"What should I do then?" Zhuang Jia looked at Yu Yang, "Or, call and ask?"

Yu Yang said: "Only my third brother uses a mobile phone at home."

Zhuang Jia silently remembered: I like to use trees to make names, and my family doesn't like to use mobile phones.

"Wait a moment, when my brother comes, let him lead the way."

Yu Yang pulled off his overcoat, wrapped Zhuang Jia in his arms, pressed her forehead against her and asked, "Is it cold?"

It's actually a bit cold, after all, in the mountains, but snuggling in his arms is very warm, and my heart is warm.

"It's not cold." She raised her head and smiled, "I'm hungry and want to eat the legendary royal meal."

"Hmm..." His smiling eyes melted into a bit of warmth, and his voice was low.

Zhuang Jia listened, buried her head in his arms, and urged: "Hold me tight."

Yu Yang is not clear, so he hugged her tightly as he did, "What's wrong, is it still cold?"

"No." Zhuang Jia shook his head in his arms, "I'm just so happy, the whole person is erratic, as if about to fly."

Yu Yang was stunned, couldn't help but laugh and hugged her tighter.

There was a faint fragrance in her hair, and her body was snuggling softly. Yu Yang felt her heart beating, and more emotions surged up, clamoring, and could not find an outlet for catharsis.

He couldn't help himself, lowered and kissed her on the cheek, kissed the tender lips...but it was not enough, so his tongue also stuck in, absorbing and enjoying like a treasure.

There is a predatory nature hidden in the male's bones, and he will bring his beloved things back to his cave, so that he will be filled with his own breath, and he will do whatever he wants, and he will be psychologically satisfied and happy.

The fashionable saying is: I am in charge of my territory.

Compared with the past, Yu Yang who went home has less restraint, more casualness and indulgence.


The third brother Yu Rong went and returned. He didn't go too close, but stayed not far away implicitly.

Zhuang Jia was panting in Yang's arms. After a while, she was surprised that there was someone on the side of the road. The red tide on her face was too late to fade, and her ears were also red.

At this time, the other party slowly walked over, with a gentle smile on his face, passing by them, leading the way.

Zhuang Jia played the drum in his heart, wondering how much Yu Yang's brother had just seen.

Yu Yang didn't mind, he took Zhuang Jia's hand indifferently, and followed suit.

Because of embarrassment and guilty conscience, Zhuang Jia did not bother to appreciate the scenery and walked with her head sullenly, until she heard the laughter, she raised her head to look at the surrounding environment——

In the courtyard where he was, there were many big red lanterns hung, beaming, and the door of the house was wide open in front of him, and Zhuang Jianeng could clearly hear the voice inside.

There was a local accent in their words, and Zhuang Jia barely understood it.

"...Yu Yang is back."

"Mom, Yu Yang is back with his girlfriend."

"Do you want to bet how long this time?"

"Don't say that to your brother, it's not easy for him to find a girlfriend..."

"I see, Dad, I'm kidding..."


Zhuang Jia glanced at Yu Yang silently, thinking he might have heard it wrong, right?

She adjusted her breathing, walked in cautiously, and found that the room was full of people.

Rao had been psychologically prepared, and at this moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in astonishment, because there are really many... many people.

They sat around a very large round table, all with friendly smiles on their faces, looking at her and Yu Yang together, and perhaps because of blood relationship, many faces were very similar, so that Zhuang Jia was stunned. ——

I don't know who is who, let alone who to greet first.

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