"What's the use of you telling me this?" Zhuang Jia looked at her lightly, curling the corner of her mouth slightly, "You should go and tell Yu Yang."

"No, I have to explain clearly to you." Hu Fangfang shook his head, with no expression on his face, "He doesn't like Song Jingru, and he values ​​my work ability. This gives me false hope. It's rare to encounter someone who doesn't judge people by appearance. Man, I should seize the opportunity, right?

But later, he brought you...more ironic, more beautiful than Song Jingru, better dressed, and younger. It turns out that he is just as vulgar and only loves beautiful women. "

"He just happened to not love you." Zhuang Jia frowned and couldn't help refuting her.

"It doesn't matter. In short, the fact is that he found a beautiful girl nine years younger than himself." Hu Fangfang smiled contemptuously and shrugged, "This is a man, who always likes beautiful...Of course, some men also adore talented women. The premise is that this talented girl is beautiful."

Zhuang Jia was noncommittal and smiled faintly.

Hu Fangfang lowered his eyes, lowered his head and stirred the teaspoon lightly, and then said: "I really hate you, but thank you very much. You broke my dream and brought me back to reality.

I didn’t touch your ID. Song Jingru will bump into you, and it’s nothing to do with me. It’s a temporary whim to ask you to send the mask. I want to scare you... I want to see you like Song Jingru was scared that night. , Screamed and cried out of form, wondering if Yu Yang would hate you for it and scold you like Song Jingru...

That area was fenced with barbed wire. I knew this for a long time. I didn’t want to kill you. I am not so crazy. If it caused any psychological discomfort to you, I apologize to you. I’m very sorry. . "

Zhuang Jia looked at her quietly, feeling a little funny.

"It's been so long, you suddenly came to tell me this Chase, just to apologize to me?" Zhuang Jia asked with a smile, "Why?"

"My internship period is over and I'm going to be promoted." Hu Fangfang replied to what he had asked, and then fell silent, pouting and looking out the glass window.

The sunlight is the color of gold, and the ice hanging on the treetops reflects the brilliant color light. Everything looks warm, but she knows this is just an illusion, because once she goes out, she will be wrapped in cold air.

She said: "I will work in lower-level areas, and will not stay in Qingjiang City, but my boss did not sign. He told me that if I can't explain things to you clearly and don't have the courage to be honest, he will think I am too timid and weak. , Unable to assume the duties of a prosecutor."

"So I'm here." Hu Fangfang's gaze fell on Zhuang Jia's face again, "Without love, you can never lose your career, and he is right. As a prosecutor, you should not be cowardly and confined to small Love makes me stupid."

Zhuang Jia listened, was silent for a while, and asked her: "Where is Song Jingru, how is she?"

"She..." Hu Fangfang chuckled and took a sip from the coffee cup. "I have changed my post. I can only do paperwork for the rest of my life, but this is also good. Her personality makes her independent. Embarrass her."

Zhuang Jia looked at the coffee cup in front of him, the smooth porcelain texture, printed with golden artistic fonts, literary and fresh, warm and elegant.

This cup can also be used to drink water, but it is a little too small to be practical.

If you like the advantages of an item, you must be aware of its unsatisfactory points. Nothing is perfect in this world.

The same goes for liking someone.

Yu Yang's rationality and regulation once made her feel warm and steadfast, but he was destined not to become an angry beauty.

He has a ruler in his heart to measure right and wrong, reward and punish for control, and then arrange a corresponding way out for everyone.

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