Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1065: Pity and weakness

"When can shopping and eating food be used as the criteria for identifying whether a person is sad?" the prosecution lawyer said angrily. "Everyone expresses sadness in different ways. Under extreme sadness, blind consumption is not impossible!"

"Maybe you are right, but I think it is necessary to let the jury know whether it is blind consumption should also be judged by the jury." Mu Zi replied.

The judge was unwilling to stand in a stalemate on this point for too long, and asked: "Are there other witnesses for the prosecution?"

The lawyer replied: "No."

"Since the facts of the case are clear and both parties have no objections, the case will be closed in one hour, and the court is now adjourned."

The judge knocked the gavel and ended a brief dispute.

It is an indisputable fact that Sun Wei jumped to his death on the ninth floor of the casino. There is no need to ask more witnesses. The focus of the dispute now lies in the determination of responsibility.

The determination of responsibility depends on the statement of the closing statement.

As soon as he went out, there was a flood of reporters. Murong took on Mu Zi and went to the lounge with the lawyers.

"Madam's question just now worked very well. It made the jury feel distrustful of Sun Wei's wife, and we have an advantage."

"But that kid is a bit tricky. The other party apparently deliberately asked Sun Wei's daughter to sit in the gallery for sympathy. People don't want to embarrass a kid."

"The other party will definitely emphasize the negative effects of gambling in the closing speeches, and arouse the jury's dislike of the Mu Group. We need to be prepared."

"Where is the data report of the charity fund? You can use this as a counterattack..."

The information was organized in order and passed to Mu Zi.

Mu Zi looked down at the information for a while, then raised his head and said: "When the case is closed, you don't have to go to court."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Did you find out? The other party only attended a lawyer, and there was neither an assistant nor a coordinating lawyer." Mu Zi said slowly, "The lawyer is an old man, plus a woman and a child. They were deliberately presented in front of the jury. Weak, and on our side, a group of people are strong and sturdy, and they look forward to it."

Mu Zi looked at everyone: "I don't want to leave the impression of the strong and weak in front of the jury, so you don't have to be there for a while, no matter what the final result is, thank you very much for your hard work and help these days."

All the lawyers present here are naturally aware of some subtle tricks during the trial.

The public psychology will habitually favor disadvantaged groups.

For example, if an old man riding a tricycle rubs a luxury car, people will not consider the interests of the owner of the luxury car, but subconsciously feel that the old man is too pitiful.

Even if the old man did make a mistake, the poor will cover up his mistake.

People will think: he didn't mean it; how pitiful it is to have to drive three rounds of life at such an old age; if it were not for the hardship of life, he would be able to spend his old age at home; he is already very suffering, and now he has smashed other people's car. How should I live in the future...

As for the owner of the luxury car, people only think: You are so rich, so don't care about it.

It's not that this kind of psychology is bad. In fact, this kind of pity for the weak is a kind of compassion. If everyone in the society loves the weak, it will undoubtedly be very harmonious.

However, once this psychology is used, incited, and used as a weapon in court, it will change.

The lawyers will know this, so they have no objections and leave the lounge one after another.

When everyone left, Mu Zi let out a sigh of relief, tilting his head and resting it on Murong Cheng's shoulders.

"Would you like to sleep for a while?" Murong Cheng asked her.

Mu Zi hummed.

Murong Cheng took her into his arms and kissed her, "Go to sleep."

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