Blessed Daughter

Chapter 106 Grilled Fish

Chu Lan, Lu Yuhong, and Xie Jue were on the opposite boat, and Xie Ying was on this side of the boat. The four of them each took a seat, took their fishing rods, picked out their baits, and started fishing.

What Wei Ruo needed came a little later, but it didn't matter, because the four fishing people hadn't harvested so quickly.

After a while, Chu Lan's fishing rod started to move.

After some tugging, a black fish was caught, which weighed about two catties. Although it was not as delicious as mandarin fish, it was still a fish with very good meat quality, which was very suitable for grilling.

Chu Lan asked his men to bring the fish to Wei Ruo's boat.

After getting the fish, Xiumei took the fish to the stern of the boat in order not to let the smell of handling the fish affect the interest of several people, and then handled it very neatly.

Scale removal, disembowelment, and gill removal, the movements are smooth and smooth, and after a while, a fish that was just alive and kicking becomes white and clean.

Then cut flower knives on the belly of the fish and sprinkle coarse salt for marinating.

While Xiumei was handling the fish, the servants of Xie's family also drove the boat to deliver the purchased items to Wei Ruo.

Garlic, scallions, lettuce, bean sprouts, bean skin, these are the ingredients that can be bought today.

There is also a small iron pot.

In order to speed up the pace, Wei Ruo and Xiumei worked together in a division of labor, with Xiumei in charge of handling the ingredients and Wei Ruo in charge of cooking.

Wei Ruo seldom cooks by himself, and usually let Xiumei come when he has enough time.

Wei Ruo moved the two stoves and racks used to boil water to the bow of the boat, lit the fire, and put the iron racks on.

While Wei Ruo and Xiumei were making preparations, Xie Jue also had a harvest, a grass carp weighing more than four catties.

Seeing that the two brothers had gained a lot, Lu Yuhong was a little anxious. Although the other two didn't plan to compete, Lu Yuhong had a desire to win in his heart.

Xie Ying was also anxious. She vowed that she would catch a big fish for Wei Ruo to roast, but there was still no movement until now, so angry!

Xie Ying subconsciously glanced at Lu Yuhong who was opposite, thinking that she couldn't be the last one, and must catch big fish faster than Mr. Lu.

However, God's wish was not fulfilled, Xie Ying's fishing rod has not moved yet, Lu Yuhong's fishing rod has been reaped first.

He pulled up the fishing rod full of expectation, but found that it was a pitifully small crucian carp.

Although crucian carp is delicious, it is not suitable for grilled fish due to its many spines and small size.

Lu Yuhong was a little disappointed, this time Xie Ying's voice full of surprise came from the opposite boat.

"Ruoruo, I have a fish hooked, help me pull it quickly! It's so strong!" Xie Ying's voice was excited.

Wei Ruo hurriedly came forward to help Xie Ying hold the fishing rod to prevent it from being pulled away by the fish.

"What should I do, Ruoruo, I can't pull it up!" Xie Ying was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, let's loosen and tighten for a while, walk it for a while, and pull it up when it has no strength." Wei Ruo said calmly.

"Okay, I listen to you."

Wei Ruo and Xie Ying cooperated, and instead of pulling the fish up in a hurry, they pulled back and forth using the method of loosening and tightening that Wei Ruo said.

The three people on the opposite boat originally wanted to send someone to help, but found that the two girls were orderly and calm.

Xie Jue's hanging heart sank, if the fish escaped, with his sister's personality, it would probably be uncomfortable for half a month.

Lu Yuhong's heart was still hanging, he was very curious what kind of fish Miss Xie's family caught.

Chu Lan watched with great interest as the two pulled the fishing rod. What Wei Ruo said just now and her calm reaction to the situation made him a little bit impressed.

After tossing for a stick of incense, the fish in the water lost strength, Wei Ruo said to Xie Ying, "Let's pull it up hard now."

Xie Ying nodded: "Okay!"

The two pulled the fishing rod hard together, and finally pulled the fish out of the water.

The moment the fish came out of the water, Xie Ying exclaimed.

"Ruoruo, hurry up and see what kind of fish this is, it's so big!" Xie Ying's voice was extremely excited.

"This is bighead carp, also known as silver carp and fat head carp. It has a big head and fresh meat." Wei Ruo said after distinguishing it.

Bighead carp is a fish that tends to grow very large. The one Xie Ying caught weighed seven or eight catties, but it was not the limit for this kind of fish. There must be bigger ones in the East Lake.

"If you use mine to roast, it will be delicious!" Xie Ying said happily.

"This fish is too big. It might not be easy to cook the whole fish. I will cut off the fish head and save it to make fish head soup. The belly part of the fish will be roasted, and the fish tail will be pan-fried again," Wei Ruo said.

"Okay, okay, listen to you, do whatever you want." Xie Ying nodded again and again, leaving it to Ruoruo to cook and cook, and she continued to fish!

Lu Yuhong, who was on the opposite boat, looked at Xie Ying's fat fish and then at the little crucian carp he had caught, and suddenly felt depressed.

No, no, how could he, Lu Yuhong, lose to a girl's family?

Lu Yuhong asked his subordinates to ask for an extra fishing rod, and he planned to put a few more fishing rods on his hands!

After Wei Ruo helped Xie Ying catch the fish, he started to grill the fish.

The charcoal fire was just right, and the black fish that was caught first was almost marinated.

Wei Ruo brushed a layer of vegetable oil on the fish, then put it on the fire and roasted it.

While grilling the fish, Wei Ruo started frying the spices with another stove and a pot he bought, and put in the soy sauce, salt, and five-spice powder (amomum, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and star anise) that he brought, and ground them into powder according to the proportion Mix), cooking wine, onion, ginger.

After frying for a while, the fragrance wafted out and permeated the lake.

As a glutton, Lu Yuhong's eyes lit up when he smelled it, he stood up and looked towards Wei Ruo.

After the sauce is sautéed, put it aside and wait for the fish next to it to be grilled.

After the black fish was grilled golden on both sides, Wei Ruo transferred the grilled fish to the pot. The bottom of the pan is already covered with chopped side dishes.

Put the fish on top of the side dish, add the already boiling water and start cooking.

Wei Ruo took out another jar from his backpack, pulled out black beans from it, and spread them on top of the fish.

When the water boils, a tempting smell wafts out, the aroma of all the seasonings is forced out, and the taste penetrates into the fish.

This smell made Lu Yuhong, who had vowed to catch a big fish just now, lose the mood for fishing. He glanced in Wei Ruo's direction from time to time, for fear of missing something.

Xie Ying was also a little greedy, she really wanted to taste the grilled fish made by Wei Ruo.

Seeing that the cooking was almost done, Wei Ruo asked someone to fetch a soup bowl. She put half of the fish and side dishes into the big bowl, and then ordered Xie's servants to send the rest of the fish along with the pot to the opposite boat. .

The servants took the iron pot from Wei Ruo and rowed the boat to Chu Lan and the others.

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