She wanted to witness Uehara Baiyu's strength with her own eyes, experience the pleasure, and fight with him in person.

Just to punish herself and make up for her past mistakes, she suppressed her instincts.

And this hidden thought was seen through by Uehara Baiyu at a glance.

Is this mind reading?

Uehara Baiyu looked indifferent:

"I don't need to read your mind, I can understand your thoughts just by seeing you, it's written on your face, it's obvious.

It doesn't matter if you don't do it.

But I want to see the style of the first generation Kenpachi"

"Do you want to challenge Kenpachi's title?" Unohana Retsu's expression turned cold.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that." Uehara Baiyu looked elegant and easy-going, and said:

"I mean, you are the challenger!

I don't mean to disrespect the title of Kenpachi.

But you do need to continue to work hard to win my respect."

In terms of combat power, except for the two captains who were shamed, the captains of the 11th Division who inherited the title of Kenpachi are all ruthless people, the kind of ruthless people who can be listed in the Tongliao legend.

Needless to say, the first generation Kenpachi was the killing flower on the battlefield, a real blood goddess, who only lived for fighting and killing.

Like Ichigo Kurosaki, Kenpachi Zaraki is a"numerical monster" 22, with a prominent force that can make bricks fly and chop down everything that refuses to obey.

A typical"son's ability, ancestor's panel".

Thousands of years ago, Kenpachi Zaraki possessed the spiritual pressure and slashing skills of a top captain, like a bloody Shura walking out of hell, terrifying and powerful.

Then there are Kenpachi Kuriyashiki and Kenpachi Zaraki. These two He is also a ruthless fellow with amazing combat power.

His combat power is so strong that it can even alarm Squad Zero.

But no matter how strong his combat power is, he can't save the reckless man, nor can he defeat him.

The successive Kenpachis have some problems with their brains, and their brain circuits are different from others. Unohana Retsu, who looks very normal in front of her, actually has battlefield PTSD, and believes that there cannot be two Kenpachis in one era.

In fact, it is not uncommon to have three Kenpachis in one era, and she is not seen to be anxious.

Uehara Shiroha is very interested in the opponent's slashing technique, but not so interested in their philosophy.

Just like the Hokage Daimyo, the pirate Celestial Dragons, and the Seireitei nobles, they are all garbage that should be swept into the trash can.

"What if I refuse?"Unohana Retsu's eyes became even colder, and the murderous intent in her heart was constantly churning.

However, after persisting for so many years, she really didn't want to"break the rules""

"I will give you a reason you can't refuse." Uehara Baiyu's expression was extremely calm and indifferent:

"I know you have set some restrictions on yourself and have some concerns.

But welcome to my world!"

He admired Unohana Retsu, just like he admired other beauties.

But at the same time, he would not spoil the other party.

Beautiful women are not scarce to him.

It is the beauties who need him, not him who needs them.

Uehara Baiyu can be very romantic and will protect his women.

But the relationship between supply and demand needs to be figured out, and only he can occupy a dominant position.

As soon as the voice fell, Uehara Baiyu launched spiritual pressure and stimulated the power of the mind gem and Duankong.

Just as Unohana Retsu was ready, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly.

The original ice palace turned into a flat battlefield. Fighting field.

The field paved with jade extends infinitely, as if there is no end.

Under the feet is the hard ground like white jade, above is the blue sky, and there is nothing else around.

It is vast, magical and mysterious, and contains an indescribable grand aura.

This is the momentum of Uehara Baiyu, the will of Uehara Baiyu, the power of Uehara Baiyu, and the world of Uehara Baiyu.

The two are like gladiators standing on an infinite arena.

Seeing this magical scene, Unohana Retsu was not panicked at all, and calmly analyzed: (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Spatial ability!

So this is why you can enter and exit Hueco Mundo freely.

It seems that I have found the right person!"

She has seen all kinds of strange abilities.

In the past, she would just slash without saying a word, no matter what ability the person had, as long as the person died, it would be invalid.

But now, she has"reformed".

Even though the scene in front of her made her more excited and more eager to fight.

Unohana Retsu still pretended to be indifferent. Uehara

Baiyu snapped his fingers, and the space around him rippled, and gorgeous fireworks appeared on both sides:

"This is my world!

Everything here is under my control, including time and space.

Strictly speaking, this is similar to the spiritual world, not the pure real world.

Captain Unohana, you can display your power here to your heart's content.

You can use Shikai, Bankai, and release the strongest spiritual pressure and slash.

Nothing here will affect the outside world.[]

Moreover, the speed of time flow is also different from that in the outside world.

Just like in the Broken World, time will slow down here, and a few minutes in the outside world is a day here.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about not having enough time, and you can prove your strength to your heart’s content.

You can fight me all day long!"

The current Broken World is not the alien space the size of a city before, but it has really become a small world.

And it is a colorful and multi-dimensional small world.

To some extent, his Broken World is more reasonable, more balanced, and more diverse than the Death World.

If it weren’t for the different structure of the world, the Broken World would definitely be a higher-dimensional existence compared to the Death World.

"It's really pleasing to be able to do this!" Unohana Retsu was amazed.

She hadn't seen many such space-time abilities.

After all, studying the power of space-time is the red line of Soul Society 763, and touching it is a capital crime.

And ordinary space-time power can't do this.

Unohana Retsu couldn't imagine how much spiritual pressure was needed to create such a real world, and how terrifying the control of space-time power was.

This is definitely not a killer move that can be completed overnight, just like Aizen didn't complete the hollowing experiment in one day.

In the end, those corrupt nobles who thought they controlled everything could do nothing and were just clowns.

It can only be said that Uehara Shiraha hid it too well, and this hiding ability is not even inferior to"Seireitei's good guy" Aizen.

It's funny to think that those incompetent nobles actually mastered such a terrifying forbidden power right under their noses.

They should really commit seppuku if they are so useless.

"But I still refused."Although he was amazed at the powerful strength of Uehara Baiyu, Unohana Retsu still insisted on his principles and emphasized:

"I don't think you can change my mind.

Even if your power of space and time has reached a superb level.

Is it your Zanpakuto ability?

You and Aizen both disguised your Zanpakuto ability.

However, your Zanpakuto ability is more dangerous and more powerful than Kyoka Suigetsu."

Fortunately, Aizen gave them an example in advance.

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