Blessed Daughter

Chapter 531 After things get serious

But Wei Yichen not only showed no guilt at all, but made a request that shocked everyone in the Wei family: to separate the family.

Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei are still alive, and ordinary families will not separate brothers while the older generation is still alive.

This move was scolded by everyone in the Wei family, but Wei Yichen remained unmoved and insisted on dividing the houses on the grounds that the second wife of the Wei family had harmed his sister.

The most unexpected thing was that Mrs. Wei actually agreed to Wei Yichen's unreasonable request.

At present, we have not come to a conclusion as to whether the family should be separated or not. We only know that from yesterday to today, the Wei family has not stopped.

After listening to Lin Fang's words, Wei Ruo sighed lightly. She was not surprised that she had guessed that there would be such a follow-up since she knew that Wei Yichen arranged the matter yesterday.

What Wei Yichen has to do is difficult, and it may even affect his career.

But his determination was greater than anyone else's, and he was determined to cut ties with the people in the first and second houses.

"Miss, do you think the young master can succeed?" Xiumei couldn't help but asked curiously.

"He has done this. Even if the separation of the family fails in the end, he can at least let outsiders know that the third room of the Wei family and the second room of the Wei family are at odds with each other. What the second room of the Wei family does outside and who they are friends with cannot represent the third room. If Fang's idea is met, then more than half of his goal will be achieved." Wei Ruodao.

Xiumei nodded, "So, the eldest young master is very smart and can be ruthless. This kind of eldest young master is very different from what I have seen before!"

Wei Ruo then asked Lin Fang: "Where is Wei Qingwan?"

"She was taken back to Prince Yu's Mansion by Princess Yu, and there was no news about her after that. It seems that Prince Yu's Mansion had no plans to deal with her." Lin Fang said.

"It makes sense. Prince Yu has no time to care about the affairs in the backyard. Princess Yu is thoughtful and tactful. Taking Wei Qingwan back quietly is the best choice." Wei Ruodao.

"Do you think Prince Yu's Palace will force Wei Qingwan to commit suicide in order to preserve his reputation?" Lin Fang asked.

"I wouldn't have guessed this. I haven't had much contact with Prince Yu, and I only met Prince Yu's concubine at the last Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet." Wei Ruodao.

Putting aside her personal grievances with Wei Qingwan, as far as her innocence was almost destroyed, Wei Ruo did not want the victim to commit suicide to apologize. In her mind, she could not accept this kind of victim committing suicide to prove his innocence. custom.

How can you prove your innocence when everyone is dead? What kind of family honor is there? What’s the use of reputation if the people are gone?


Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion.

Anxin Pavilion.

After Yun was sent back, she fell ill. A doctor was called in to see her, who said she was suffering from a severe illness.

Then I developed a fever and spent the night in a daze. It was only after the fever subsided the next morning that I became more awake.

After hearing the results of the interrogation, Yun's vision went dark when she just woke up, and she almost fainted again.

"This Bai Chunxiao who suffered a thousand cuts! Why did he harm my two daughters like this!"

Yunshi has never hated Baishi as much as she does at this moment.

In the past, Mrs. Bai couldn't stand her. She would say bad things about her secretly, but she could tolerate it even if she was a little smart. A while ago, she could tolerate lending money to Wanwan behind her back.

But this time, Bai was really crazy to do such a heartbreaking thing!

After a while, Yun asked Cuiping: "Where is Bai now?"

Cuiping replied: "I beat Wu Daban and got him back. He is now recuperating at his residence."

"Why only five boards?"

"Prince Yu's Mansion did not delve into this matter, and the eldest young master did not say how to hold him accountable later. The government office turned it into a major matter and turned it into a trivial matter." Cuiping answered cautiously.

Yun thought for a while and then said, "Cuiping, help me up."

"Madam, where are you going?" Cuiping asked.

"I'm going to find Yichen and ask for details," Yun said.

"Madam, the eldest young master is not at home now. He went out after a quarrel with the old man in Shou'an Hall today."

Mrs. Yun wanted to find Wei Yichen, but Wei Yichen went out and was not at home.

"He deliberately wants to avoid our inquiries." Yunshi guessed, feeling quite depressed.

"Madam, please don't be angry. The eldest young master must be doing these things now for a reason. He must be doing it for our master and his wife," Cuiping said.

"Even so, he can't hurt Wanwan like this! I have no objection if he wants to be an enemy of the Bai family, and I support if he wants to push for the separation of the Wei family, but he can't push Wanwan into the pit of fire! He makes Wanwan like this How will she behave in the future? Even if Prince Yu's Mansion doesn't deal with this matter, she will have a difficult time in Prince Yu's Mansion in the future! What if she can't think about it for a moment and just throws a foot of white silk... Then... what should I do?" Mrs. Yun was angry again. Worried again.

"Madam, Second Miss did that to you, and you still miss her?" Cuiping felt a little sorry for Yun.

"She is the daughter I raised with my own hands. I watched her grow up little by little. From the first time she called me mother to the time she staggered to walk, how can the relationship of more than ten years be written off so easily."

Yun took a long sigh and then closed her eyes, her expression full of sorrow and reluctance.

After her mood calmed down a bit, Mrs. Yun ordered Cuiping to go outside to inquire about the news, and then sent a letter to Prince Yu's Mansion, asking Wei Qingwan not to think of committing suicide.


Prince Yu's Mansion.


Wei Qingwan was already awake, lying on the bed looking at the bed curtains with dull eyes.

Just now Cuihe told her everything that happened yesterday.

Not only did she mistakenly take the aphrodisiac intended for Wei Qingruo, she was also caught red-handed by the Wei family.

What is even more unacceptable is that Wei Yichen chose to turn this matter into an intelligence officer! Let everyone know that she almost lost her innocence!

"Why? Why? How can he be so cruel!" Wei Qingwan suddenly slapped the bed board with both hands like crazy.

She hates, hates!

Even if something went wrong, as long as the Wei family kept their mouth shut, she wouldn't have suffered like this.

But Wei Yichen actually chose the way to hurt her the most!

I’m afraid that the world doesn’t know about it!

"Miss, please don't worry! Even if the matter is spread out, everyone knows that nothing happened between you and the servant. The matter was stopped in time!"

"So what? The world won't believe this! They will only think that my innocence is ruined! Even if I didn't, they would still laugh at me in their hearts!" Wei Qingwan said, trembling all over.


"Why? Why? I couldn't defeat Wei Qingruo in Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion. Now that I've arrived at Prince Yu's Mansion, I haven't done anything yet and was ruined by Wei Qingruo again! I hate her, I hate her!"

"Miss, don't be angry. If you are so angry, won't you just make Wei Qingruo's bitch happy in vain?"

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