Blessed Daughter

Chapter 376 Yun's Headache

Different from the joy of Wei Ruo and half of the people in Taizhou Prefecture's harvest, Yun's can be said to be devastated.

The shop is not well managed, and the income of the two villages is not very good.

Although the rice seeds she planted were also the late rice seeds provided by Wei Ruo, and sweet potatoes were also planted in the mountains of Xingshan County, but because the soil in her two villages was relatively poor, especially the 500 mu of land purchased near Fucheng, Taizhou, The soil is somewhat compacted and has a serious lack of fertility.

In the early stage, Yun asked Wei Ruo for advice, and Wei Ruo told her the method of improvement, but because of cost considerations, Yun did not follow what Wei Ruo said to put in great effort and cost to topdress the fertilizer locally.

Later, due to the lack of silver taels on hand, the Yun family also sold several servants, resulting in a shortage of manpower to manage Zhuangzi.

Now it's harvest time, the output of Zhuangzi at home is less than one-fifth of that of Wei Ruozhuangzi, and even the yield of sweet potatoes, which are relatively easy to grow, is far less than that of Weiruozhuangzi, only a thousand catties per mu.

This output was far lower than Yun's expectation. According to this output, it would not be enough for the mansion to use for the next year, let alone sell the surplus for money.

Yun's headache was endless, and he was so worried that he didn't eat much for several days.

"Ma'am, don't worry, it's not worth worrying about your body." Seeing this, Cuiping persuaded.

"How can I not worry?" Yun rubbed his temples, his face extremely heavy.

"Madam, if you really can't think of a good solution, you can talk to the eldest lady. The eldest lady has many ideas about this matter, maybe she has some ideas." Cuiping suggested.

Yun's stopped, and murmured: "She does have a lot of ideas on these matters."

Cuiping continued: "Madam, the eldest lady is actually very kind. Although her style of acting is different from that of ordinary ladies, this is also her uniqueness."

Yun sneered slightly: "She is unique, but she can't get close to me. I am her mother, but she always treats me as an enemy. I think of her for her sake, but she always shows me face. Hey Maybe it's because I don't have a mother's fate with her, so I get angry if I can't say a few words."

Cuiping persuaded: "The disagreement between Miss and Madam is actually not a big problem. You are the biological mother and daughter, and blood is thicker than water. As long as Madam treats Miss well, Miss will sooner or later be influenced by Madam and get close to Madam." of."

Yun didn't agree with Cuiping's words, and sighed: "Don't talk about it, go and call her over, there are indeed some things you can ask her."

"Yes." Cuiping followed suit and went to Songyuan to invite Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo just had some free time these few days, cleaning up the melons, fruits and vegetables grown in the yard in Tingsongyuan.

Wei Ruo was not very surprised that Cuiping came to invite her. She has been traveling around for the past few days and heard some news.

Thinking that Yun's sent Cuiping to invite him over at this time, it was probably because of this matter.

"Understood, I'll go right away." Wei Ruo got up and washed his hands.

Then follow Cuiping to Tingsongyuan.

On the way there, Cuiping rarely talked to Wei Ruo: "Miss, in fact, Madam treats you well, but Madam grew up in Beijing, and she has more rules. I always hope that you can be like Miss Jingzhong." Being dignified and gentle has created many conflicts with you."

"Did she ask you to say these words, or did you want to say them yourself?" Wei Ruo asked.

"It was said by the maidservant herself, not by Madam."

"The contradiction between me and her is far from a difference of opinion. You don't have to waste your efforts."

"It's the servant who has usurped."

Cuiping didn't dare to say any more.

When they arrived at Cangyun Garden, Yun asked Wei Ruo to sit down, and then asked straightforwardly about the autumn harvest: "I heard that the entire Taizhou government has a good harvest recently?"

"About 40% has a bumper harvest, and 20% has mediocre income, which is similar to ordinary years. Although the remaining 40% is not satisfactory, it is also slightly better than last year and the year before last." Wei Ruo replied truthfully.

This year's grain production protection campaign did not involve all aspects. Only about 60% of the farmers were willing to follow the government's arrangement to replant Wei Ruo's late rice seeds and sweet potatoes.

Even among the 60%, some people did not fully follow the methods promoted by the government to carry out topdressing and other aspects of management, but followed their own way, so the final harvest was slightly worse, so only 40% had a good harvest in the end.

"That's unfortunate, the harvest of the two Zhuangzi in Xiaowei's Mansion happens to be within the unsatisfactory 40% you said. Everyone knows what you did in Taizhou Mansion, and everyone knows that you are a great talent, but now My own farm has failed to grow any crops, and if it spreads, it will be a joke." Yun said.

Wei Ruo smiled slightly: "Mother, if I remember correctly, you asked me how to manage Zhuangzi and increase production, and I gave you an improvement method, but you didn't follow what I suggested, and after that you Some slaves were also sold, resulting in insufficient manpower to work in the village and lack of management of the farmland."

"Don't you know the reason why I sold the servants in the village back then? How did the family situation at that time allow me to do what you said?" Yun asked Wei Ruo in turn.

During this year, the school captain's mansion was not rich in money, and Yun thought that she was a clever woman who couldn't cook without rice.

On the contrary, Wei Ruo, who has plenty of money, never thought of helping the family.

Therefore, when mentioning this matter, Yun couldn't help but express resentment towards Wei Ruo between the lines.

"But what does that have to do with me? I told you the way, but my mother didn't do it, and it's not my fault. As for what outsiders think about this matter, I don't mind. If they think I don't have the ability, then it's fine. The work-for-relief land reclamation activities have already progressed to this point, and the people involved can only continue to trust me, and it is of no benefit to them to question my ability." Wei Ruo replied very calmly.

"You can see clearly." Yun's "praise" with a fake smile.

"Or does my mother think that I should care about these things? Or does my mother think that it is my fault that Zhuangzi's poor harvest is my fault?" Wei Ruo asked Yun.

"How dare I blame you. I called you here today just to ask if there is any solution. I want to ask for something. How dare I blame you?" Yun said.

Although she didn't dare to blame, her expression and tone clearly revealed her complaints about Wei Ruo's "inaction".

"The rice has been harvested and the conclusion has been sealed. Now that my mother asks me if there is any solution, I'm afraid it's too embarrassing for me?" Wei Ruo replied.

"Isn't the land you opened up with work-for-work relief going to be planted with wheat soon? If you can get some more land for your family and harvest more when the wheat is harvested half a year later, won't the problem be solved?" Yun said. Dow.

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