Blessed Daughter

Chapter 475 Wei Ruo Attends the Banquet

"I don't want to say these things anymore. I don't want to be amazing. I just hope that His Royal Highness King Yu will not despise me. This opportunity was won by Mr. Qi for me with great difficulty. I can't stay with Mr. Qi in this life, but at least I can't let myself lose to Wei Qingruo."

Wei Qingwan's eyes are tough. This is what she told herself when she chose to take this path. Since she can't get love, she should work hard to gain power and make Wei Qingruo pay the price!

"Miss, don't worry, although the eldest miss has become Princess Rui and has a high status, her glory is only temporary. Everyone knows about Prince Rui's situation, and they don't know how many days she will have a good life. She In the future, I will definitely not be able to compare with you, Miss. Let's say that today's Lu family's banquet may not be possible for the eldest lady, and if not, she will have to stay in the palace to take care of Prince Rui." Cui He snickered.

Wei Qingwan got up and walked out of the house. Mrs. Bai was already waiting for her.

These days, Mrs. Bai has treated her more warmly than Mrs. Yun's mother, which made Wei Qingwan wonder whether Mrs. Yun still has her daughter in her heart.

"Wanwan, you're here. The second aunt knows that you need some time to dress up, so she didn't dare to go in and disturb you." With a smile all over her face, Bai came forward to hold Wei Qingwan's hand enthusiastically.

"I kept my second aunt waiting for a long time."

"Don't get in the way, don't get in the way, our Wanwan is the most important thing, don't say just wait for such a short time, no matter how long you can wait!"

When Bai Shi and Wei Qingwan came to the door, Yun Shi and Mo Shi had already been waiting here.

Seeing Wei Qingwan and Bai's coming together, Yun's eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing Yun's cold eyes, Wei Qingwan couldn't help but sneered in her heart. Sure enough, she, an adopted daughter who can only be a concubine, can't compare to her own daughter who can be a concubine.

Yun Shi looked away, and then boarded the carriage with Mo Shi.

Seeing this, Bai Shi used the excuse that she had something for Wei Qingwan to taste for her, and pulled Wei Qingwan into the second carriage.


As old master Lu celebrated his birthday, Prince Rui's Palace naturally also received the invitation letter.

It stands to reason that Prince Rui and his wife would also go to congratulate, other palaces would go, there is no reason not to go to Prince Rui's residence.

It's just that everyone didn't have any hope about whether Prince Rui and Prince Rui's residence would attend, because Prince Rui was in poor health, and this was something that everyone in the capital knew.

Wei Ruo planned to accept the invitation, so she specially dressed up for it.

Not only did she put on an exquisite makeup, but she even put on a purple dress.

This set of clothes is newly made, made of brocade dyed lavender, with some simple patterns embroidered with darker purple silk threads.

There is also a large gauze sleeve covering the outside, as thin as a cicada's wing and as light as nothing.

The color is lighter than the purple of the inner layer, and the outer layer adds a sense of layering, making the whole dress fuller and softer.

Xiumei couldn't help laughing: "Miss, why are you here to celebrate the birthday of the old man of the Lu family? You are clearly here to bring goods!"

The word "bringing goods" was taught by the lady. The lady said that carrying her own products on her body and showing its advantages and benefits to outsiders is called bringing goods.

If Wei had nothing to do early, if she had no other purpose, she would not have dressed herself up so carefully.

Look at her outfit today, everything is exquisite from head to toe, even the lipstick is more red than usual.

I don't think she had put so much effort into dressing herself up on the day she got married.

"That's natural. Those who can attend the birthday party of the old man of the Lu family are all the most expensive people in the capital. They have the most money in their pockets. If I don't sell my good stuff, who will they sell?" Wei Ruo hooked her lips and smiled slyly.

Xiumei: "Miss is right! I agree with both hands and feet!"

Wei Ruo: "You can show me one at the same time."

Xiumei: "Miss, this is just a metaphor!"

Wei Ruo: "Then your lady, I want to see you on all fours."

Xiumei: "Okay miss, you compare me to that turtle bastard!"

Wei Ruo: "Is there? I didn't say you said it yourself!"

Xiumei: "Miss, you are bad!"

After playing and laughing for a while, the master and servant saw that it was almost time, so they set off.

Walking out of the room, Lin Fang saw Wei Ruo's clothes, and couldn't help but said: "Miss, this dress is really beautiful, the purple color is brighter and more elegant than usual, I have never seen it dyed in such a color before. The craftsmen who do the dyeing craft are very powerful!"

Wen Yan Xiumei laughed out loud: "Sister Lin, it's not that the dyeing craftsman is good, it's that the dyes used are different."

"The dye is different, isn't it dyed with comfrey?" Lin Fang wondered.

"This ordinary purple dress is indeed the color extracted from the roots of comfrey, but the one on my lady's body is different, it is made of bone murex." Xiumei replied.

"Mexis? A type of snail?" The doubts on Lin Fang's face became more serious.

"Yes, it's a kind of conch. There are branches in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. If a fisherman catches it, the lady will buy it." Xiumei explained.

"But how does conch make dye?" Lin Fang continued to ask.

"Take out the glands of the murex, put them in a bottle filled with cold water to ferment for a few hours, then filter them, and dry the filtered things in the sun. After a few days, you can get a purple dye. This This kind of dye is more rare than comfrey, but the dyed color is brighter, and it will not fade after a long time. Unlike comfrey, which can only be colored with silk, and it can only show a better purple color after ten times, bone The purple extracted from the snails will be more obvious after only one dye," Xiumei explained.

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Fang was very surprised.

Wei Ruo said with a slight smile: "What Meimei said is true, but this method of production is relatively difficult, so I don't have much purple from the murex. In addition, it can be extracted through coal. That method The raw materials are easy to find, but the production method is a bit harsh.”

"Coal? That black thing can also extract purple?" Lin Fang wondered again.

"Well, put the coal in the boiler, cut off the air and fire it at high temperature, you can get a combustible gas and black coal tar, from which a lot of colors can be extracted. Only because of limited conditions, the production process The failure rate is relatively high. But as long as it succeeds once, you can get a lot of purple dye." Wei Ruo replied.

Lin Fang was in a daze: "It's really amazing. I have never heard of what the lady said, I have been in the rivers and lakes for many years."

Wei Ruo smiled, "It's normal for Sister Lin not to know about it."

Then the three of them walked towards the door and joined Wei Jin who had been waiting for a long time.

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