"Marriage is a lifelong event for a woman. If you stumble on this, you will suffer for the rest of your life. You have already suffered a loss. Do you want to ask your children to follow your old path?"

The grandmother talked about, Shen Xinru listened silently.

If it's an aunt, it's still stunned, but Shen Xinru can't refute it with grandma's words, and the old man's concern is sincere.

"Mom, don't worry about it, I know everything about Jiajia." Shen Xinru said, "She's only 23 after the Chinese New Year, so don't worry. Look, Xiaoyu is 27 years old, isn't she still married?"

Grandma listened and turned to ask the uncle: "Is this child Xinyu going home this year?"

Without waiting for the uncle's answer, my aunt immediately said: "Go back, definitely. How can I not come back? He is too busy at work recently, so he will be back two days later, maybe... the fourth or fifth day of the month. "

Grandpa was very unhappy, "After the fifth day of the new year, the year is almost over."

Grandma feels sorry for her grandson and comforts her grandpa: "It is not easy for Xiaoyu to start a business outside. It is inevitable to be busy in the years and years. Just come back and see us. The family doesn't care about the etiquette. You can come back any day..."

Zhuang Jia brought the fruit out and gently put it on the coffee table.

"Grandma, I'll go back to the room first, and then I'll come down to watch the year."

Grandma waved her hand: "Go and rest. Now I don't pay much attention to it. If you are tired, go to bed first."

Zhuang Jia said coquettishly: "No, it's hard to find you to ask for the New Year's money when you are over."

Everyone laughed.

Grandma also laughed: "How old are you, and still worry about my new year's money, go to sleep, you all have a share!"

Zhuang Jia stuck out his tongue and went back to the house happily.

Being alone, finally far away from those curious inquiries and caring inquiries, it is much easier.

Zhuang Jia walked to the window, opened the window halfway, and watched the snow floating outside.

She hopes that this snow will not stop, and the next night, so that you can see a white and shining world when you get up early tomorrow.

Taking advantage of the snow scene outside the window, Zhuang Jia took a very delicate selfie and sent it to Yu Yang.

After a while, Yu Yang called and asked her: "Why didn't you stay with your family during the Chinese New Year today?"

Zhuang Jia was a little surprised: "How do you know I'm not with my family?"

"If there are too many people, why are you embarrassed to take a selfie?" Yu Yang smiled low on the phone, "Moreover, every time you take a selfie, you can choose a satisfactory photo at least ten times, so this kind of thing is still not happening. It’s more appropriate when you’re human."

It can be analyzed like this...

Zhuang Jia snorted dissatisfiedly, "What about you, are you alone now?"

"Well, I just finished the phone call with my parents." Yu Yang said.

Zhuang Jia immediately rejoiced: "They urged you to get married again, right? Did the seven aunts and eight aunts want to introduce you to a blind date?"

Yu Yang said: "No, I told them, I met a girl, it was very good, I really like it."

Despite the phone call, Zhuang Jia's face was still red with hot mist, and she whispered: "I don't believe it... You must be coaxing me."

Yu Yang smiled and asked, "Which sentence does not believe it? Is it particularly good not to believe you, or do I like you if you do not believe it?"

She was ashamed: "If you don't believe me, you told the family!"

"Are you to bet?" Yu Yang said.

"What are you betting on?"

"Bet on the rest of your life."


A ray of light flashed across the sky, and Zhuang Jia looked over and saw the fireworks blooming in the night sky.

She couldn't help muttering: "I can't wait, the fireworks will be set off before midnight..."

Yu Yang did not hear clearly, and asked her: "What?"

This fireworks burst into full bloom one after another, and the sound was noisy. Zhuang Jia didn't know if he could hear it. He pursed his lips and smiled and said, "I also gamble on the rest of your life."

Mine, and yours.

The rest of life, let's be together.

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