Blessed Daughter

Chapter 416 Agreeing to Your Marriage as a Father

And all of this is led by Dr. Xu who rarely shows up in front of people.

This made the name Xu Heyou leave a very deep impression in the hearts of the people in Taizhou Prefecture, and it also made people who didn't know much about Xu Heyou involuntarily have great curiosity about him.

At this time, Fan Chengxu was drinking with Wei Yichen, Xu Fengyuan and others in Zuixianju.

There were seven people present, except for Fan Chengxu, the other six were all students of Anzhou College who were trapped in the snow with Wei Ruo that day.

Today's banquet is a practical wine for everyone to send Lu Yuhong off.

During the meeting, everyone discussed the topic from the recent snow disaster to Xu Heyou, who recently opened a relief center to relieve many victims.

Liu Yudao: "This Xu Heyou has donated both money and energy, and he can make all the famous doctors in Taizhou Prefecture take turns to give free consultations. It is really amazing. Now many people in Taizhou Prefecture have received his favor, and everyone praises it He is a good man."

Yuan Wangyuan said: "It costs a lot of money just to donate medicine, and also give cotton-padded quilts and charcoal fires to those in ragged clothes. It lasts for half a month, and it is estimated that thousands of taels of silver have been spent."

Gao Wentian said: "It's all right if you have money, and you have superb medical skills. It is said that he has free consultations these days through a curtain, but he can accurately diagnose each patient's illness and prescribe good medicine for them. its diagnosis and treatment."

Yuan Wangyuan said: "I also heard that the medical skills are really superb. He took the lead in treating the epidemic last year and cured many difficult and miscellaneous diseases during the free clinic this year. I heard that some elders in my family who have old diseases want to see him. , if he didn't only see the free clinic, I'm afraid he would have gone to him by now."

Liu Yu followed up and said, "My old lady also had the idea of ​​asking him to see a doctor, and even sent someone over to inquire, but Dr. Xu only intends to give free consultations to poor people and disaster victims, even if he gives money, he can't get it."

Lu Yuhong answered, "His medical skills are really good, even the Seventh Prince is also him..."

He stopped in the middle of talking, he almost missed the story about the Seventh Prince being rescued by Xu Heyou!

Everyone looked at Lu Yuhong curiously, and Lu Yuhong quickly changed the subject: "I mean Xu Heyou's medical skills are praised by even the Seventh Prince."

Xu Fengyuan concluded and commented: "Being able to give porridge and medicine for many days in a row shows that he has a lot of financial resources; he can cure diseases and save people, which shows that his medical skills are very superb; being able to have so many doctors in Taizhou Prefecture come forward for free consultations, its appeal is also impressive. Marvel."

Hearing the comments of several people, Fan Chengxu smiled and said: "This Xu Heyou has more than that."

"Mr. Fan seems to know something about this Doctor Xu?" Xu Fengyuan asked.

Others also stared at Fan Chengxu.

Fan Chengxu shook the folding fan in his hand, and said with a mysterious smile: "I don't dare to say that I understand it well, but I know a little more than you. This person is very business-minded. As long as you give him the opportunity to give him the capital, he will be fine. There will be a shortage of money."

"To be able to make Mr. Fan's evaluation like this, he should be very good at doing business." Xu Fengyuan said.

Fan Chengxu is a top-notch businessman in Taizhou Prefecture. He has said so, so there should be no fakes.

This further increased everyone's curiosity about Xu Heyou.

"If there is a chance, I really want to get to know each other." Liu Yu couldn't help but said.

The rest of the people agreed, and they also wanted to get acquainted.

After pushing the cups and changing the cups, several people got a little drunk.

"It's so lucky to have you guys as company today!" After Lu Yuhong expressed his emotion, he couldn't help but said, "It's just that there is a little less thyme, so it's better to drink it happily that day."

Said that Lu Yuhong's eyes fell on Fan Chengxu's body, which is quite reproachful.

Fan Chengxu said with a smile: "You can't blame me. I send two jars of this wine to my restaurant every day. It's not easy to leave two jars for you."

Xu Heyou had to be blamed for this matter!

Liu Yu got up to pay respects to Lu Yuhong and expressed his parting emotion: "Brother Lu, after you go to the capital this time, we don't know when we will meet again."

Lu Yuhong said: "What are you talking about? When you go to the capital to take the imperial examination, I will host you in the capital, won't you be able to see me?"

Liu Yu hurriedly waved his hands: "Among us, only Brother Xu and Brother Wei can go, so I'll let it go."

Xu Fengyuan patted Liu Yu on the shoulder: "Brother Liu, don't be discouraged, you will pass the high school exam after three years!"

Liu Yu shook his head: "I'm not as good at learning as you and brother Yichen, especially you, you have passed the exam and your future is limitless."

Hearing this, Xu Fengyuan glanced at the silent Wei Yichen and said, "Brother Yichen did not perform properly in the autumn test. If he performed normally, it must not be my turn to be the Jieyuan."

In the college on weekdays, Wei Yichen has always performed better than Xu Fengyuan.

I don't know why in the autumn test, Xu Fengyuan was the winner, while Wei Yichen was ranked behind.

"Brother Xu deserves the name of Xie Yuan in high school. I usually have better luck." Wei Yichen replied.

"Okay, okay, you two should stop being humble! You are the pride of our Anzhou Academy, and the brothers will rely on you in the future." Liu Yu stood up and toasted.

After that, several people drank fine wine and delicious food, expressed their blessings to each other, looked forward to the future, and expressed their grand ambitions. They didn't disperse until dusk.


After more than 20 days of hard work by Taizhou Prefecture, the damage caused by the snow disaster to Taizhou Prefecture has basically passed.

The people resumed their normal lives, and the farmers who planted winter wheat began to work in the field to make up for the losses caused by the heavy snow.

On the first day of the winter month, Wei Mingting, who had just returned home from the military camp, called Wei Ruo to the study as soon as he returned home.

After Wei Ruo entered, Wei Mingting told her his deliberate decision - he agreed with Wei Ruo to marry the scholar named Zhao Xun.

"I've already done some research. The scholar named Zhao Xun is indeed a plastic talent. His family background is clean. Although his body is a little weak, I asked the doctor to show him that he is not in danger of life. From many aspects, he is indeed a good man. A good match. In addition, you belong to him, and as a father, there is nothing to object to."

"Thank you father!"

Although this marriage was just a plan for him to break away from the Wei family, Wei Ruo couldn't help being happy to get Wei Mingting's approval.

Immediately afterward, Wei Mingting said to Wei Ruo with some guilt: "Although my father has been an official for many years, he has no style of business. He has not accumulated any family property and cannot give you a generous dowry."

Hearing this, Wei Ruo couldn't help being a little moved.

"Father, what you have done all these years is obvious to all. You don't have to feel sorry for not being able to save any family property. The wealth you have accumulated is far from being measured by money. As for the dowry, you don't care about the number of daughters." Wei Ruo said.

"You can understand my father, I am very happy as a father." Wei Mingting said.

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