Blessed Daughter

Chapter 410 Saved

Although he took the medicine, Mr. Tan did not wake up and his fever subsided, and the four of them could not relax so quickly.

Ah Da still hesitated, wondering if he should go to the doctor and medicine.

In case Miss Wei's medicine doesn't work, if they go to the doctor again, it will delay the husband's condition!

Xiumei could see the hesitation and entanglement of these people, and said: "Don't worry, human life is at stake. If my lady is not sure, she won't say this."

Ah Da looked hesitant and frowned: "I know your lady will definitely not disregard human life, but..." But I don't know if this medicine will come in handy.

Xiumei added: "If you don't believe that my lady's medicine can cure your husband, just wait for two hours. If your husband hasn't woken up after two hours, you can follow the plan you made. Go into town and find the doctor."

After hesitating for a while, Ah Da finally agreed.

Because starting now, even if you can successfully enter the city and find the doctor, at least it will be tomorrow to bring the doctor back.

After the four of Ada waited anxiously for an hour and a half, Mr. Tan woke up.

When I probed Mr. Tan's forehead again, I was pleasantly surprised to find that his fever had subsided.

This is really amazing! The fever went away so quickly!

Afterwards, Wei Ruo mixed another bowl of medicine for Mr. Tan, and then told Ada and the others to take the medicine for Mr. Tan every three hours.

By the next morning, Mr. Tan had basically recovered, and he looked refreshed and completely free from illness.

Knowing that he was saved by Wei Ruo's medicine, Mr. Tan thanked Wei Ruo: "Thank you Miss Wei. I really don't know how to thank you this time." Mr. Tan said.

"You don't need to say thank you, it is also a kind of fate that you and I can meet here." Wei Ruo said flatly.

She hadn't thought of asking someone for Thorne or asking for money in exchange for this situation.

"Miss Wei, you are an unusual woman." Mr. Tan commented.

"Sir, take a good rest. Although your symptoms are probably cured, you still need to rest." Wei Ruo said.

After Mr. Tan was safe, Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San set off immediately, and continued to shovel the snow to clear the way together with Xu Fengyuan and Lu Yuhong.

Today is already the sixth day, everyone has to speed up the progress.

Staying here for one more day is more dangerous.

This time Mr. Tan contracted the cold and was lucky to be treated by Miss Wei. The next time I don't know who gets sick, and I don't know if he will be so lucky to meet Miss Wei who has the medicine.

Ten of them dug for three days, and they only dug about one-fifth of the distance from the city gate.

If the weather does not get warmer and the ice and snow do not melt, they will need to dig for another twelve days at this rate...

Everyone's mood is a little heavy.

In the past three days, the bodies of several people have been overdrawn, and there are more blisters on their hands.

Even if they practice martial arts, riding and archery on weekdays, they are a bit too much.

Twelve more days to dig...they probably won't be able to...

But even if the road ahead is uncertain, they still have to continue digging.

If you dig, at least you can do your best to hold your fate in your own hands. If you don't dig, you can only resign yourself to fate.

Just when everyone thought it would take a long time to dig to the city gate, things turned around.

At noon that day, everyone had just eaten two mouthfuls of the bread that Wei Ruo had prepared for them, when they noticed a few figures appearing in the white snow field in the distance.

The distance is very far, and the figure is as small as an ant, but it is indeed a figure.

And the number of people is very large, there are dozens of people.

After observing for a while, everyone found that those people were shoveling snow and digging roads just like them!

"It's the people in the city! They're digging out!"

After discovering this fact, Liu Yu shouted happily.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuhong and Gao Wentian also cheered.

Everyone finally saw the hope, and they became excited immediately, and quickly moved faster.

Two hours later, the two sides converged.

Seeing fifty or sixty government officers, soldiers and ordinary people holding shovels, shovels, hoes and other tools on the opposite side, everyone felt a surge of enthusiasm.

After the excitement, everyone immediately returned to the shed to deliver the good news to Wei Ruo.

It turned out that Mr. Yuan took countermeasures on the first day of the heavy snow, organized government officers and soldiers and a large number of people in the city, and mobilized everyone to shovel the snow to clear the way.

Because Mr. Yuan governed well, everyone respected and trusted Mr. Yuan, whether it was ordinary people or nobles, so everyone cooperated very well.

In addition to clearing the snow near his home, he also took the initiative to send people to support the government office, and went out of the city with the servants to clear the snow.

This makes the whole process of clearing the snow so fast.

After listening, Xiumei sighed excitedly: "Master Yuan is so amazing! He actually arranged for someone to dig out of the city so quickly!"

Wei Ruo agrees very much that in such a short period of time, a large number of people can be organized to dig the main roads in the city and dig outside the city, and the deployment ability and execution ability are very outstanding.

Xu Fengyuan explained the situation to Wei Ruo: "Miss Wei, the road dug in the city is wide enough for your carriage to pass, but the section of road we dug is relatively narrow, only enough for one person and one horse to walk side by side."

"It's okay, Mr. Xu, you go back first, I'll wait for the people in the city to dig the road to me before starting." Wei Ruo replied.

"No, it's too dangerous to leave you two girls in this wilderness." Xu Fengyuan objected.

"Xiumei and I can take care of ourselves, and now that the snow is covering the fields, not to mention people, even animals are gone, so there is no danger. What's more, it won't be long before the people in the city can leave the rest of us. The next section of the road will be widened," Wei Ruo explained.

"This..." Xu Fengyuan was still a little worried.

"Brother Xu, go back first, I will stay here to take care of my sister." Wei Yichen said.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Yichen patted Xu Fengyuan on the shoulder, and signaled him and others to leave as soon as possible with his eyes.

Xu Fengyuan instantly understood Wei Yichen's meaning, knowing that it would not be a good thing for Wei Ruo for the rest of them to stay.

So Xu Fengyuan and the others left first.

Mr. Tan also went into the city under the escort of four servants.

Before they left, Wei Ruo gave them the remaining two pills together with the porcelain bottle containing the pills.

Only Wei Ruo, Xiumei and Wei Yichen were left in the shed.

Wei Yichen sat outside on a bamboo bed covered with blankets, watching quietly.

For dinner, Wei Ruo lit the fire and cooked as usual, but this time the portion needed to be cooked was less, and there were only the three of them.

Wei Ruo made noodle cakes with flour and dried meat, pasted them on a pan and fried them until cooked.

"Eat." Wei Ruo handed the meatloaf to Wei Yichen.

Wei Yichen looked at the meatloaf in his hand, but didn't speak immediately.

"What's the matter? Is it not to your taste?" Wei Ruo asked.

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