The dinner table was suddenly quiet.

Everyone looked at Yu Yang with shocked eyes.

Zhuang Jia blurted out: "Didn't you say last time that your third brother is the chef?"

After I finished asking, I realized that I was a little bit like tearing down my boyfriend's desk, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Yu Yang smiled and said, "Yes, the chef of Orchid Palace."

There is nothing wrong with this.

Shen Xinru asked Yu Yang: "Are other brothers and sisters working in Orchid Palace?"

She is considered the most calming. In fact, among the boys who used to pursue Zhuang Jia, there are also rich children. It is just that Yu Yang's temperament is placed here. The contrast is so great that it shocks people.

"There is also a elder sister and a elder brother. The eldest sister is the chief of the kitchen. The second brother is not in the kitchen and is mainly responsible for the operation and management of the entire villa." Yu Yang replied carefully, "My parents are old and they are no longer involved. I usually grow vegetables at home. , Brew wine, pass the time."

Uncle couldn't help asking: "Then why didn't you learn how to cook?"

The family inherited the mantle of their parents, but it was really strange that Yang became the prosecutor.

Yu Yang smiled and said, “I’m the youngest in my family, and the family indulges me. I have lost my temper. My grandfather said that I have a bad temper and can’t become a chef. What I can accomplish in the future depends on myself. Good fortune."

"Less than is really humble." Aunt smiled. "If you have a bad temper like this, then there are no good tempered people!"

The others also agreed and laughed a few times.

The host and the host enjoy a table. As for Zeng Zhen’s boyfriend, I don’t know, don’t know, no one pays attention to the background wall, and the author is too lazy to write.

After eating, the leftovers and chopsticks on the table were cleaned up, another pot of tea was served, and everyone continued to talk.

Zhuang Jia sat shyly beside Yang, silently listening to him being questioned by relatives, feeling that the eighteenth generation of his ancestors had been asked once.

Yu Yang always responded calmly and with patience.

Grandma asked Yu Yang why she suddenly came over today.

Yu Yang explained: "In the past few years, my parents have been in a hurry, saying that if I don’t bring people back, I won’t go back. This year I wanted to take Jiajia home, but Jiajia is shy and embarrassed to go. I stayed in Qingjiang and waited until the first day of the lunar new year to come over to pay a New Year greeting."

"Oh, isn't it because you didn't go home during the Chinese New Year?" Aunt couldn't help but interjected, looking at Yu Yang sympathetically, "It's a deserted New Year alone, and the family will also care about you. Let Jiajia go back with you later. Well, I would like to say hello to your parents for a new year. The lively ones are called Chinese New Year."

Zhuang Jia looked at Yu Yang dumbfounded, and then at her aunt, "...are you really going?"

"Isn't it fake?" Aunt said eagerly, "You haven't been shy since you were a kid, so why are you shy at this critical moment? Oh, really anxious."

Zhuang Jia: "..."

"Is it a bit too fast?" Shen Xinru said, "It is a good thing for two people to have a good relationship, but after all they have only been together for a few months, why wait?"

After Shen Xinru finished speaking, her grandmother nodded in agreement, "Well, it's a bit soon..."

Aunt suddenly felt like the emperor was in no hurry and the **** was in a hurry, "When will I be in no hurry? When the two of them have adjusted the oil in their honey, then go, if they find that the family situation is not right, it will be too late to solve it! It’s better to see you earlier...Uh, I’m not targeting you, I’m speaking straight, don’t mind.”

Yu Yang always kept a smile, "Don’t mind, you are also for good, after all, we are rushing to get married, of course it is better to understand clearly, this is human nature. Family atmosphere, industry and debt, whether there is a family Genetic diseases, it’s hard to say clearly with just one mouth."

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