace, three Death Gods slowly appeared in front of the Ten Espadas.

They were Aizen, Ichimaru Gin, and Tosen Kaname.

Aizen looked calm and wise.

Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes with a weird smile, like a cold snake. Tosen Kaname covered his eyes with a white cloth, and his"brows were black".

The three Death Gods could only put together a pair of eyeballs.

"Are you all here?" Aizen said gently as he came to the main seat:

"Well, let's have something to drink first!

Black tea, please?"

After a while of busy work, each of the ten Arrancars had a cup of black tea in front of them.

"As you may know, an intruder has appeared." Aizen said as he slowly picked up the teacup:

"You will see the details soon."

As he finished speaking, Tosen activated the surveillance device in the room.

Soon, it projected Ichigo Kurosaki, Uryu Ishida, and Yasutora Chadari running towards the Palace of the Night in the desert.

Looking at Ichigo Kurosaki and others in the video, Bylergan said disdainfully:

"What? They were just three little brats.

It was so embarrassing that Pietro lost to these little brats."

"Good death!" Nnoitra echoed.

In his opinion, the fate of the weak is death. It is also a kind of luck and relief for the weak to be killed by the strong.

However, being killed by these three brats is not luck, but a dish.

Grimmjow's pupils shrank.

He was in a very uneasy mood.

Of course, he was not unfamiliar with the orange-haired Grim Reaper in the image, and he could even say that he knew him even if he turned into ashes.

Because after several battles, he had regarded the other party as a prey that could not be given up.

Now that his arms have been restored, Grimmjow can't wait to find the other party for a big fight.

This is both to prove himself and to restore his dignity.

Aizen said slowly:

"Don't underestimate the three of them.

Not long ago, the four of them broke into the Soul Society and defeated several captains of the Gotei 13."

"Four people?"The dark-skinned Zomarilulu found the"Hua Dian"":

"Why are there only three now?

Where is the other one?"

"You also know the other one, that is Inoue Orihime who came to Hueco Mundo not long ago."Aizen gave the answer. Nnoitra nodded and said:

"So it was to rescue their companions?

In that case, even if they are weak, it still makes sense."

"Master Aizen has already said that we should not be careless." Harribel, with short blond hair and a collar covering her mouth, was somewhat disgusted with Nnoitra's unreliable look.

She had a hot body but a very calm and even strict temperament.

In addition, Nnoitra's attitude towards women was also a bit distorted.

The relatively normal Harribel naturally looked down on such a pervert.

Nnoitra frowned: (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"That's not what I meant, or are you scared?

A dignified Sanren, are you scared by this little ghost?"

"What did you say?" Harribel also got angry.

The other Ten Espadas did not join in the quarrel between the two.

One of the Espadas almost fell on the table, and the word"slacking off" was almost written on his face.

Ulquiorra had dealt with Kurosaki Ichigo before.

Looking at the figure in the image, his expression was very calm.

On the one hand, he felt that his previous judgment was correct.

There was no need to kill such a reckless and impulsive ignorant person.

Even if he spared his life at that time, the other party still came to Hueco Mundo to die.

All struggles are in vain and will eventually return to nothingness.

On the other hand, he felt that these people were meaningless.

In his opinion, life and the world have no meaning, except that what the eyes see is nothingness.

In other words, there is no such thing as the heart.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo's act of dying in vain for others is undoubtedly a denial of everything he believes in.

This made Ulquiorra, who firmly believed that nothingness was the answer, a little unhappy.

There was a ripple in his heart.

Yammy made a"tsk" sound and touched his arm.

Seeing this bastard, he thought of his broken arm.

What an infuriating kid[]

However, because of Aizen's existence, he did not act rashly.

Grimmjow could not bear it.

He slapped the table and stood up, walking out with big strides.

Now he only wanted to defeat the orange-haired Shinigami.

Before becoming an Arrancar, Grimmjow fought only to devour the enemy and evolve.

As long as he could win and become the"king", he would do whatever it took, even sacrificing his companions.

The reason was that he had no choice.

If they did not move forward, they would die. This was the law of evolution in Hueco Mundo and the fate of the Hollows.

So, he devoured the power of his companions without hesitation.

But now, for the first time in his life, he wanted to win in an upright manner, to defeat the guy named Kurosaki Ichigo head-on, and to prove himself.

This thought was extremely pure, extremely strong, instinctive, and could not be suppressed.

In fact, even after becoming an Arrancar, the Hollow still existed, and the insatiable sense of emptiness and hunger still existed.

The greed and pursuit of higher souls have been engraved in the soul of the Hollow.

However, with the power of the god of death, this hunger has new possibilities.

In addition to death and sacrifice, there are new possibilities on the road to evolution.

However, Grimmjow is not aware of this now.

He is just acting according to his nature.

The instinct of a predator!

"Looking at Grimmjow who acted on his own, Tosen Kaname's face darkened:

"Grimmjow, what do you want?

Do you want to disobey Lord Aizen's order again?"

Filthy things like Hollows are really stubborn.

They don't know what's good for them!

It seems that the last lesson was not enough.

"Grimmjow, who had forgotten the pain after the wound healed, was not afraid at all and answered very firmly:

"Of course I have to go and destroy the enemy for Master Aizen. Am I going to sit here and watch these rubbish invade us?"

This time, he was well prepared. It was impossible for them to sneak attack and cut off his arm.

"The"unspeakable" Tosen tightly grasped Qingchong.

This time it was not about the arm.

At this time, Aizen spoke up and gave Grimmjow a way out.

"Grimmjow, I'm glad you're thinking of me.

But I haven't finished my words yet.

So, could you please go back to your seat?"

His tone was very gentle, like a spring breeze, and full of affinity.

This affinity and ability to control the situation were indeed powerful.

However, Grimmjow stood still.

He neither returned to his seat nor spoke.

He just stood there with his neck stiff.

His meaning was very clear:

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I'm determined to win!

Even the Soul King can't be saved, I said!

I'm just that brave!

My knees are so strong, I can withstand what others can't!

How about it?"

As for the way out given by Aizen, the stubborn"Ge Laoliu" didn't see it at all.

He decided to fight to the end.

After a long time without getting a response, Aizen slightly emphasized his tone:

""What's wrong?

I didn't hear your answer, Grimmjow Jakejak! ?"

The invisible pressure instantly enveloped the entire hall.

An extremely powerful spiritual pressure locked onto Grimmjow.

This spiritual pressure was like a volcanic eruption, majestic and heavy, and like a biting cold wind, freezing the soul.

Faced with the impact of spiritual pressure beyond the dimension, Grimmjow, who was very brave just now, softened his knees and knelt on the ground, his brain trembling, tears streaming, and"Ahegao" was about to come out.

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!

At this time, his brain was blank, sweating profusely, and his face was covered with cold sweat, just like a middle-aged man who had overdrawn his potential, and he almost collapsed.

Who can stand this?

The other ten blades present were also shocked.

Although Aizen, who gave them power, is like a reborn parent.

But most of the hollows present,"fatherly love and filial piety" are not blinking.

Their moral bottom line is no longer a question of flexibility, but a question of whether they have it or not.

It's just that in the face of this spiritual pressure, they all became"honest people"

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