Zhuang Jia felt that the other party should be a man, because she couldn't imagine a woman pinching her ass.

Will it be Li Rui? Or Tang Linhao?

Li Rui likes Song Jingru. As for Tang Linhao, she doesn't know much, she seems to be a serious person.

The heart is separated by the belly, even if the scope of the suspicion is reduced to only two people, she still can't tell who it is.

Zhuang Jia's mind is very messy now. She knows that if she tells Yu Yang that the person not only cuts the bank card and ID card, but also touches her butt, Yu Yang will definitely not let it go until two days later.

But... she couldn't tell.

The two stayed in the dormitory for a while, and Yu Yang answered a few calls one after another, and he could see that he was really busy.

Zhuang Jia let go of the hand holding his arm, "If you have something to do, go to work..."

"It doesn't matter, I will stay here to accompany you." Yu Yang put away his mobile phone, "The police station's operation starts in the afternoon, and there is still time."

Zhuang Jia was silent for a while and murmured: "I shouldn't have come."

If it weren't for running over because of his own enthusiasm, he would not have encountered such a thing, and it would not affect Yang's work.

Her reckless character should really be changed.

"It's not your fault that this happened." Yu Yang touched her head and said with a faint smile, "And I'm glad you can come."

Zhuang Jia leaned on his shoulder and didn't speak, still feeling down.

The two went to the cafeteria for dinner at noon, and the four assistants were all there. Yu Yang briefly said about Zhuang Jia.

"...Because I can't get on the bus, I don't worry about letting her take a ride back alone, so I stay here temporarily, and we will go back together after we finish things." He said lightly, "Li Rui and Tang Linhao have been staying in the hotel these two days. "

The four of them heard it and remembered that they were called to the dormitory for questioning in the morning, and they all knew well.

Song Jingru originally had an opinion on Zhuang Jia, but now she was a little dissatisfied: "If you don't want to go, just talk about it, and whoever is acting for it."

Zhuang Jia lowered her head to eat, then raised her eyes and looked over: "What do you mean by this?"

Li Rui was afraid that the two would quarrel, and quickly winked at Song Jingru: Yu Jianshi was sitting next to him, and he couldn't be confronted in person if he wanted to.

Song Jingru ignored him at all, choking back: "The things have been in your own bag, why are you not sure how they were cut? Even if someone enters the house and wants to prevent you from returning to Qingjiang, just take it away. Isn’t the wallet simpler? Why bother to cut up ID and bank cards?"

After speaking, he complained in a low voice: "Others are going to be so busy, they are still looking for trouble here."

Zhuang Jia was angry and was about to refute. Yu Yang next to him gently put down his chopsticks.

Very casual movements, but the people on the table were silent.

"You have a good analysis. Taking the wallet directly is indeed much more convenient than finding tools and taking time to damage the documents." Yu Yang said slowly, "But if she wants to stay, she just needs to tell me, big You don't have to destroy your own things, this is truly unnecessary."

Song Jingru bit her lip and did not speak, but her expression was very unconvincing, as if she felt that Yu Yang had been stunned by a scheming girl. She was both sad and disappointed.

Yu Yang asked her: "Is the review finished?"

Song Jingru looked embarrassed and lowered her head: "No."

Yu Yang stopped looking at her and turned to ask Zhuang Jia, "Have you been full?"

Zhuang Jia nodded.

The food did not suit her appetite, and the people across the table added to her, she couldn't eat.

The two left the canteen and returned to the dormitory. Yu Yang said, "Song Jingru, don't take it to heart. She should have been protected too well by her family since she was a child, lacking the ability to analyze and judge problems, and is too simple."

Zhuang Jia asked: "Do you know her family?"

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