Blessed Daughter

Chapter 580 Arriving at Jiliao

So she still kept this secret in her heart for the time being in order to maintain the close and natural relationship with her second brother.

Wei Jin could also tell that the "man like that" in Wei Ruo's words was concrete.

Has she met that person?

What kind of man is that?

Thinking of this, Wei Jin couldn't help but tighten his hands hidden in his sleeves.

Then the two of them looked to one side, each with their own thoughts.

The same thing is that no one continued this topic or chose to pierce the window paper.


The sixth day of March.

Although the weather was a little cold, the sun was shining brightly, just like Wei Ruo's mood.

Wei Ruo and his party finally arrived at their palace in Jiliao.

Wei Ruo jumped off the carriage, and Wei Jin, who followed closely behind, also put her cloak on Wei Ruo.

"This place is no better than the capital, so don't freeze."


Wei Ruo gathered her clothes and then looked up at the door.

The entire gate is very old, only the plaque is newly replaced, with the three characters "Prince Rui's Mansion" written on it.

This will be their future home.

Wei Ruo and Wei Jin also entered the door.

This official residence was smaller than their palace in the capital, and was quite simple and dilapidated. It looked a bit in disrepair.

But even so, it is already the most luxurious building in the neighborhood.

Wei Ruolai had already seen it on the way. This area is vast and sparsely populated, the people are poor, the houses are simple, and even the government offices are dilapidated.

Wei Ruo didn't dislike this at all, and even looked forward to it.

Some rooms have been cleaned by the advance troops, and Wei Ruo and others can move in directly.

Because the house is not big, there are only two spacious and bright backyards, and the rest are relatively small.

Wei Ruo and Wei Jin each live in the same house. This time it is the same as their Wei family in Xingshan County. The houses are next to each other.

Just as Xiumei brought a ladder in, Wei Ruo leaned the ladder against the wall and lay on the wall to look at the next door.

Wei Jin was also keenly aware of the eyes staring at him, raised his head, and met Wei Ruo's smiling face.

Wei Jinyi also had a smile on his face, and he looked at Wei Ruo with soft eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Wei Jin also asked.

"Let's see if my second brother's yard is suitable for growing bamboo."

Because bamboo is grown in the Yingzhu Garden of Wei Jinyi in Xingshan County.

"There is room for planting in the yard, but it's just not easy to grow bamboo in the land of Jiliao, right?"

"Then I want to try to see if my ability to grow and work can be applied to bamboo."

"Well, it's up to you."

"Second brother, do you think my yard is called Tingsongyuan or Songzhuyuan?" Wei Ruo asked.

Wei Jin also paused, not understanding what Wei Ruo's purpose was in asking this question.

"I think everything is pretty good." Wei Jin also replied.

"I think it's better to call it Songzhuyuan."

"Well, it's up to you."

"Second brother, will we still eat together in the future?" Wei Ruo continued to ask.

During the last period of time in the capital and on the way here, they always had meals together.

"According to your."

"Second brother, can you change your answer? Don't always rely on me. If you really rely on me, then I might do something." Wei Ruo said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"If Ruo'er is willing, I would like to have dinner with Ruo'er." Wei Jin also replied.

Of course he was willing, but he was just afraid that she wouldn't be willing, that she would be in trouble, and that he would disturb her.

"Okay!" After receiving a satisfactory answer, Wei Ruocai climbed down from the wall.


After moving in, Wei Ruo immediately started busy with matters related to the spring sowing.

There is a time for everything and time waits for no one. Wei Ruo doesn’t want to miss the best farming time this year.

Although the land of Jiliao is Wei Jinyi's fiefdom, Wei Jinyi has no administrative jurisdiction over the place. Most of the people and land are still responsible for the government here.

However, as a fief, the prince was allocated a large amount of land, which Wei Ruo was currently planning to arrange.

This wave of spring sowing Wei Ruo plans to plant potatoes, that is, potatoes, which are new seeds that her space has just upgraded and unlocked!

Wei Ruo has been waiting for potatoes a long time ago. This crop is very high-yielding. In the world she lived in before, this crop fed countless people and ushered in a population explosion.

She thought that since sweet potatoes were also unlocked, potatoes should be available as well.

Sure enough, it did come, and the timing was perfect!

Someone gave her a pillow when she was really dozing off. She just happened to use this piece of black land to experiment!

It’s not that this place is unsuitable for growing rice. In fact, rice can be grown in Jiliao.

Not only can it be planted, but as long as there are cold and frost-resistant varieties, the quality of the rice grown on this land is also very high.

It's just that the conditions for growing rice are not yet available, and now is the time when food is in urgent need, and compared to rice, potatoes have a shorter growth cycle!

Weiruo Space's potatoes are early-maturing varieties, and it only takes 60 days from emergence to harvest.

This way they can grow for at least three seasons before winter comes!

Wei Ruo not only planned to grow potatoes on the land under the name of Prince Rui's Mansion, but also planned to let the nearby people grow potatoes with him.

Wei Ruo needs to make some preparations for this. Changing grain seeds is a big deal. Land resources are limited. If you plant the wrong grain, you cannot change it casually. This is related to the livelihood of the family. Therefore, if Wei wanted to convince them in a short period of time, he had to come up with reasons that could convince them.

First of all, the first thing Wei Ruo plans to do is to distribute food!

In addition to the portion of food delivered this time by Wei Ruo and his team, nearly a hundred trucks of food will be delivered in the future.

These were previously stored by Wei Ruo in warehouses near Prince Rui's Mansion and the capital.

Because the car was heavy and heavy, and we had to be extra careful about bandits along the way, it took a little longer than Wei Ruo's main team. Even if they set off a few days earlier, they would still have to arrive a few days later.

Wei Ruo planned to keep part of the food as rations for the palace this year, and distribute the rest to local residents according to the statistical population.

Anyway, she usually uses excess food to provide disaster relief. Although the people in this Jiliao land have not yet become displaced and become victims of disasters, judging from what she has seen along the way, they are not far away from becoming refugees.

She was going to use the food for disaster relief anyway, so why not just use it to save the people in her fiefdom?

Moreover, her move can also win a certain reputation for the palace and help her follow-up work.

So Wei Ruo called Zhang Yi, Ke Chongshan, Yu Zixiu and others over, circled a place on the map, and told a few people about his decision to distribute food to the people in this area.

Wei Ruo's decision surprised and puzzled Zhang Yi, Ke Chongshan, Yu Zixiu and others.

They thought that Wei Ruo's move was too risky. It was good to save people, but if the food was only left for one year, it was really a bit risky.

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