"Zhai Nan, you can't write like this."

Mu Zi returned those pages of the document to Zhai Nan, with puzzled eyes, "Why do you write this way?"

"Is it wrong to write this?" Zhai Nan looked blank and looked down at his homework again.

"You can't be regarded as a defense at all." Mu Zi said, "Zhai Nan, think about it in another way. If you are your agent, would you like to see such a defense? It is almost no different from a confession."

Zhai Nan was slightly embarrassed and murmured: "But he is a murderer. The blood stains in his house match the corpse, and the neighbors also heard the quarrel between the two. Obviously he killed each other during the quarrel and threw the corpse in. In the trash can, the facts of the crime are clear. All I can do is help him reduce his punishment..."

Mu Zi sighed in her heart. She felt that Zhai Nan had simply grasped the wrong point.

"Are you there when the crime happened?" Mu Zi asked him.

Zhai Nan was asked for a moment, "This is just a case..."

It is a fabricated story, it is false, how could Zhai Nan be present?

"Since you are not at the scene of the crime, how do you know if he murdered?" Mu Zi said.

Zhai Nan hesitated: "There are blood stains of the victim in his house..."

Mu Zi interrupted him: "Zhai Nan, you are wrong. The teacher asked us to write a defense statement, not a criminal complaint. Your role is a defense lawyer, not a prosecutor. You must be clear, that is no one Know what the truth is, your duty is to provide a strong defense for your client and do your best!"

"...Even if he is a murderer?" Zhai Nan looked embarrassed.

Mu Zi felt helpless, and said: "Anyone is innocent until he is convicted! No matter how cruel and terrible the crimes charged are, he has the right to a fair and legal trial! And the only way to get this kind of trial. , Is a defense lawyer defending them with due diligence!

But look at your defense, Zhai Nan, you are depriving him of his legal right to be tried. As his defense lawyer, under the premise of legal compliance, you must do your best to safeguard his interests. , At all costs, even if he is a murderer! "

Zhai Nan frowned and couldn't help refuting, "I know he killed someone, but I still have to work hard to get him out of the charge? Doing this...isn't it a bit immoral?"

"If you are a doctor and there is a dying murderer in front of you, can't you save it?" Mu Zi asked him, "If you save him, maybe he will kill again in the future, then is your act of saving people immoral?

The duty of a doctor is to save the dying and heal the wounded, and will not consider whether the patient is good or bad. The same is true for lawyers. Regardless of whether the client is good or bad, the first duty of the lawyer is to maintain the normal operation of judicial procedures. Even if he really killed someone, he must be deprived of his life through legal and fair procedures to be executed. "

Mu Zi really cares about Zhai Nan, so he spends a lot of time saying this.

After Zhai Nan passed the judicial examination five times, he finally entered the Judicial Research Institute. Mu Zi sincerely hoped that he could graduate successfully.

Zhai Nan seemed to understand a little, scratching the back of his head with embarrassment, and asked in a low voice, "Then what do you think...how should I change, better?"

"Rewrite." Mu Zi sighed. "You have to understand that prosecutors initiate public prosecutions, lawyers provide defenses, and judges center the judgment. This is a trial triangle structure. In this structure, no corner can be neglected, otherwise the balance of prosecution and defense will be broken, and it will be easy to fall into judicial arbitrariness. , So before you consider morality, you must be clear about your institutional role and whether you have fulfilled your duty."

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