Finally, on the 16th day, Mu Zi persuaded Li Shuyu to testify in court.

On the fifteenth day, Jiang Ci brought information about the police officer in charge of the case. There was indeed a gap. After it was determined that Ge Feng had a major suspicion at the time, the police's investigation of other suspects was very limited.

In fact, it is also human nature. When all the evidence points to one person, it attracts most of the attention, so the police will naturally pay less attention to other people.

The police did not thoroughly investigate the security of the community and nearby neighbors, which gave Mu Zi the opportunity.

On the 14th day, Qu Mingjun appealed to the highest court on the grounds of major omissions in the prosecution’s work.

At the same time, their investigation of the chat group has also gained ——

After the disbandment of the chat group of Roses about half a year ago, some members of the group gathered again and rebuilt a chat group called hello-rose.

The new chat group is still filled with a lot of cesium content, even darker and more corrupt.

When they tentatively mentioned He Ya's online nickname in the chat group, many people in the group actually knew her. In a ostentatious tone, those people said that they had met He Ya, had appointments, and played various tricks.

Of course, He Ya and these men also had a lot of network communication.

During the chat, one of the men directly said, "I love you, I will kill you, I will eat you", and so on.

These were not carefully checked by the police.

Or, it is difficult for the police to find out, because the chat group disbanded almost immediately, and the members of the group were all silent for fear of catching fire. The police caught the biggest suspect, and naturally they had no patience to screen more than 200 people in the group one by one.

Now that more than half a year has passed since the case, those people only when the dust settles, they unscrupulously use the past as trophies to show off to others in the group.

Mu Zi didn't need to accuse these people of suspicion. He only needed to make the judge and the jury think that the case was suspicious, and he could win Ge Feng alive.

On the 9th day, Qu Mingjun’s appeal was accepted by the court, and a pre-trial meeting was arranged the next day.


In the office, Yu Yang is going through the files and making preparations for court.

Suddenly someone opened the door and broke in--

"Yu Yang!" Guo Chang shouted loudly, walked a few steps to Yu Yang's desk, and threw a pile of materials in front of Yu Yang!

Yu Yang looked at the document in front of him and raised his eyebrows inaudibly.

"What do you mean?!" The other party was full of anger, and directly exploded.

At this time, another colleague chased in outside the door and held the other person, "Guo Chang! This is not about Yang!"

"Why doesn't it matter to him?! Think of others as fools?!" Guo Chang angrily said, "This case is over! The prisoners are about to be executed. At this point, he came to me for a new trial. Do you want to find it hard for me?!"

Yu Yang's face was as sinking as water, without words.

The colleague was afraid that Guo Chang would make trouble, and persuaded: "It is Ge Feng's lawyer who wants to reverse the case for him. Yang is really not to blame for this matter..."

"Don't blame him?!" Guo Chang snorted and looked at Yu Yang fiercely. "It's just such a coincidence that he found out that the case was related to Black Rose on his front foot, and someone on the back foot turned the case for Ge Feng?"

Guo Chang supported the desk with his hands and stared at Yu Yang: "You want to investigate the Black Rose and do your job, but don't touch my case! Do you think I don't know? You want to pass this case to thoroughly investigate the Black Rose case. Right? Yu Yang, listen to me, I won't let you let that **** go! Never!"

Putting down the harsh words, Guo Chang left with a solemn face, and the colleagues beside him were in a dilemma.

"Don't take it to heart, Guo Chang's recent tasks are relatively heavy, and his previous case was turned over for retrial, and he must be unhappy in his heart."

Yu Yang looked calm.

Another colleague came in outside, "Yu Yang, the chief prosecutor is looking for you."

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