In the evening, Mu Zi deliberately talked to Situ Yan on the phone.

Situ Yan's attitude is relaxed. In his opinion, this is a repetition of old things. Some people will look at the right time every few years and try to consolidate their position through relevant bills.

Politics is delicate and complicated. Mu Zi didn't want to touch him, but subconsciously, some wanted to refuse to pay Chu Jun.

It's not afraid, it's just troublesome.

She still prefers simple things, for one purpose, to work hard without distraction, instead of weighing various factors and making herself constrained.

Situ Yan heard that Mu Zi had the intention to withdraw, and persuaded her on the phone: "You think it is complicated. It can be very complicated. If you think of it simpler, it is really simple. It depends on you. The attitude of the ban on abortion bill."

Mu Zi said: "I oppose abortion, but...I think if the prohibition of abortion is enforced as a law, the consequences will only be worse."

"Then do it as you wish." Situ Yan said, "This is just a divorce case."

Mu Zi thought: Then treat it as an ordinary divorce case?

When she was silent, Situ Yan said again: "The President's daughter accepts the case, and there is no need to look forward to it. Even if it messes up, there is still me."

Mu Zi laughed.

Situ Yan's attitude is a bit like Murong Cheng, who can't wait to completely spoil her daughter.

However, it is understandable that he did wrong things when he was young, and there were always a group of elders from the Situ family who helped him deal with the aftermath, but Mu Zi was too safe to do things. Apart from several public opinion crises on the Internet, there was really nowhere for his father to be useful. , Lonely as snow.

Mu Zi made a decision here and notified Fu Chujun the next day.

Fu Chujun did things so swiftly that he immediately made an appointment with Mu Zi to meet with him, and brought several lawyers in charge of the case. An electronic version of the case related materials was also sent to Mu Zi.

The materials are not too much, after all, it is just a divorce case, unlike a criminal case that involves a lot of evidence and testimony.

However, the information on the female lawyer named Maeve is very, very detailed, and it can be seen that Fu Chujun regards this person as the number one enemy.

According to Mu Zi's resume, she said that the other party had worked in a French law firm, and her thoughts could not help but drift away.

Could it be a coincidence?

Maeve, a foreign name, is neither popular nor uncommon... Moreover, he has also stayed in France.

It is impossible not to be curious.

Murong Cheng is heartless and extraordinarily perverted. Under normal circumstances, no woman dares to provoke him. Even if a woman is confused by his beauty, she will definitely be scared away if she touches him for a few minutes!

Except for Huo Lin, Murong Cheng's side is extremely clean, and Mu Zi never has to worry about being pried at the corner.

But suddenly he heard of a suitor...

Must be impressive, right? Otherwise, it will not be recorded until now.

Mu Zi thought sourly in his heart: With his character, if he doesn't care, he won't remember his name at all.

What kind of woman would it be?

This question was quickly solved.

—— During the pre-trial meeting, Mu Zi, as the defendant's lawyer, met with the other party in court.

Maybe it was because I made too many imaginings in advance, and imagined the other person too beautifully and amazingly. After seeing the real person, I felt unreality.

Maeve is a 30-year-old female lawyer who possesses the calm and firm qualities of a working woman and the elegance of a French girl.

Her makeup is very light, her hairstyle and clothes are very natural and simple. Compared with the women who usually enter and exit the court, she is more relaxed and relaxed, and her smile is soft, which can make people mistakenly think that this is a calm and non-aggressive woman.

However, when she spoke, her soothing tone could not conceal the fierce offensive——

"The focus of our failure to reach a reconciliation is that the other party has been emphasizing the right to reproductive freedom, but completely disregarding the husband’s right to reproductive rights. Your Honor, this is not the protection of women’s rights. This is a violation of basic human rights and innocent lives. Insult."

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