Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1014: Jurisprudence and reason

After Yu Yang finished speaking, he looked at them and added: "Ding Houwei always emphasized when he pleaded guilty that he really loved the two men and cut the bodies into pieces and fed them to the catfish, just because he heard that the spirits in the river ate them. The corpse will become that person. For example, some people will bury the ashes of their relatives under a tree and use the tree as a sustenance.

Ding Houwei never fished again. Instead, he often bought some high-quality feed and went to the river to feed the catfish. He said he was afraid that his lover would starve. "

Several people were shuddering.

Especially Zhuang Jia and Jiang Zhinuan, their faces turned pale, "He treats catfish as his lover..."

"I think he is still covering up." Mu Zi's eyes were cold and disdainful. "It sounds good to be afraid of the lover's starvation. In fact, he is afraid that the catfish will eat other anglers' bait when he gets hungry, in case he gets caught ashore. , Things will be revealed."

The big fish caught ashore have only two ends: either put it back in the river or sell it to the restaurant.

Jiang Ci showed disgust and nodded: "You are right, love or not, it's all nonsense. He wants to cover up the cruelty of the crime process, so that he can save a few years of sentence!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ci looked at Yu Yang: "How many years of sentence?"

Yu Yang frowned, was silent for a moment, and said, "Fifteen years."

Everyone is quiet.

The air seemed to freeze suddenly, everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

"...Fifteen years?" Jiang Ci was unbelievable, "After spending so much effort to catch him, he was sentenced to 15 years in the end?!"

Mu Zi was stunned, and then reacted and said: "Ding Houwei was 21 years old. He was only 17 years old when the case happened. According to the Criminal Law and the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Minors, the death penalty is not applicable and should be given a lighter punishment. Even if a sentence of life imprisonment is given, it will usually be changed to 15 to 20 years as long as the sentence is good."

Yu Yang nodded: "Qin Lei is working hard for twenty years, but it's hard to say whether it will be approved by the above."

"Even if it has been sentenced for twenty years, it's not much compared to two lives..." Jiang Zhinuan sighed softly.

Everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere that was originally high was reduced a bit.

This depression continued for a while, and Zhuang Jia smiled, trying to activate the atmosphere: "Anyway, the real murderer is finally brought to justice! We should celebrate!...Thanks to Yu Yang, it was found that Ma Kaize was ill. The hospitalization...what's wrong with him? Why is he hospitalized?"

Yu Yang looked at her: "Anal fistula."

The atmosphere became even more weird.

Everyone's expressions are hard to express...


After the party, Mu Zi went home.

The matter was completely resolved, but the final result made her feel uncomfortable.

I don't know how Ma Kaize and Ma Kaiming's parents will feel after learning of the verdict. After losing two children one after another, the murderer only needs to go to prison for more than ten years...

Jurisprudence is legal principle, and reason is sentimental reason.

Emotionally, they feel that this person should be cruel and should be frustrated, but to return to reality, they must follow the law.

Life is really helpless sometimes.

Mu Zi sighed silently.

The car drove into the gate, the green grass was verdant, and the piebald python was snaking on the lawn and basking in the sun. A few crows were scattered around playing around, using the python as a slide.

One is missing.

Mu Zi didn't know which one was missing. The crows all looked the same, and she only recognized Xiaoya, because Xiaoya was unique and had white hairs on her head.

Could it be that Xiaoya's children are bored here, so they are looking for other territories elsewhere?

It's not impossible...

Mu Zi sat down next to Sisi and gently stroked its smooth body, feeling that it seemed to be a little fatter again.

After sitting for a while, a car drove into the yard, a luxurious and domineering Maybach.

Mu Zi's heart shrank suddenly.

It's Murong Cheng.

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