Xu Lin's face was ugly, as white as a piece of paper.

He remained silent for a long time, until the judge reminded him to continue to testify, before he spoke again: "I... stepped on it, beer, and it flowed out of its mouth. Then, I stepped on it a few more times, and its stomach was swollen, like a ball. , Crunching and crunching when you step on it...more beer flows out..."

At the end of the day, he couldn't go on. He probably realized that his behavior challenged social morality. Xu Lin gritted his teeth and looked at the old lady in the seat: "I was a little drunk, I'm sorry..."

"Can half a can of beer make you drunk until you run out of control, Mr. Xu Lin?" Mu Zi asked unmovedly, "How many steps did you step on?"

Xu Lin was silent, and still shook his head after a while: "I can't remember..."

The judge couldn't help asking him: "Can't remember, is it because you stepped on it too many times?"

Xu Lin did not answer.

This concludes Mu Zi's inquiry.

In order to win this trial, Mu Zi promised that the judge would be as brief as possible and try not to waste judicial costs. Therefore, there was not much time to prepare the closing statement. The judge gave the lawyer and the prosecutor each a short statement of up to five minutes.

Mu Zi is the prosecutor, she starts first.

When she stood up, she held her swollen belly very conspicuously, and everyone's eyes fell on her belly involuntarily.

Mu Zi didn't care and walked slowly to the jury.

"After pregnancy, I became very lazy. I was too lazy to use my brain and didn't want to think about many things." Slightly abruptly, in the time when every second counts, Mu Zi talked about her feelings during pregnancy without hesitation.

"The people around me advised me to rest more, and my colleagues took good care of me. Even people who didn’t know me on the road would kindly get out of the way when they saw me with my stomach upright. At this time, I would feel that the world is so beautiful. Everyone is caring for the weak." Mu Zi looked back at the old man, his tone was light, "Later, I met that old lady."

Mu Zi looked at the jury: "A poor, helpless, lonely old man. At the age of eighty, her husband died early. His only son died of a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 55. Only one dog lived with her. The wife and her dog spent twelve years together selling old waste products."

She breathed out slowly, suppressing the uproar, and her voice became deeper and deeper: "Twelve years... she sent away her husband and son away. Twelve years later, she had to... send away her dog again. What then? What is left of her?"

"When I first learned about this case, I actually didn't intend to pay attention to it." Mu Zi took a breath, raised his head and smiled faintly, "It's not worth it, right? It's just a dog.

But is that really just a dog? In fact, we all know the harm she has suffered, but we have to pretend to be blind, which is strange, isn't it? That puppy has a name, owner, and home, and the defendant knows all this! He still did it! Because he also feels just a dog! "

Mu Zi was angry, with an uncontrollable anger in her voice: "We are always complaining about how indifferent this society has become. Why do we just ignore the pain this old man suffers without blinking after cruel things happen?! She has lost her family! And the culprit only needs to say I'm sorry, and then pay five hundred yuan. That's it? Is it over?

Atrocities are not severely punished, and the innocent suffer. This is the society we want to live in? "

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