Compensation of two thousand will not make up for the injury suffered by the elderly.

A one-year probation is equivalent to a false sentence. Unless Xu Lin's behavior is inappropriate, there is no need to serve his sentence.

Calculate like this...

It seems to be, lost.

Mu Zi walked out of the court under the **** of the bodyguard, thinking all the way.

Journalists kept asking her by her side--

"Miss Situ! Are you satisfied with the judgment of the court? Do you have anything to say?"

"Does this trial count as your first loss? What impact will it bring to you?"

"Have you ever anticipated such an outcome? Miss Situ, please tell me how you feel about losing the case..."

Suddenly, the light in front of her eyes shone into her eyes. Mu Zi subconsciously squinted her eyes slightly. After adapting, she found that today's sun is exceptionally bright, the sky is extraordinarily broad, and there is no cloud.

The entrance of the court was full of people.

Mu Zi found that they were all looking at her, maybe it was an illusion, she even felt that a few cats and dogs in their arms were also looking at her.

"It's not like that..." Mu Zi murmured.

Her voice was so small that the reporters were afraid of not being able to hear her clearly, and she was silent.

The microphone silently competed for territory, trying hard to get closer to Mu Zi, and closer...

At this time, she spoke again.

"It's not like that." Mu Zi's voice became louder.

She looked at the crowd outside, and her mood calmed down inexplicably, as if she had an unnamed force, very practical.

"I don't think this is a failure." Mu Zi said peacefully, "On the contrary, I think this is a victory.

First of all, we have won spiritual compensation. Although the amount is not large, it means that the death of a pet is no longer just an infringement of property, but an infringement of human nature.

Secondly, the defendant was sentenced for his actions. Although it is a suspended sentence, the defendant will be subject to strict supervision for a year. At least for this year, he cannot harm any domestic pets. This is of great significance.

Finally, I want to tell you that the first step is the hardest in any matter. Now, we have taken the first step steadily, and it will only get better in the future. "

After Mu Zi finished speaking, the scene was quiet for a moment.

Then, I don’t know who said: "I won."

Like a sparkling prairie fire, it spread quickly--



Everyone cheered.


The scene at the entrance of the court was filmed and uploaded on the Internet.

Some people praised Mu Zi madly, while others questioned, thinking that Mu Zi had lost the lawsuit and would only say these words in order to save face.

Mu Zi smiled when she saw such comments.

What if you lose? What if you win?

She just felt that the weather was particularly good that day and she shouldn't say frustrating words.

It doesn't matter, people always have a little hope, right?


In the dimly lit room, only the computer screen glowed blue light faintly.

The little girl was lying in front of the computer and watching intently.

A hand reached out and closed the laptop mercilessly.

"Tangtang, it's time to sleep." Mu Zening reminded.

The little girl pursed her lips, her face full of disapproval, "But I'm not sleepy!"

"You are not sleepy, but she is sleepy." Mu Zening said lightly, "If you want to use this body for a longer time, you should treat her better. Eight or nine years old is when you are growing up, go to sleep."

She was upset, her eyes immediately showed hostility, a **** glow.

Mu Zening looked at her blankly.

There was a stalemate for a while, she curled her lips, feeling boring, and blinked her eyes, the fierce light in her eyes disappeared, and she still looked innocent and childish.

Tangtang climbed onto the bed and said, "Mu Zi has won the lawsuit again, why does she always win?"

Mu Zening covered her with a quilt and said lightly: "Because she is smart."

"Smarter than me?" Tangtang asked again.

Mu Zening didn't speak up, but said to her: "Go to sleep."

Turning around to leave, the little girl's cold hand grabbed him abruptly.

"Hey, have you seen it?" Tangtang smiled and said, "She is pregnant."

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