Blessed Daughter

Chapter 438 Reducing to a Joke

Early the next morning, the son of the Xuanping Hou Mansion brought people to visit.

The Wei family is afraid of coming here for whatever reason, the son of the world came here this time to annul the engagement.

The eldest son of the eldest son of the Wei family proposed to withdraw the engagement and asked for the dowry back on the grounds that the young lady of the Wei family had the fate of Kefu's last son, and their brothers and sisters and Lord Xuanping wanted to live a few more years.

The elder son had a tough attitude, and he blocked all the old uncle's persuasion.

In the end, the Marquis of Xuanping had no choice but to cancel the marriage, and return all the betrothal gifts.

For a while, Wei Ruo became a joke in the circle of wealthy aristocrats in the capital and a topic of conversation after dinner.

Even if she had made some achievements in Taizhou Mansion and received a compliment from the emperor, no one in the capital would dare to marry her.


In Wei Qingwan's courtyard.

"Miss, this young lady has suffered retribution now! According to the servant girl, she was the one who spread the rumors about the young lady in the Taizhou mansion that day. Now that she is well, she herself has been burdened by the rumors and has become a broomstick who cannot get married. star!"

Cui He spoke ill of Wei Ruo in front of Wei Qingwan with a happy face.

"Karma retribution, the reincarnation of heaven, people are doing what the sky is watching, she has the intention of harming me, now that she has suffered retribution, she can't blame anyone." Wei Qingwan said lightly.

"Well, miss, you are right. According to the servants, the young lady may not even be able to marry a poor woman this time. When I went to the kitchen to get the young lady's bird's nest just now, I heard people in the mansion say, The old man intends to find a clean tenant from the village, and arrange for the young lady to marry him as soon as possible."

"The grandparents probably meant that they wanted her to marry before me."

"That's right, Missy's reputation is so bad now, and time is getting tighter, so she must not be able to find a good family." Cui He couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

A smile appeared on Wei Qingwan's face.


The big house of the Wei family.

"This dead girl is really useless, a good marriage is just gone!" Wei Minghong cursed.

While Wei Minghong was worried about Sanfang's daughter being able to marry high, he was annoyed and angry at Wei Ruo's failure to marry into Xuanping Hou's mansion to win benefits for the Wei family.

Mo Shi didn't dare to speak from the side.

Wei Minghong cursed again: "The key is that the divorce is difficult to find anyone else. Is this dead girl going to let the Wei family support her until she grows old?"

"That's not the case. I think Ruo'er's child is quite intelligent, and he was born with a healthy body. He can't marry a Marquis, but he can marry an ordinary family." Mo said in a low voice.

"Marry an ordinary family? Doesn't the Wei family have to give her a dowry?" Wei Minghong snorted coldly.

Mo Shi was silent again.

Wei Minghong continued: "If I knew this earlier, it would be better if I didn't recognize her back then, it would be of no use at all!"


The second room of the Wei family.

"It's really unlucky for a good marriage to be ruined like this!" Wei Mingyong said in an irritable tone.

Mrs. Bai was silent for a while, and after a while, she suddenly said to Wei Mingyong: "My lord, it was because this girl was useful in the past, and the second elder used to her, so we have to avoid her. Now she is useless, should we also avoid her?" So you don't have to give her face?"

Wei Mingyong looked at Bai Shi: "What did you think of?"

"Those two jars of thyme! Did you forget? Didn't you want to give away her two jars of thyme a few years ago?"

Wei Mingyong's eyes lit up: "You reminded me!"

"More than that, there are many good things in her room!" Mrs. Bai was already thinking.

Wei Mingyong thought for a while and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Asking her to take out the things is a small contribution she has made to this family."


Changchun Garden.

With the dust of retiring the engagement settled, Wei Ruo is in a good mood.

Right now, she is sitting in front of the desk, planning her rouge and gouache shop.

Trouble needs to be resolved, and money must continue to be earned.

When it is inconvenient to go out in Changchun Garden, Wei Ruo will not be idle. She has done the planning work here, and when she has the opportunity to go out, she can quickly implement it.

It is not easy to open a rouge gouache shop. If Wei has the funds, the trouble is how to build a rouge gouache workshop.

It is much more difficult to produce in batches than she used to mix a few boxes of skin care cream in small quantities.

She can make a small amount by herself, but for large quantities, she must have a continuous and stable production line, and also need to build a complete supply to ensure the supply of raw materials and cost control.

First of all, Wei Ruo needs manpower.

The Zhao family brothers Zhao Hai and Zhao Xun had already arrived in the capital, and among the things that Wei Ruo asked Xiumei to tell them before leaving Taizhou Mansion, except for temporarily giving up on the marriage proposal, he asked them to come to the capital.

The reason why the Zhao family brothers were chosen was because Zhao Xun had also won the Juren, and he had to take part in the examination after the beginning of spring. Arranging the Zhao family brothers to come to the capital at this time is undoubtedly killing two birds with one stone. It will not only let Zhao Hai take care of his younger brother, but also let Zhao Hai Work for yourself.

There were also a few villagers from Shitou Village who came together. These villagers wanted to venture out, so Wei Ruo asked Zhao Hai to take them with them. When they first entered the capital, the Zhao family brothers alone would not be able to support them alone. Bring more reliable people. , it is more convenient to develop.

Wei Ruo was busy in front of the desk when Mrs. Bai came.

With a smile on her face and light steps, Bai came to Wei Ruo like a gust of wind.

Before she approached him, Wei Ruo had already quietly covered the account book in front of him, and then asked calmly, "What's the matter with the second aunt?"

"Ruo'er, Second Aunt knows that you are not in a good mood when something like this happens." Bai said comfortingly.

"Thanks for caring."

Bad mood? No, she is in a much better mood now!

Bai took Wei Ruo's right hand and comforted her, "Second Aunt knows that you are sad, but this is the end of the matter, you can only look at it a little bit, and you still have to live on."

"Second Aunt, don't worry, I still take it very lightly, who is not married?"

"Yes, you marry whoever you marry. I believe your grandparents will arrange another good marriage for you." Bai said.

Looking at Bai's earnest appearance, Wei Ruo guessed that she had something to tell him.

"The second aunt didn't come here just to comfort me, did she?" Wei Ruo said.

"The most important thing is of course to comfort you, Ruo'er. Of course, there are other things. Ruo'er, a friend of yours from Huzhou Prefecture gave you two jars of thyme as a gift, didn't you? At that time you said You are going to keep those two jars of wine as a dowry, but you see the Marquis of Xuanping has retired from the engagement..."

Wei Ruo hooked her lips into a smile, and she really came for her things.

"Xuanpinghou's mansion has retired, but I still want to marry someone else in the future. Uncle Zhongyi's mansion can't support me for the rest of my life. Second aunt, what do you think?" Wei Ruo asked.

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