When colleagues discussed, they unknowingly talked about prosecutor Guo Chang and praised him for his luck and solved two cases in one fell swoop.

Guo Chang was responsible for the case of Fengtingyuan Community.

Yu Yang's mood was deep and he did not speak for a long time.

The police arrested people based on empirical evidence, rather than a fixed pattern of modus operandi. The modus operandi can only be used as a reference. Moreover, it is not impossible for the murderer to change the method of killing after many years have passed since the two murders.

A colleague asked Yu Yang when to report to his superiors. After asking twice, Yu Yang came back to his senses.

"No hurry." Yu Yang said, "First organize the materials and submit them in a few days."

"Yes, anyway, that person has already been sentenced to death and can't escape." The colleague laughed.

Everyone gradually dispersed and returned to their positions to continue working.

Yu Yang thought for a moment and called the prison. He wanted to see the prisoner.

It is not so easy to meet death row prisoners, especially those who are about to be executed. Appointments need to be applied in advance, and it takes a day or two for the procedure to go down.

After the phone call, Yu Yang looked at the material in his hand, was silent for a long time, and finally put it aside and piled up under other files.

Wait and see...


In the afternoon, news came from the police station, informing Yu Yang that the police seized a video of a suspected suspect.

It's Meng Xiaotian's case again.

Prosecutors always follow up several cases at the same time. They need to maintain a clear mind at all times and have excellent stress resistance.

Yu Yang rushed to the police station, and the investigator showed him the video.

"Meng Xiaotian's residence is an old residential area, there is no surveillance camera, and there is no standardized parking lot, we thought, if the other party brought milk over, either take a taxi and get off nearby, or park the car around. field."

The police officer clicked on the video screen with a pen and continued: "Good luck, there happened to be a parking lot nearby. This was filmed at the exit."

A man wearing a navy blue striped shirt, carrying a milk carton in his hand, walked slowly across the screen.

The resolution of the shot was not clear enough to recognize the facial features. Judging from the clothing alone, he should be a middle-aged man.

"He left here with milk at 1:30 and returned to the parking lot at 2:10. Meng Xiaotian called the emergency number at 2:40, and the time was completely right," the police officer said.

Yu Yang asked: "Have you checked the license plate number?"


As soon as the voice fell, the police officer on the other side said loudly: "I found it!"

Everyone gathered in front of the computer, and the policeman zoomed in on the message box, "The owner of the car is Meng Zhenglin, 42 years old, from Hancheng..."

"Wait! Meng Zhenglin... isn't Meng Xiaotian's father?"

The police stared at each other.

This result was surprising.

In the weird silence, a police officer finally couldn't help but said: "It doesn't make sense, how can a father run to kill his own daughter?"

Another police officer corrected him: "It was to abort the baby, not to kill. The crime should be the crime of intentional injury, plus the crime of negligence and death."

"Prosecutor Yu Yang, are you going to arrest people now?"

Yu Yang looked at the video, pondered for a moment, and shook his head.

"Called him and told him to come, and said that he needed to assist in the investigation. Don't tell him about the video for now."

As Yu Yang spoke, he paused for a while, let out a dull breath, and continued: "When he comes, I will do a fingerprint comparison immediately."


Hancheng is not far from Qingjiang City, it can be reached within a two-hour drive.

When Yu Yang saw Meng Zhenglin at the police station, he still knew nothing about what happened. He saw Yu Yang coming in and immediately got up and asked: "Prosecutor Yu Yang, is there a result of my daughter's case?"

Yu Yang sat down in front of him and looked at him quietly.

Good criminals are usually good actors, but if they can act so real and natural after killing their children by themselves, then it is really scary.

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