Yu Yang has four assistants: Hu Fangfang, Tang Linhao, Li Rui, Song Jingru.

The qualifications of the assistants usually range from one to three years. Among the four assistants in Yang's hands, only Hu Fangfang has been with him for two years. The others are newcomers who have just been assigned to the courtyard this year.

Last time Zhuang Jia asked him why he was so tired, Yu Yangban said jokingly: "Because there are so many assistants."

Having a competent assistant can make his work more effective, but with a bunch of newcomers in his hands, his work efficiency will be greatly reduced, and he will also allocate energy and time to teach and guide them.

Especially now that the end of the year is approaching, Yu Yang is also responsible for the assistant's work assessment, summing up comments, and trivial paperwork takes up a lot of his time.

No wonder he wanted to dig Mu Zi to be his assistant so much.

The assistant who opened the door in front of him was called Li Rui.

In Yang's evaluation, Li Rui is a person who is a little impetuous and impulsive.

Of course, anyone who compares with Yu Yang Yi seems impetuous.

Zhuang Jia still remembered that when she was sitting in the office, she heard several assistants teasing each other, saying that Li Rui's paperwork was always rough, and she had never written an indictment that satisfies Yu Yang, but the advantage is her ability to act. Super strong, good at dealing with parties.

Li Rui obviously did not expect to meet Zhuang Jia, and was stunned on the spot.

The two of them were embarrassed for a few seconds, and Li Rui said: "Inspector Yu has a task to go to Walnut Town temporarily. It is estimated that he will not be back in two or three days, so he gave me the key and asked me to pack a few clothes for him to take over... "

As if to ease the atmosphere, he said half jokingly: "Oh, Yu Jianshi is a real man. Why do you have a girlfriend to let me clean up, Miss Zhuang, can you help? Change of clothes?"

What else can Zhuang Jia say?

She nodded politely and said yes, then went into the house and searched for Yu Yang's clothes, acting as a conscientious girlfriend.

Yu Yang's living habits are very strict. The sliding doors in the dressing room are opened, and the tops, pants, underwear, and socks are sorted and placed, which is clear at a glance.

Zhuang Jia packed up the things to bring, suddenly remembered something, and raised her head to ask Li Rui: "If you can't come back for two or three days, then Christmas..."

The day after tomorrow was Christmas, and she wanted to spend the holiday with him.

Li Rui smiled apologetically: "Yes, I'm afraid Christmas will not come back."

Zhuang Jia felt lost for a while, but the nature of Yu Yang's work was such that there was no alternative.

"Help me bring this to him, too." Zhuang Jia handed a gift bag to Li Rui.

Li Rui weighed the gift bag and asked jokingly, "Is this a Christmas gift?"

The corners of Zhuang Jia's mouth turned up.

Li Rui laughed after hearing this: "Such an important thing! Otherwise, Miss Zhuang will go with me and personally deliver the gift to Yu Jianshi. Yu Jianshi must be happy!"

Li Rui's words were in line with Zhuang Jia's heart. Not only did she want to give it to him personally, she also wanted to wear it to him herself.

After thinking about it again, Zhuang Jia asked tentatively: "You are going to work, I used to...will it be inconvenient?"

"What's the inconvenience, it won't take much time to meet." Li Rui said disapprovingly, "I will send you there, and then I will send you back. You sent a gift to rest assured, Yu Jianshi is happy to see you, and everyone is very happy. Well."

Zhuang Jia was eagerly talked about by Li Rui, and could not help but began to imagine what Yu Yang would look like when she saw her suddenly appear.

Approximately every woman has had the urge to say hello, suddenly come to the sweetheart and give him an unexpected surprise.

"Well, I'll trouble you." Zhuang Jia picked up her bag and said with a smile.

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