Blessed Daughter

Chapter 340: Leave the Credit to Brother Xiaoyong

Wei Ruo couldn't help wondering: "Why did the second brother say this suddenly?"

"I'm just worried that I don't have any news with you when I'm away all year round. Occasionally, rumors will come back by mistake, making you worry for nothing." Wei Jin also replied.

"Second brother, don't worry, I won't believe rumors casually, you just need to take care of yourself, don't worry about me." Wei Ruo said.


After entering the city, Wei Ruo didn't go directly to Xiaowei's mansion, but let the carriage detour to Sibaozhai.

Like the last time I went to Sibaozhai, Wei Ruo did not avoid Wei Jinyi this time either. He took Wei Jinyi directly and went in.

Wei Ruo found the nanny, and said to the nanny, "Nanny, send me a letter to Brother Xiaoyong, just put it in your family book."

One of the great advantages of being close to the serving army is that every once in a while, the army will send the letters from the soldiers' families to their homes, and at the same time, they will also take the letters from the family members to the soldiers in the barracks.

"Okay, it's the end of the month soon, and the military camp will deliver the letter. Then I'll put Miss's letter in our letter and give it to them." The nanny said.


Wei Ruo nodded, then sat down and wrote down on paper what he wanted to tell Xu Zhengyong.

Wei Jin also took the initiative to avoid it, and did not read what Wei Ruo wrote.

After finishing the work, Wei Ruocai and Wei Jinyi went back to Xiaowei's mansion together.

It was only after the two returned to the mansion that Wei Mingting was also in the mansion today.

This is unusual, because he just came back a few days ago, if there is no important matter, he would not return home at this time, after all, the situation on the front line is very tense.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, everyone in the Wei family was present except Wei Qingwan, who was still recuperating.

After dinner, Wei Mingting told his family the reason why he would come back today - to prepare military rations.

Seeing that they were about to confront the Japanese pirates again, the army rations were not replenished in time, which shook the morale of the army.

Not to mention that after a few days, the army's granary will bottom out, and the soldiers will be hungry. Before the battle is fought, more than half of them will be lost.

Wei Mingting has no good solution now, he can only go back to the city and seek help from the magistrate Yuan Zhengqin.

But Yuan Zhengqin is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice. Now the government government has indeed brought in a lot of food, but this food was provided by Wei Ruo with the method of labor relief to attract all the rich and powerful gentry in Taizhou Prefecture for the purpose of profit, and it does not return to the government. It is owned by the Yamen, and the government Yamen cannot be used casually.

After listening to Wei Mingting's description, Yun asked Wei Ruo: "Ruo'er, you are in charge of land reclamation and disaster relief, and you are also responsible for allocating the food, so you can help your father find a way to transfer a batch to the military camp first." Go to the rescue."

Wei Ruo replied: "Mother, didn't my father just say that he has already discussed with Master Yuan, and Master Yuan can't use this batch of grain to go to the military camp at will, so how can I? The dissatisfaction of the gentry has made them lose confidence in the government and the land reclamation and disaster relief operation, what will happen to the mother, have you ever thought about it?"

"Then you can't just watch the soldiers who are fighting bloody for the country, family and people go hungry?" Yun said worriedly.

Wei Mingting interrupted Yun and said, "Ruo'er is right, these grains cannot be moved casually, so don't make things difficult for Ruo'er. The military rations need to find another way."

"The concubine knows." Yun said with her head bowed.

Both Wei Yichen and Wei Jin were silent the whole time and did not express their opinions.


After Wei Ruo returned to Tingsong Garden, Xiumei asked Wei Ruo: "Miss, didn't you say before that if the army lacks food, would you be willing to give the food to the barracks? Why didn't you tell the master just now?"

The granary in Wei Ruo's village is full. Wei Ruo said before that the grain will not be sold, it is for emergencies, unless there is a shortage of food in the army.

"Meimei, you forgot that I went to Sibao Zhai today?"

"Well, Miss wrote to Brother Xiaoyong." After Xiumei answered, she was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to think of something, "Miss, do you want Brother Xiaoyong to come forward?"

"Well, being able to solve the urgent need for the military camp should be considered a credit, right?" Wei Ruo said.

Xiumei nodded: "The matter that the seventh prince and the master are very anxious about, if it is resolved, it must be a great achievement!"

"Since this is the case, I can't pay for nothing, and I have to help Brother Xiaoyong to save some military merits."

"Yes, yes, let Brother Xiaoyong make some military achievements!" Xiumei raised her hands and feet in agreement.


Wangmei Garden.

Wei Qingwan, who was recovering from illness, also heard the news of Wei Mingting's return, and she looked forward to her father coming to visit her once or twice.

If it was before, she was injured, no matter how small the injury was, even if she accidentally fell or bumped in the courtyard, her father would come to visit her after returning home, and even if she couldn't survive, she would die. People come to care.

However, today she waited until late at night and did not wait for Wei Mingting to visit her.

Hope was in vain, Wei Qingwan couldn't help feeling disappointed and sad.

In the past two days, Wei Qingwan was able to get out of bed. With the support of Nanny Li, Wei Qingwan stood in front of the window, looking sadly at the crescent moon outside the window.

"Mommy, what should I do now? My father is really tired of me now, can I still gain a foothold in this family?" Wei Qingwan asked Li Nanny.

Nanny Li was also anxious, she was no less worried about this matter than Wei Qingwan.

But she still had to be patient and comfort Wei Qingwan: "Miss, don't worry, the master is still angry now, and when his anger subsides, he will be able to remember the old father-daughter relationship again."

Wei Qingwan didn't answer, and looked outside, only to feel that she was like the remaining flowers that bloomed in the yard, swaying in the wind, helpless, and crumbling.

"Miss, you are still weak now, let me help you go back to bed and rest first." Nanny Li persuaded.

Wei Qingwan nodded, and with the help of Nanny Li, slowly moved back to the bed.

After sitting down, Wei Qingwan asked: "Nurse, why hasn't the medicine for tonight been delivered yet?"

Wei Qingwan takes medicine once a day in the morning and evening, which is divided into oral administration and external application.

But neither the internal medicine nor the external medicine has been delivered tonight.

"This..." Nanny Li didn't know how to explain it.

She had already asked her daughter Cuihe to rush to the kitchen, but the kitchen said that the medicine was used up and they hadn't bought it yet, so they couldn't do anything about it.

"What's going on?" Wei Qingwan realized that Nanny Li had something to hide from her.

"Miss, the medicine is used up..."

"But I haven't healed yet, why don't they stop grabbing medicine?" Wei Qingwan couldn't believe what she heard.

She hasn't recovered yet, why didn't the mansion go to buy medicine for herself?

"This..." Nanny Li didn't know what to say.

"So now they don't even care about my life?" Wei Qingwan was shocked, her eyes were red, and tears filled her eyes.

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