Blessed Daughter

Chapter 279 Advice to Madam Yuan

"It's getting late, I shouldn't have disturbed you at this time, but I was afraid that you would have something to do during the day and you wouldn't be free, so I took the liberty of asking Qingyi to invite you to the Captain's Mansion." Madam Yuan apologized .

"Ma'am, don't be polite to me."

"You and I are already acquainted, so I won't play tricks with you anymore. Sister Ruoer's intelligence should have guessed why I invited you to my house today." Madam Yuan said straight to the point.

"I probably guessed a little bit. The damage to the crops caused by the recent weather changes must have worried Mr. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan." Wei Ruo replied.

"Sister Ruo'er is right. The food production in various places has been poor these years, and the national treasury is empty. The issue of food has long been the top priority of the imperial court. It is the most important item in the evaluation of officials in various places. Therefore, this cold wave has affected It affects the hearts of the people in the government office, and it also affects my husband's promotion next year."

"But this is one of the aspects. Apart from considering my husband's official career, I also sincerely don't want the people to suffer. What's more, if starvation is everywhere, it will be the beginning of turmoil, and it will not only be the people who will suffer? So whether it is Personally, I still stand from the perspective of my husband's parents, and I don't want to see this situation now."

Mrs. Yuan said that Wei Ruo believed it. When an infectious disease appeared in the capital of Taizhou, she convened the doctors in the city to discuss the countermeasures and donated money and effort without being stingy.

"I understand what Mrs. Yuan means. In fact, before Mrs. Yuan invited me here today, His Highness the Seventh Prince has already been here." Wei Ruo said.

"This is why the Seventh Prince came to you?" Mrs. Yuan asked hurriedly.

"Hmm. Your Highness means that there are many other saline-alkali lands in Taizhou Prefecture. I hope I can help him improve other barren lands, open up arable land, and increase production." Wei Ruo replied.

Madam Yuan thought for a while and said to Wei Ruo: "This is indeed a solution. Sister Ruo'er can try this, and it will be of great benefit to you and the Wei family after it is done."

"Madam, do you think I should agree?"

"You help His Highness the Seventh Highness do things, although His Highness the Seventh Highness may not be able to invite you any favors because of your female status, but for your Wei family, it is definitely beneficial and harmless." Madam Yuan analyzed for Wei Ruo .

As long as you can treat the Wei family well, that is to say, treat Wei Ruo well, as long as Wei Ruo is a member of the Wei family, this relationship will not change easily.

"I understand what Ma'am said, but I don't want to have too much interaction with His Highness the Seventh Prince. Now that the crown prince has not been decided, if you get too involved with any prince, you may get involved in right and wrong. This is not something the Wei family can afford."

Regardless of whether it is out of overall consideration or personal emotional considerations, Wei Ruo resists from the bottom of his heart to have too much interaction with Chu Lan.

The last land improvement in Xingshan County was initiated by her, and Chu Lan stepped in behind, leaving her with no choice. Now that she has a choice, she can hide as much as she can.

"What you said is right, it's rare that you still have such considerations."

Madam Yuan was quite emotional, Wei Ruoneng had such thoughtfulness, and was not dazzled by the petty gains in front of her eyes, her vision was somewhat wider than that of women in her boudoir that she usually saw.

Madam Yuan continued: "I came here today to ask you to help me, but if you reject His Highness the Seventh Highness, it will be difficult for me to ask you to advise me."

No matter what Madam Yuan did, she couldn't openly confront the Seventh Prince, let alone Wei Ruo's situation.

Wei Ruo politely rejected the Seventh Prince, and at the same time did things for her, it was blatantly slapping the Seventh Prince in the face, and in this way, he put Wei Ruo in danger. Madam Yuan naturally did not want such a thing to happen.

"Ma'am, don't worry. I have thought about some things on the way here, and I know how to deal with them so as not to offend the Seventh Prince, but also to solve problems for Madam and your lord." Wei Ruo said.

"Really?" Madam Yuan was overjoyed.

Wei Ruo explained: "I can provide Madam with some solutions to the problem. If Madam and Your Excellency think it is feasible, they can implement it according to the method I said, and I don't need to come forward during the period, so it will not be considered as deceiving the Seventh Highness. "

Chu Lan asked her to improve the land, which required her to carry out according to the actual situation. It was necessary to go to the field to understand the situation, to conduct real-time exploration, and to deal with people. She used this as an excuse to refuse.

But now she is only making suggestions for Mrs. Yuan, which is of a different nature.

"In this case, I will listen with all my ears," Madam Yuan said.

Wei Ruo began to state his plan: "Although we can't predict the weather this year, we also know that it will not be too good in the future. The Seventh Highness wants to develop more cultivated land is the first method; and increasing the yield of the existing cultivated land is the second method. .”

"Yes, what sister Ruoer said is absolutely true."

"Taizhou's arable land area is not much. There are saline-alkali land, sandy land, and a large amount of mountainous land. Even among the existing arable land, most of the land is poor. Soil improvement is a big project, and The time will not be so fast. The improvement of the saline-alkali land in the south of Xingshan County has lasted for half a year, so it may not be able to catch up with this year's autumn harvest after the improved soil is planted. The fastest can only be planted in August or September this year. Get the wheat and wait for the next year to harvest." Wei Ruo analyzed.

"This is indeed a problem." Madam Yuan agreed.

"So I think that if we want to guarantee the output of this year's autumn harvest, we have to protect the existing arable land and the crops that have been planted."

"Sister Ruo'er, tell me quickly, how can I protect my delivery?"

Wei Ruo talked to Mrs. Yuan unhurriedly about the solution he had conceived: "First, topdressing the land requires the government to take the lead in this matter. I hope the government will take the lead in building a large-scale composting field to purchase sheep manure, Cow dung, straw, straw, and even some rotten fruits and vegetables."

Wei Ruo continued: "The government government pays money for the purchase, and the farmers can exchange the money, which can relieve their pressure for a while. After the composting is successful, the government government can sell it at an appropriate price, and it can be sold to the farm. People, at this time, adults need to persuade a large number of wealthy landowners and landlords in the city to pay for these heap filled fertilizers and teach them the skills of reasonable top dressing."

Madam Yuan listened with gusto: "Sister Ruo'er's idea kills two birds with one stone. It can not only give money to the farmers, so that they can temporarily have money to tide them over, but also increase the production of the fields of rich landlords."

Wei Ruodao: "This is the first, and the second is the remedial method for the seedlings that have been frozen to death; I have two remedial measures for different lands."

"Which two remedies?" Madam Yuan asked hastily.

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