Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1126: Afraid of regret

When several people were chatting, Mu Zi's cell phone rang, showing that it was a call from Jiang's mother.

"Your mother is calling." Mu Zi raised his phone and made Jiang Zhinuan glance.

Jiang Zhinuan curled the corners of his lips and smiled bitterly.

Mu Zi answered the phone, and Jiang Mu asked her on the other end: "Zi Zi, is my home known as yours?"

"It's here." Mu Zi glanced at Jiang Zhinuan, "We have just finished eating, and we are drinking tea now, and we will go out to play later, don't worry too much."

"She said she wanted to go out to relax. We are not at ease, knowing that it is with you." Jiang's mother said, "We are not forcing her to give up this child, but we only hope that she will consider it again. After all... this is not a trivial matter. After birth, life will change a lot. If she has considered these things carefully, we will respect her choice."

Mu Zi felt that it must be difficult for Jiang Mu to say this.

I wanted to persuade my daughter, but I was also afraid of irritating my daughter. She was cautious and considered her words. Jiang's mother must have chewed repeatedly in her stomach, but in the end she still didn't dare to directly say to Jiang Zhinuan, Tomu Zi Tell.

"Well, I'll tell her." Mu Zi said, "In fact, it's okay to change the environment and think about it more clearly. Don't worry, Zhinuan has always been smart, she will know how to do it."

After Mu Zi's phone conversation was over, Jiang Zhinuan's cell phone also rang.

It was from Wang Zilong.

Mu Zi and Zhuang Jia were suddenly nervous and stared at Jiang Zhinuan on the phone.

After talking on the phone for about five or six minutes, Jiang Zhinuan looked around at two friends when he hung up, and wondered: "Why are you looking at me?"

"What did Wang Zilong say?" Zhuang Jia asked impatiently.

"He said he listened to me." Jiang Zhinuan said.

Zhuang Jia looked disgusted upon hearing the words: "So arrogant?"

"I think this is good." Mu Zi said with a smile, "Zhi Nuan is always very assertive. Although Wang Zilong is not assertive, he has strong action, and the two can cooperate."

"In this way, do I have to find a man with a very upright idea in the future?" Zhuang Jia asked curiously, "I feel like I'm quite self-sufficient, even if I have it, it will last for three minutes."

"Jiajia, don't interrupt. Let's talk about your problem later. We will solve Zhinuan first." Mu Zi looked at Jiang Zhinuan, "Will Wang Zilong say anything else? You talked for several minutes."

"He said..." Jiang Zhinuan held the phone and hesitated for a while. "He said, if I decide, we will get married in October this year. At that time, the weather is the most comfortable if it is not hot or cold. The child is less than three months old. , The wedding dress should not be delayed. His uncle saves funds for him every year. If we take it out, there should be no problem raising children before we stabilize our jobs..."

Jiang Zhinuan said, his voice became smaller, and at the end, he sighed a long, "I know, it's too hasty now. If I can, I also hope to graduate normally, work normally, get married normally, and then everything is stable. When I gave birth to this child, but... but now the child is here, I can’t let him go.”

She raised her head and looked at her two good friends, "I am afraid that I will regret it in the future. If I give up this child now, I will remember this for the rest of my life, and I will never feel at ease."

Mu Zi and Zhuang Jia were speechless for a while.

Jiang Zhinuan is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

Mu Zi still remembered that when she first met her, the whole family mediated with the other party in the muddy way for Jiang Huan's case, but Jiang Zhinuan refused to compromise.

The living room was silent.

Mu Zi chuckled softly and eased the atmosphere: "Hey, what should we do with such seriousness? Think about it, Zhi Nuan is about to get married, Zhuang Jia, you can be a bridesmaid again! Congratulations! what!"

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