After eating, the two changed their luggage, put on comfortable hiking shoes and set off.

Mu Zi doesn't like mountain climbing, but if it's just for wandering in the mountains, she's still yearning for it.

The two walked on foot, because they were not in a hurry, so they were very leisurely.

The smooth concrete road only extends forward for a short distance before reaching the end, and further in, there are dense forests and shrubs.

A trail hides within, almost covered in vegetation.

"Are there wolves in the mountains? Or snakes?"

Mu Zi followed Murong Cheng in, and found that the woods were denser than she imagined, and most of the sunlight above her head was blocked.

She subconsciously hugged the messenger bag to her chest, worried that the little crow would be snatched by some animal.

Murong Cheng made fun of her from the side: "You are the one who wants it to be free, and you are the one who is worried about its death. Why don't you ask the crow for its opinion?"

Mu Zi gave him an angry look, and walked forward sullenly.

After walking for a while, the trees became less dense and lush, and the bright sunlight dotted the shade, casting magical beams of light.

The air is filled with the faint fragrance of grass and trees.

Along the way, there was no surprise or danger. Muzi was attracted by the scenery in the forest, and gradually forgot to be alert to danger. She looked around strangely with her nimble black eyes. Stare for a long time.

"Murong Cheng, look!" Mu Zi pointed to a bush, "There are a lot of fruits here."

She was very happy, with a smile on her face, delicate and cute, like an ignorant and innocent child.

Murong Cheng stood not far away, looking at Mu Zi who was picking wild berries, with fascination in his eyes.

He was right, since he met her, his heart has never been free. She was like a goblin, sometimes innocent, sometimes charming, as if possessing some kind of enchanting magic, which locked his soul firmly.

He really loves her.

Murong Cheng found it incredible that he had sunk to such an extent for a woman.

At that time, the news of her marriage came suddenly, and he was caught in the Huo family's power struggle, not only to kill, but also to prevent being killed.

At the wedding, he watched her approach Mu Zening step by step in white sand.

At that time, he asked himself, should he snatch that woman over?

But he can't protect himself, after snatching her, how can he protect her? Or, for her peace, give up the territory and forces that the Huo family is about to acquire, and stay away from fighting?

No, how could he be willing to give up on something he has been fighting for so long?

Thinking about it this way, he felt that he didn't love her that much.

Just seeing the two kissing each other with the blessing of the guests drove him mad with jealousy.

He can't have her! Don't allow others to get her!

Murong Cheng, who was tortured by jealousy, was selfish and cruel. He did some tricks and made Mu Zening suffer so much that he almost lost his life...

Now going around, she still belongs to him after all.

Murong Cheng approached Mu Zi, and brushed her hair hanging from her temples behind her ears. Mu Zi didn't realize it, and lowered her head to put the raspberries scattered on the ground into a canvas bag.

"This is raspberry, there are still many ahead." Murong Cheng led her forward.

Sure enough, there were more wild fruits ahead, Muzi was very excited, pointed to a tree of fruit and said, "I recognize this one, this is lantern fruit, right?"

After picking a lot, Mu Zi began to worry again: "But we can't finish it, will it be a waste?"

"Staying on the tree will only rot." Murong Cheng rubbed the top of her hair and said, "It can be squeezed into juice, or let mother make jam."

Hearing this, Mu Zi grinned, sincerely smiling, bright and bright, and her bright eyes became even brighter.

Murong Cheng's heart was slightly hot, and he pressed her against the tree trunk and kissed her enough.

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