Ge Feng was stunned, and his flipping movement was stiff, and he did not move for a long time.

Mu Zi looked at him quietly, waiting for a response.

"Negligence..." Ge Feng slowly raised her head and asked her, "Will it still be the death penalty?"

"If you are convicted, you may be sentenced to twenty years in prison," Mu Zi replied.

After a slight pause, she continued: "Of course, the prosecutor on the other side will not let us change the charges easily. I will fight for a plea of ​​innocence, but... Ge Feng, sometimes we have to make some concessions in order to be more secure."

"I understand..." Ge Feng smiled bitterly, "I understand that you are in prison for my own sake. It is better to go to jail for twenty years than to lose your life..."

Mu Zi pursed his lips, noncommittal.

Both of them fell silent.

After a while, Ge Feng asked: "Have you looked for my wife?"

"Yes, she has promised to testify for you."

"She... how is she?"

"It seems to be about to give birth." Mu Zi smiled faintly, "When I went to see her, my belly was already big, but I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl."

"Is that so good..." Ge Feng also showed a little smile on his face.

After another moment of silence, Ge Feng asked Mu Zi hesitantly: "Did she...get married again?"

Mu Zi was stunned and replied, "No."

After speaking, he was suspicious again, frowned and asked Ge Feng: "Why do you think so?"

"She's so beautiful, if I die, she will always marry someone again." Ge Feng pulled his mouth and smiled obscurely, "If I die, someone will marry my wife and raise my will happen sooner or later. ."

Yes, if Ge Feng is dead, Li Shuyu is still young and her life is still very long.

Mu Zi ended the meeting with Ge Feng and left the prison. She got into the car and looked at the shadow of the tree that was retreating outside the car window, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

Turning to look behind, the distance from the prison is getting farther and farther.

Ge Feng was locked there. If he loses the lawsuit, he will be met by the end of his life.

Mu Zi's heartbeat suddenly became a little anxious.

She took out her mobile phone and called Qu Mingjun: "Now let Xiao Chen and Xiao Zheng put down all their work and go all out to investigate Li Shuyu's private life. I suspect that Li Shuyu has an affair!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Qu Mingjun was stunned. "What's the matter with this couple? The husband is looking for excitement on the Internet, and the wife is also outside?"

Mu Zi said: "Li Shuyu has been pregnant for more than eight months, and normal people would not suspect a pregnant woman, but Ge Feng asked me if she was married just now, indicating that Ge Feng had long suspected Li Shuyu! Maybe there is no evidence for this suspicion, but If Li Shuyu really has an affair, then everything makes sense!"

As long as you use Li Shuyu, you can know the home password, you can know Ge Feng's drinking habit at night, you can easily find the car key, hide the body in it, and frame it!

Once this person is found, the case will be completely clear!

Qu Mingjun led the lawyers in the law firm to track down clues. Here, the pretrial motion arrived as scheduled.

In the court, Mu Zi said: "As the first witness who found the body, the security guard did not provide any relevant information in the document. Why did the prosecutor not consider the security guard's suspicion of committing the crime? There was also a man in the chat group who clearly treated the deceased. He Ya said that he would kill her, and he knew the ambiguity between He Ya and Ge Feng, and it was completely possible to kill He Ya afterwards, but none of this was reflected in the document!"

Guo Chang, who was in charge of the case, replied: "Your Honor, the police have investigated these people, but they didn't enter the document because they had no clues."

"It's not that there is no clue, but after the chat group was disbanded, the police did not continue to investigate and easily gave up the clue!"

"The police exclude irrelevant information, it is routine work." Guo Chang said, "Information not submitted to the prosecutor's office will not be used as evidence for investigation."

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