Xixi mumbled on the street, and passers-by were in a hurry.

A man in black is walking on the road, his steps are not hurried, his expression is weak.

He seems to be more chilled than ordinary people. The temperature on this day is actually not too low, but he has already put on a black turtleneck sweater, a dark broad windbreaker, and the windbreaker is very long, making him look thin and slender. There is a jumble of indifference.

Indifferent men are always imaginative. Several young women on the roadside quietly looked at them, hesitating to ask for contact information.

At this time, a little girl ran out of the convenience store holding snacks and caught up with the man.

The women who were observing secretly could not help being discouraged: It turns out that they even have children...

Tangtang put a lot of lollipops in his pocket, then handed the cigarette to Mu Zening, "The smoke is yours, and the sugar is mine."

Mu Zening took the cigarette.

Tangtang followed him, opened a lollipop, held it in his mouth, and asked vaguely, "Where to go next?"

Mu Zening looked down at her: "Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts." She nodded and raised her knee again. "It hurts to death."

She jumped off without stopping the car, falling heavily, and half of her leg was swollen.

Tangtang said, "The head hurts too."

Mu Zening frowned slightly, "Headache too?"

Reaching out to touch her forehead, her skin was hot.

"You have a fever." Mu Zening sighed, "It should be because of the rain."

She doesn't care too much. If her body is broken, she can break it. Anyway, she can change another one at any time.

Mu Zening looked around and found a dazzling array of signs on the street, including an inconspicuous private clinic. He led Tangtang over.

At the clinic, the wound was cleaned, medicine applied, and bandaged, and then the doctor prescribed a box of anti-fever medicine.

"Three times a day, flush with water," the doctor said. "If the child finds it difficult to drink, you can add some rock candy to her."

Mu Zening did not pick up the box of medicine, "Let's get an injection, we are in a hurry."

"She didn't burn too much, just take medicine..."

The doctor did not finish speaking, Mu Zening took out a few banknotes, put them on the table, and said lightly: "We are in a hurry and need to get rid of the fever as soon as possible."

If the doctor is not good enough, he insists, and he collects the money and prepares to dispense the medicine.

As soon as I stood up, I heard the guests in front of me say: "Give me some more standing medical equipment, as well as the medicine in the cabinet over there. I also need it."

"This can't work. I am here for the doctor, not a pharmacy." The doctor was a little unhappy. "Besides, all prescription drugs are in it. You must be a licensed doctor to use it. It is impossible to sell it to you."

Mu Zening took out a thick wad of money from the black handbag and put it on the table.

The doctor opened his eyes in amazement.

Mu Zening took out another wad of money and put it on the table.

Sweat dripped from the doctor's forehead. He looked at the money helplessly, and then at the silent Mu Zening.

When Mu Zening took out the third wad of money, the doctor panicked!

He stared dryly at the dark handbag, wondering if he would come up with the fourth wad of money in it.

Mu Zening really reached in again.

It's just that this time it wasn't money, but a metallic pistol.

The doctor breathed in sharply.

"Which one to choose?" Mu Zening also put the pistol in front of him and asked calmly.

"Money...money, choose money!" The doctor stared at the gun on the table in horror, his apple rolling, "Don't, don't kill me!"

"Well, I won't kill you." Mu Zening retracted his pistol expressionlessly, "Go and give her an injection."

The doctor dared not delay, just wanted to send away the plague **** quickly.

Tangtang looked at the dazzling long needle, curled her lips and smiled, and shook the doctor's hand: "You won't call the police?"

The doctor shook his head pale.

"I saw all of them." Tangtang squeezed tighter, with a smile on her face, "Your wife is pretty, but a little fat. Is the child two years old? There are a lot of toys at home...well, I like the bear lamp, and the wallpaper is good, but the yellow curtains are really ugly..."

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