Blessed Daughter

Chapter 243 Selling Late Rice Seeds

After Wei Ruo left, Shi Dayou asked the villagers to go back to work in the fields, and he returned home with a hoe on his shoulder.

The contracting matter Mr. Xu told him just now is his top priority right now.

After returning home, Shi Dayou called several prestigious old people in the village to his home, described in detail with them the matter of cooperating with Mr. Xu, and asked for their opinions.

The elders are very supportive of this. There is no regulation on how much rent to pay, and only half of the rent is paid. They will naturally accept such things as making a steady profit without losing money.

Moreover, the labor force in their village already has some leftovers. If they can be twisted together and make some other livelihoods, maybe everyone will be able to live a prosperous year this year!

The elders have told Shi Dayou to treat Xu Heyou well. The people in their village have no other skills and make a living, and they don’t know how to deal with the city people to make money. Now someone is willing to give them a hand and give them a way out , they must take good care of and cherish it.

With the approval of the elders in the village, Shi Dayou then sent a message back to Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo didn't delay either. After all, time waits for no one, and the land in spring doesn't wait for anyone, so it has to be reclaimed and planted immediately.

So Wei Ruo immediately signed a relevant contract document with the people in Stone Village.

On the day the signing was signed, Shi Dayou took the selected people to work on the sandy land that Wei Ruo had purchased.

In selecting personnel, Shi Dayou also took into account many factors. The first principle is voluntary. Some families have less labor force, and their own farms are too busy to support them. Naturally, they cannot take care of other jobs.

However, some families have less farmland and more brothers, so they are eager to win this new opportunity to make money.

On the basis of everyone's voluntary registration, Shi Dayou made some coordination with several village elders: for example, if there are three applicants in the family, one or two places will be given according to the family situation, and as many places as possible should be distributed equally. .

But because the surprises of various companies are still relatively large, it is definitely not possible to achieve a complete average.

Fortunately, Shi Dayou, the village chief, and the elders of the village presided over the overall situation, and the villagers were quite satisfied with the final result.

Afterwards, this part of the villagers went to the large sandy land that Wei Ruo bought and started working: weeding, clearing stones, turning the soil, and fertilizing properly.


Wei Ruo paid attention to the matter of late rice seedlings. Two days later, after calculating many factors, Wei Ruo sent someone to go to a village trapped by bakanae disease to advertise that she had late rice seeds. in time.

After hearing the news, the villagers rushed to Wei Ruo's village.

Outside the gate of Wei Ruo's Zhuangzi, there are many bulging sacks piled up on the ground outside the wall, and there are still people moving sacks out of the Zhuangzi at the moment.

The first few villagers who arrived saw the sacks and their eyes shone. They guessed that the sacks contained the late rice seeds they wanted.

However, the seven or eight tall and strong men standing next to these sacks made them dare not go forward easily.

At this time, Wei Ruo came out of the village, and several villagers couldn't help but gathered around to ask.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you have rice seeds that can be planted and live now. Is it true?" An old man asked Wei Ruo cautiously.

Wei Ruo saw that the old man looked familiar, and after thinking about it for a while, she met him when she went to Mrs. Xu's farm. She persuaded him to change the seedlings, but the other party said she was cursing them.

It was also the only time Wei Ruo used Wei Qingruo's identity to remind farmers about this matter, and when Wei Ruo went to other villages to remind others later, Wei Ruo used Xu Heyou's identity.

So the old man didn't know that the person in front of him was the person he detested and cursed back then.

But it doesn't matter whether you know it or not, Wei Ruo didn't plan to settle accounts with anyone, and treated everyone who came today equally.

"It's true." Wei Ruo gave an affirmative answer.

Hearing the affirmative answer, several people were overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, they showed conflicted expressions again. After hesitating for a while, the old man asked Wei Ruo cautiously:

"Master Xu, can you share this rice seed with us?"

"Want rice seeds?" Wei Ruo looked at the people in front of him.

Several people nodded quickly.

"Rice seeds are for sale, not for free," Wei Ruo said.


When they heard the money was asked, the light in the eyes of several people dimmed instantly.

Several people glanced at each other, and then the old man continued to ask Wei Ruo the price: "Mr. Xu, how do you sell this rice seed?"

"Ten coins a catty." Wei Ruo replied.

This is the original price of these rice seeds. Wei Ruo did not deliberately raise the price. It was also the price that Wei Ruo sold to Yun's before.

The millet used as a rice seed is carefully selected, with full grains and excellent appearance. Naturally, it is slightly more expensive than ordinary millet.

And even the ordinary millet produced by these rice seeds can be sold at Wei Ruo's Xuji Grain Shop for a hundred coins and a bucket after shelling.

However, upon hearing this answer, the expressions of the people in front of Wei Ruo changed.

"Master Xu, you are selling it too expensive!" The old man looked annoyed, "The rice that has been shelled is only a few pennies a catty, how can you buy ten pennies for your rice seeds?"

One mu of land requires three to five catties of rice seed, and the average family has three to five mu of land, and the rice seed will cost as much as ninety.

This fee is beyond the reach of many farmers. In the past two years, everyone has had a hard time. The family is almost unable to open the pot. In addition, they have spent a lot of money on the seedlings that have just died. How can they spend so much money? Money to buy this rice seed.

Several others also echoed:

"That's right, Mr. Xu, it's too expensive for you. How can you sell such expensive rice seeds?"

"Besides, what if the rice you plant doesn't work well, and you still can't harvest it this year?"

"That's right, you said that this is a late rice plant, and that late planting can also benefit, but we don't know if it's true."

Wei Ruo said unhurriedly: "It doesn't matter if you can't afford it. I have a second solution. You can take away the rice seeds for free by signing a document with me. You can take as much as you need until the autumn harvest." At that time, according to the amount taken away, five times the amount of rice will be returned."

"For example, if you take ten catties of rice seeds from me, you can return me fifty catties of rice when the autumn harvest comes. Of course, if my late rice seeds are useless, and it will not catch up with the autumn harvest now, you don't need to pay me. any fees."

Wei Ruo's late rice seeds are three catties of seeds planted on one mu of land, and the yield per mu of Wei Ruo's rice species is twice that of the ordinary rice they plant. Generally speaking, the yield per mu can reach about two thousand catties, and the specific value will be subject to change. The influence of other objective factors such as weather, water and fertilizer of the year.

Therefore, the fee Wei Ruo charged was fifteen catties out of the two thousand catties.

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