Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1237: Insert a Bai Wei

Because of Xin Lan's divorce case, Mu Zi and Murong Cheng were delayed for almost a month before and after Qingjiang City. When they returned to Xianghai City, they found that Bai Wei had made a boyfriend.

Of course, this is the view of Mu Zi and Murong Cheng.

Bai Wei didn't admit it, she repeatedly emphasized that it was just a male classmate taking cooking class together.

Most of the cooking classes are housewives and cooking enthusiasts. There are very few men. A tall and thin handsome man suddenly appears, which is very popular.

Whether it’s a fifty-year-old aunt or a twenty-year-old girl, they love to talk to this male student, not only because he looks more seductive than the uncle in the TV series, but also because he speaks poor Chinese. Coming always makes people laugh inadvertently.

Bai Wei got the best grade in cooking class, and this male student got the worst grade. He often asked Bai Wei for help. After coming and going, the two became more and more familiar and gradually became friends who talked about everything.

Mu Zi felt that the other party must be pursuing Bai Wei.

Otherwise, Bai Wei wouldn't mention that person, she would be shy and joyful...

At lunch, everyone ate together, and Bai Wei laughed as she ate.

She laughed completely imperceptibly. If Mu Zi hadn't been staring at her, I'm afraid Bai Wei didn't even realize that she was laughing.

"In class yesterday, Mrs. Jiang, who teaches cooking, taught us how to scrape fish scales. First, press the fish head to death with one hand, and hold a radish head in the other hand..." Bai Wei chuckled, "Then Pete quietly Ask me, the fish is already dead, how do you press the head of the fish to death? Oh, I was laughing at that time..."

"And the day before yesterday, he asked me why quantifiers are so difficult to learn. A sheep, a cow, and a horse are obviously similar animals but the quantifiers are different. A cat is a cat, but a dog is a dog. Why not one? Cat? Eyes and noses are different, one eye, one nose, one mouth, one eyebrow, hahahaha..."

Mu Zi laughed after hearing it.

Bai Wei was inspired, and then said: "Pete also said that we are strange. There are so many classifiers but very few verbs. Almost all actions use only one verb hit! Fetching water, fetching meals, making phone calls, playing rentals, holding umbrellas, Playing soy sauce, playing cards, typing... He said we were too violent, hahaha, when he first came to Xianghai, the taxi driver asked him where he came from, where he was going to play, and he asked him if he wanted to play with the watch. Senseless."

Murong Cheng laughed when he heard the words, and said, "If a woman asks him if he wants to make a boo, he might be even more crazy."

"Hey! You kid!" Bai Wei couldn't laugh, and covered her belly at the desk.

It seems that Pete has contracted her laugh for a year.

Lunch finished in a joke.

In the afternoon, Bai Wei changed her clothes, packed her belongings, and went to cooking class happily.

Mu Zi softly coaxed the children to take a nap. Through the glass window, she could see Bai Wei walking briskly from her back. She couldn't help being infected by the happiness, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a smile.

"It's been a long time since I saw my mother laugh like this, she's several years younger." Mu Zi whispered.

Bai Wei laughed often when playing with her children, but that kind of laughter was different from the joy of expectation in this relaxed atmosphere.

Murong Cheng walked over from the cloakroom and adjusted the tie at the neckline, feeling very good.

Mu Zi asked him, "What do you think of Mom and that named Pete?"

Murong Cheng smiled faintly: "It's okay."

"I can let you say yes, it seems that Mr. Pete's conditions are very good." Mu Zi sighed, "I didn't expect Mom would like a foreigner."

"I'm not a foreigner, I just grew up in Germany, so I'm not good at the local language." Murong Cheng said, "He returned to China half a year ago and opened a literature and art bookstore in Xianghai City. He has been losing money. I guess he wanted to work in a bookstore. In his business project, he only learns cooking by adding coffee and snacks, but the stocks he invested in have gone up well."

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