Without waiting for the old man to approach, the bodyguard beside Mu Zi quickly stopped him and did not allow the old man to continue to approach.

Rao was so, Mu Zi also saw the contents of the carton.

That is a dead dog.

After many days of death, the body has tended to decay. Even if the old man cleans the dog and combs his hair smoothly, he still can't stop the body from emitting a foul smell.

Mu Zi was very sensitive to smells after she was pregnant, and she covered her mouth and nose at this time, and she felt like vomiting...

The grandmother was afraid of the tall bodyguards, and she dared not come close for a while, standing tremblingly on the side of the road holding the cardboard box, looking unbearable.

"I'm okay..." Mu Zi adjusted his breathing, stroking his chest with one hand, and swaying the other hand toward the bodyguard.

Upon seeing this, the bodyguard stopped obstructing and stepped back.

But the old man still did not dare to step forward.

Not to mention that a woman in Mu Zi couldn't bear it, even Shao Jing couldn't stand it.

He took two hundred yuan from his arms, stuffed it into the old man's hand, and persuaded: "Old lady, it's getting sun outside, go back soon! Go back and find a place to bury the dog, don't think about it anymore! "

The old man shook his head and refused to ask for Shao Jing's money, and walked aside holding the cardboard box.

Shao Jing moved quickly and quietly stuffed the money into the pocket of the old woman's clothes.

He turned back and saw that Mu Zi was still looking at the old man's back and sighed: "Don't look, you will get used to it after a long stay. There are too many poor people in this world."

Mu Zi retracted his gaze, smiled faintly, and followed Shao Jing back to the procuratorate.


The work of internship at the procuratorate is not too tiring. After all, students like them participate in the experience and study. If they are overwhelmed by work and have no time to think, then the meaning of the internship itself will be lost.

It's just that after sitting for a long time, it's hard to avoid discomfort. Mu Zi occasionally gets up and walks around. People in the office also understand and take care of her.

During the internship, they are sometimes responsible for the negotiation of guilty pleas in small cases.

Guilty confession negotiation, also called prosecution and defense bargaining, refers to the economic and efficiency principles of litigation. The law allows the parties to negotiate on the alleged crime. The prosecutor determines the charge and number of crimes to be prosecuted and the type and duration of the penalty based on the results of the negotiation. A litigation facilitation system in which the court examines its legality based on the results of the negotiation and applies the law within the scope of the negotiation results.

To put it bluntly, it is to fight a lawsuit. The prosecutor must investigate the case, collect evidence, and file a lawsuit, while the defendant must hire a lawyer and prepare a defense. Both parties will spend a lot of time and money, plus arranging court trials and forming a jury. From an economic point of view, work such as the League is not in line with the long-term development of the legal system.

Mu Zi was curious for a while, and inquired about the grandma's case.

Unexpectedly, several people in the office knew about this, saying that the grandmother did not accept 500 yuan compensation and insisted on going to court. Therefore, the case was not settled. There is no conclusion yet.

A colleague in the office said: “Even if the prosecution is meaningless, there is no relevant legal reason to support the prosecution, the final result will not be better than 500 compensation.”

Everyone was very embarrassed and felt that the old man was very pitiful.

But this sympathy is quickly forgotten.

After all, this is the procuratorate. Almost every case has a victim, who is killed, deceived, and victimized. If every case is sympathetic, no amount of sympathy will be enough.

After another two or three days of internship, Mu Zi gradually got used to the figure of the old man wandering outside the courtyard.

When she was about to get off work one day, she received a call from Murong Cheng, saying that she had arrived home with Bai Wei and asked her when to go back.

Mu Zi was overjoyed and said, "I will go back now!"

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