Blessed Daughter

Chapter 421 Arriving in the capital

Then Wei Ruo said to Xiumei: "Go to the Zhao family for me, and inform the brothers of the Zhao family, so that they don't have to worry about it. Let's forget about getting married for now. Then send two letters to Sibaozhai for me, and let the people there Send it to the provincial capital and hand it over to Nanny and Uncle Xu."

As Xu Heyou, Wei Ruo ordered the Zhao family brothers to propose marriage to Miss Wei's family. Although the Zhao family brothers did not know the reason, but because of Wei Ruo's life-saving grace, they have been doing their best to handle this matter.

Now that the matter fell through, Wei Ruo still wanted to inform the two of them, so that they would not be worried all the time, and Wei Ruo still had some things to tell the two of them.

In addition, since Brother Xiaoyong will continue to stay in the Anti-Japanese Army, she will not bring the nanny and the others with her when she goes north this time. She left a letter to explain what they will do in the next period of time, and arrange Taizhou Prefecture and Lin'an Matters related to the government's land property and shops.

Although the bad weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces has reduced grain production in the past two years, Wei Ruo believes that as long as the climate improves, the grain production in this area will definitely be very impressive.

So if she wants to buy land, the land in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is the first choice. No matter where she goes, the land here must be kept.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Xiumei acted neatly. After changing her attire, she ran back and forth, delivered a letter and brought Wei Ruo's message.

Then I went back to Tingsongyuan and Wei Ruo to pack things together.

Wei Ruo has a lot of things, but everything that is valuable must be taken away.

The carriages in the mansion are limited, Wei Ruo doesn't plan to use them, she already has a carriage herself, and it was strengthened just two days ago.

Wei Ruo plans to buy another carriage to transport her luggage.

It's not really how much luggage needs to be loaded in the carriage, no matter how much luggage Wei Ruo can store in her space.

But on the way, she can't take things out of the space indefinitely, which will arouse people's suspicion, so it is more convenient to have an extra carriage.

In addition to bringing enough things, the preparations for protection must also be done well.

It is a long way to go to the capital, and the past two years have been eventful, so there is no guarantee that there will be no dangerous things on the way.

Even if it is not needed this time, when it may be useful in the future, there is always nothing wrong with making more preparations.

So Wei Ruo took Xiumei to the streets several times, found a few carpenters and blacksmiths, and was busy for a few days.


Before leaving Taizhou Mansion, Wei Qingwan had one more thing to do—to purchase Dr. Xu's scar-removing ointment.

Not only the three hundred taels given by Wei Mingyong at the beginning and the two hundred taels given by Yun's to buy the ointment have been used up, but after she failed to ask Dr. Xu to see Dr. Xu, she asked Wei Mingyong again for two hundred taels to buy two boxes of ointment. Not much left.

A total of seven boxes of ointment have been used, and only the last half box is left.

And most of the scars on her back have been removed, leaving only one-third of the original scars.

It is a long way to go to the capital, and it is difficult to buy more ointment, so she must buy enough ointment before leaving for the capital.

Fortunately, this time the Yun family sold the property shop and exchanged a sum of money. After some pleadings from Wei Qingwan, the Yun family took out three hundred taels of silver to buy ointment for Wei Qingwan.

Wei Qingwan immediately asked Nanny Li to go to Tongde Hall again.

However, this time, Nanny Li returned empty-handed, bringing back bad news: the store had sold out of the scar-removing ointment.

Wei Qingwan asked the reason, and wanted to know when it would happen again.

As a result, Nanny Li conveyed Tongdetang's response that Dr. Xu stored the ointment in the shop for sale, and it is not sure when it will be available again. It may be available in a few days, or it may not be available again in the future.

Wei Qingwan's face paled immediately, she thought that the matter of the scar had been resolved, and as long as she got the money, she would be able to recover as before.

I didn't expect this ointment to be sold out! And that Xu Heyou is a dragon who never sees the end!

Except for the free clinic a while ago, he hardly showed his face outside.

Where should she go to find him now?


On the fifteenth day of the winter month, the whole Wei family set off, Wei Yichen, Wei Mingyong and other males rode horses, and Yunshi, Wei Ruo and other female relatives rode in carriages.

Yunshi and Wei Qingwan have a carriage, Wei Ruo himself has a carriage, followed by four luggage carriages, three were bought by the mansion, and one was bought by Wei Ruo himself.

In addition, there are maids and guards from the mansion accompanying him.

The servant girl only brought a few close-fitting ones, and the guards didn't dare to worry about it. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be any danger along the way, so it's better to bring more people to rest assured.

Because the female relatives were pulling a lot of luggage, the journey was relatively slow.

This walk is more than a month.

During this period, the emperor of the capital conferred the canonization of Liu Heng, the sixth prince, and Chu Lan, the seventh prince. Among them, Liu Heng, the sixth prince, was canonized as King Yu, and Chu Lan, the seventh prince, was canonized as King Jing.

At the same time, the Ninth Prince also attended the canonization ceremony and formally entered the ruling and opposition parties.

It's just that the Ninth Prince is weak. It is said that on the day of the conferment of the pawn, he was helped to leave by the palace servants halfway because of physical discomfort.

At the same time, people were also surprised by the emperor's attitude towards the ninth prince. After confirming that the ninth prince was the son that Empress Xu gave birth to before her death, the prince cared about him more than any of the previous ones. Prince.

After a tiring journey, Wei Ruo followed the members of the Wei family and finally arrived in the capital on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Zhongyibo Mansion is located at the end of Zhuque Street in the capital, with a magnificent gate and two majestic stone lions at the gate.

On the vermilion gate, a plaque inlaid with gold is very eye-catching, and the four characters of Zhongyi Bofu are majestic.

Just by observing carefully, Wei Ruo could see that the red paint on the gate was peeling off, a corner of the copper ring on the gate was missing, and the two majestic stone lions were also damaged.

The wall is very high, from the outside looking in, you can see the gray-green roof and attic inside.

The team bypassed the gate and entered the side alley.

On weekdays, this door is not open, and ordinary family members use the side door to go in and out.

When entering the door, Yun Shi once again told Wei Ruo to be careful and not to be rash.

Among the group, only Wei Ruo was the first to visit the Zhongyibo Mansion, and even the young Wei Yilin had lived in the Zhongyibo Mansion before.

After entering the mansion, Wei Ruo was taken to the Changchun Garden by his servants, and then dragged to wash by two maidservants.

Surrounded by several servant girls, Wei Ruo washed her inside and out, and then they changed her into the clothes they had prepared in advance.

Wei Ruo lowered his head and looked, the clothes were newly made, the fit was suitable, and the high-quality satin was used, it could be seen that he had put his heart into it.

Then Wei Ruo was taken to Shou'an Hall, which is the old lady's residence.

Wei Ruo walked around the screen and came to the inner room, which was already full of people.

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