"There are some scratches on the window sill, partly covered by snow, and the traces are unrecognizable. However, we found a few animal hairs in the cracks of the window. It is suspected to be ape-like creatures, but we need to wait for further confirmation by the laboratory."

Yu Yang nodded slightly and said, "I will take a break tonight, and wait for the results of the laboratory tomorrow to come out, and call the whole team for a meeting."

"Need to arrange for manpower protection?"

"No need."

In a few words, the people in the room left.

Yu Yang stopped Li Rui and Tang Linhao: "You two, come out with me."

The two followed Yu Yang out.

Not long afterwards, Hu Fangfang gathered his clothes and left.

The remaining Zhuang Jia and Song Jingru had nothing to say and were out of tune.

Song Jingru's eyes were still red and swollen, and she didn't want to tell Zhuang Jia to watch her jokes, and left the room after Hu Fangfang.

Zhuang Jia sat alone in the room, half of her body leaning on the table, her hands supporting her cheeks, her calves swaying, swaying... doing nothing.

There was such a disturbance in the middle of the night, and all the dozes ran away. She was hesitant to go back to sleep, but she didn't want to face Song Jingru very much, feeling very embarrassed.

In retrospect, Song Jingru was also pitiful. Whoever liked it was no good, she had to like Yu Yang.

Reasonable, cold, and severe.

It doesn't matter if you like him secretly, because he doesn't care about your mood or your vulnerability, and will only assign you tasks in business. And once you mess up, wait for the cruelest reprimand and criticism.

Thinking about it this way, Zhuang Jia felt that Song Jingru had taken the initiative to seek abuse.

If Song Jingru is not Yu Yang's subordinate, there may be a chance, but now it's okay, all the affection will be put into review.

I don't know if I can cry while writing? ...

She was thinking wildly, and Yu Yang came back from outside.

Seeing that he was carrying her lady's bag in his hand, Zhuang Jia couldn't help but was slightly taken aback, and was about to ask. Yu Yang said, "You will sleep with me here tonight."


Zhuang Jia blinked, wondering if she had heard it wrong, and let her sleep in a dormitory with three big men? Is this suitable?

She looked behind Yang-the door was closed and locked.

Yu Yang saw the confusion on her face and explained: "Li Rui and Tang Linhao are going to live in the youth hostel tonight."

Zhuang Jia was stunned.

It's the standard double room that exudes moisture and musty, and the neighbors on the left and right seem to be rude and rude.

I hope they won't mind...

"Does the superior reimburse it?" Zhuang Jia asked.

Yu Yang loosened his neckline, took off his coat, and said lightly: "I will reimburse them."

Zhuang Jia pursed her mouth and smiled, "Then I sleep in your bed?"

"Yeah." He sat down by Tang Linhao's bed, frowned and lifted the quilt. His face was a bit disgusting and helpless. In the end, he didn't take off his clothes and lay down neatly, just like a patient with a sanitary disorder facing the cruel reality. Time of negative resistance.

But Zhuang Jia happily took off his clothes outside, kicked off his shoes, and got into Yang Yuan's bed.

The bed is still the bed arranged in the dormitory, just because Yu Yang lay on it. To Zhuang Jia, it is as if it has been sterilized invisibly, and it feels very safe to sleep.

She rolled into a ball, with only her head exposed outside the quilt, and Zhuang Jia couldn't help looking at the handsomely dressed man on the bed next door.

"Go to sleep." Yu Yang closed his eyes and sighed helplessly, "It will be dawn if you don't sleep."

Zhuang Jia is excited, where can I sleep?

She rolled on the bed, tossing and turning again and again, the bed board creaked momentarily.

In the silent night, this sound was particularly harsh, challenging the nerves of the brain.

Yu Yang Ren couldn't bear it anymore, got out of bed in silence and walked over, hooping people with the quilt in her arms... She finally stopped.

After a while, Zhuang Jia twisted in his arms and softly called his name.

"Yu Yang."


"Did you hear any sound?"

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