They had a meeting late in the evening.

Zhuang Jia was playing with her mobile phone in the dormitory alone, and Yu Yang and the others did not come back when the battery of the mobile phone was running out.

I don't want to sleep, but I have nothing to do. The only cell phone that can pass the time is running out.

Nowadays, many mobile phone charging cables are universal, but Zhuang Jia didn't want to look through the luggage of Hu Fangfang and Song Jingru, feeling that was very impolite. After thinking about it, he decided to use Yang's first.

She went out with her mobile phone, and next door was the dormitory of Yu Yang, Li Rui and Tang Linhao.

The door of the dormitory is closed, but there is no lock. The people living here are all judicial staff, and most of them are colleagues and acquaintances. There is no problem of thieves and thieves. Unless they have to travel far, few people will seriously lock them.

Zhuang Jia walked into the dormitory, rummaged through Yu Yang's duffel bag, found the mobile phone charging cable, and compared his mobile phone. She was in a good mood.

As he was about to leave, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a bottle of charity on the table.

Zhuang Jia was taken aback for a moment.

Shancun tablets can supplement various vitamins and minerals for the human body, improve resistance, and make energy energized. This thing is not a rare thing, but it is not common to carry it with you.

Zhuang Jia had seen a bottle in Song Jingru's suitcase, and now a bottle appeared on the table next to Yu Yang's bed.


However, this table is located between the two bunk beds, so it is hard to say whether the Shancun film belongs to Yu Yang, Tang Linhao, or Li Rui.

Zhuang Jia stared at the bottle of Shancun Multidimensional Tablets for a long time, then turned around and walked out the door to look around, but no one came back.

She squeezed the palms of her hands, slightly hot and humid.

I said to myself: There is nothing to be nervous about, I just look at... just look.

Zhuang Jia spread a paper towel on the table, poured out all the good storage tablets in the bottle, and counted them carefully.

A bottle of 60 capsules, a lot of one.

This shows that although Song Jingru sent the Shancun film, Yu Yang did not eat it.

Are you not going to eat, or have you not had time to eat? ...Zhuang Jia thinks that we can study this question carefully.

She put all the good storage tablets back into the bottle, closed the lid, put it back in the original position, and took the charging cable away.

Yu Yang and his party came back after the meeting. It was already 11 o'clock at night.

He came to see Zhuang Jia, worrying that two other girls would change to bed, Yu Yang stood at the door of the dormitory and beckoned to Zhuang Jia.

Zhuang Jia immediately put down his mobile phone, pulled his slippers, and happily followed him to the next dormitory.

Li Rui and Tang Linhao slipped out to smoke to make room for them.

Only Yang and Zhuang Jia were left in the dormitory, and Zhuang Jia immediately attacked Yu Yang over the problem of saving the film.

"Where did it come from?"

"Song Jingru brought it here."

"Why did she give you this?"

Yu Yang Moran looked at her for a while, with a smile in her eyes, "Song Jingru said that everyone has been working hard recently. Eat something good to strengthen your resistance, so as not to get sick outside."

Zhuang Jia pursed her lips, did not speak, but snorted coldly in her heart: If she can really hide her mind and send things in the name of caring for everyone, Yu Yang will certainly not refuse.

Yu Yang pulled her over, sat on his lap, and asked amusedly: "What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything." Zhuang Jia refused to admit.

Yu Yang teased her deliberately: "Aren't you worried about being pried at the corner?"

Zhuang Jia's eyes widened immediately.

——So you know? !

"Okay, don't worry about it." He smiled and touched her lips lightly with a low voice, "Go to sleep, I'll send you back tomorrow."

Zhuang Jia was reluctant to bear him, and reluctant to get up on him, half suggesting half temptation, and whispered: "I want to eat good memory tablets."

Yu Yang smiled helplessly, picked up Shancun on the table and put it in her hand.

"Don't worry now?"

Zhuang Jia blinked, biting her lip innocently, looking at him, and flicking the button on his chest with her fingers, "I still want a pajama..."

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