Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1080: I am innocent

Mu Zi went to the police station immediately.

She couldn't believe that Zhai Nan would **** a woman, but felt that something must be wrong.

Zhai Nan was the most honest in the class, but he blushed and sweated nervously with a joke. How could he **** others on the street?

This is ridiculous.

At the police station, she immediately applied for bail for Zhai Nan, but was refused.

Usually in the case of conclusive evidence or the nature of the case is extremely bad, in order to avoid further crimes after the suspect is released on bail, the judicial department has the right to reject the bail application.

This means that Zhai Nan will stay in the detention center until the day of the trial!

But the trial is as fast as one week. If it is slow, it will be two months later. Is it necessary for Zhai Nan to stay inside? !

Mu Zi found the prosecutor in charge of the case: "He is now studying at the Judicial Research Institute and has no previous convictions! And he is still engaged in social service activities. Such detention will affect his normal life and may even prevent him from graduation! "

The prosecutor knew Mu Zi and knew that this was the daughter of the president, and said helplessly: "Miss Situ, we found the victim's underwear on him, and we have every reason to believe that once he is released, he is likely to harass the victim again. , So... I'm sorry, we must reject the bail application."

Mu Zi froze immediately, his head unable to move for a long time.

Zhai Nan didn't say these on the phone.

After a while, she asked: "How much is the sentence?"

"According to the rule, it is more than three years and less than ten years." The prosecutor sighed, "However, since he has no criminal record and was humiliated before the incident, we can consider a lighter sentence... five years, no less. Up."

Mu Zi frowned: "Have you been humiliated?"

"Yes, the victim and him were on the same subway. There was a quarrel and a lot of bad words." The prosecutor said, "I think he might have a grudge, so he followed the other side afterwards and went on in an empty street. Violence."

Zhai Nan didn't mention these either.

The phone was just urging her to come soon, maybe she didn't have time to explain.

Mu Zi asked: "The plea agreement is at least five years?"

The prosecutor nodded: "We have witnesses and evidence. If we go to court, the sentence can be up to ten years. In particular, he is a student of the Judicial Research Institute. The jury hates people who know the law and break the law. In order to save each other's time, I think Five years have been very preferential treatment."

Mu Zi was silent for a while, and said, "I need to discuss with my client."

The prosecutor has no objection.

Mu Zi saw Zhai Nan in a separate meeting room.

His eyes were red, and he looked like he had cried. There were obvious cracks in the thick spectacles, which were bumped by the police when he was arrested by the police, and his shirt was also covered with dust.

Looking at his embarrassed appearance, Mu Zi's heart was full of weakness.

"Zhai Nan, did you do it?" Mu Zi asked.

Zhai Nan's mood almost collapsed, hoarsely emphasized: "It's really not me!"

"What's the matter with the underwear?" Mu Zi looked at him with complicated eyes, "Zhai Nan, I am willing to help you, but you must tell me the truth."

"I really, really didn't lie to you!" Zhai Nan said in pain, "I just took the subway home as usual, and suddenly someone threw me a pair of underwear on the way! Then the police suddenly appeared and arrested me. But I swear! I really didn't do anything!"

Even Mu Zi couldn't believe this argument. If he said it in court in the future, who would believe it?

Zhai Nan saw that Mu Zi didn't speak, and became more anxious: "I'm innocent! Mu Zi, I know you are the most powerful in a lawsuit, please help me! I can't be expelled from school! I took the exam five times and took the exam five times. Ah!...If you get fired...I, I really have nothing left..."

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