Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1061: Won't lose

Mu Zi stayed in the library until evening.

She checked some legal case materials related to gambling, and also deliberately checked the historical origins of Chaxianghai City, the ups and downs of the domestic gambling industry, as well as individual claims against companies, and piles of books and materials.

If I can’t finish it in a day, I will record the book numbers one by one, and log in to the library's online client system when I go home, and then continue reading.

The prosecution’s strategy should be based on two points: one is how bad gambling is, and the other is how bitter Sun Wei’s family is.

The former makes people bitter with the enemy, while the latter invites sympathy and compassion.

Therefore, the prosecution will surely let Sun Wei's wife appear in court and play hard.

What about Sun Wei's daughter? ...No, Sun Wei’s daughter is only 5 years old. Cross-examination of a 5-year-old girl will definitely arouse the jury’s resentment.

Mu Zi contemplated that, based on the protection of minors, she felt that the judge would not agree to let the five-year-old child be questioned.

So, which cards are left in the hands of the prosecution?

As he was thinking, there was a shadow in front of him, Mu Zi looked up and saw Liao Liqin standing in front of him expressionlessly.

Liao Liqin also held a few books in her hand, as if she came to the library to look up materials.

Her gaze fell on the stack of books beside Mu Zi. Seeing that the title of the book contained the word gambling, she showed a cold smile: "How does it feel to defend the villain?"

Mu Zi looked down, glanced at the book at hand, and looked at the number of the book in his hand, silent for a while.

From the public perspective, Murong Cheng is indeed a veritable villain.

She raised her head and looked at Liao Liqin again: "What about you? It must be good to stand in a righteous position, right?"

Liao Liqin was slightly startled.

"I also like the righteous side. If I can, I hope I will always be on the righteous side." Mu Zi said, "In this way, I can condemn and appeal to the other side without pressure, if the other side strikes back. , I can hold high the banner of justice, just like a shield for immunity. I can block the opponent’s attack or cover up my timidity, ugliness, and despicableness...all evil deeds."

Mu Zi curled her lips and smiled coldly: "But it is a pity that justice is extravagant, and no one can stand in that position forever. Most people's approach is to assume a moral high ground, and then gain self-satisfaction while attacking others. Just like you are now."

Liao Liqin's face sank, her lips tightened.

Mu Zi ignored her, tidied up the books on the desk and put them back on the shelf.

She is not a saint.

She is a person. As long as it is a person, there will be objects that you want to maintain.

Even if Murong Cheng is a villain, but they are husband and wife, the husband and wife should bear it together!

At this moment, a booklet was handed over.

She was slightly surprised and looked up at Liao Liqin.

"This is the information on the policy approval of the Xianghai Municipal Government for the legalization of the gaming industry. You can take it and see it. It should be helpful." Liao Liqin's expression is still indifferent, even showing hatred in his indifference. I really hate you, but if you lose... If you lose to those on the Internet, I will hate you even more!"

Mu Zi took the booklet, her fingers tightening.

"Thank you," she whispered, "I won't lose."

Liao Liqin took a deep look at her and turned away.

Mu Zi looked at her leaving, she was still so thin, with a straight back and firm steps, but it was heavy.

"I won't lose." Mu Zi murmured again.

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