The two were sitting on the veranda talking, and Tang Linhao walked slowly from a distance.

Zhuang Jia still didn't have a deep impression of this person, because he was too silent, and in a group of assistants, if Yu Yang didn't let him speak, he could stay silent.

"Going?" Yu Yang asked him.

Tang Linhao said with an "um" and said, "My mother asked me to come over to pay you a New Year, Happy New Year."

The lazy tone is very perfunctory.

Yu Yang didn't care, and asked him, "What are your plans after the Chinese New Year?"

"A private investigative firm has been poaching me, waiting for the Chinese New Year to go to see."

"Private detective?" Yu Yang frowned, "This business is not stable. You have good qualifications. Even if you can't become a prosecutor, you can try other judicial positions."

A self-deprecating smile evoked at the corner of Tang Linhao's mouth, "It's unstable, but the money comes quickly. After all, you still owe your family money."

Yu Yang said indifferently: "It's not urgent to pay back the money, take care of your mother."

"Need you say it? That's my mother." Tang Linhao waved his hand casually, turned and left.

When Tang Linhao left, Zhuang Jia asked Yu Yang, "Isn't he still intern?"

Yu Yang looked at the man’s back and said, “I committed the crime of picking and provoking trouble. Fortunately, the plot was not serious. He was only detained for more than ten days, but the prosecutor’s internship was removed.”

According to regulations, a person with a criminal record cannot be admitted as a prosecutor.

"He is doing judicial work, how could he know the law and break the law? It doesn't make sense..." Zhuang Jia was puzzled, and felt that it was a pity that being a prosecutor was a chance to choose from. Even if a private investigator earns more money, it is worse than prosecution. The official status is glamorous.

"Some time ago, that **** was released after serving his sentence, and Tang Linhao has been thinking about that guy all these years. After all, he is the chief culprit who caused the destruction of his family."

Yu Yang sighed slightly, and then said: "I'm afraid he would impulsively and confiscated his ID card. He sneaked into the dormitory before, trying to dig through my luggage. Without finding the ID card, he cut yours, maybe simply The venting of anger may be because you feel that you have bullied you, and you are indirectly retaliated against me."

Zhuang Jia connected everything together, and it all seemed to make sense...

"No wonder you know who did it after only one question. You guessed it in your heart."

"It was confirmed after asking. Li Rui went to Song Jingru was decided temporarily. Tang Linhao didn't know it, but he said that he had come to the dormitory to look for Li Rui. Obviously, it was a temporary reason after hearing Li Rui's alibi. But... this reason was not made up with great care. It is estimated that he was broken, and I am not afraid of being known."

Zhuang Jia thought for a while, and then asked, "You rushed to Jingzhou that time to stop Tang Linhao?"

"Yeah." Yu Yang nodded indifferently. "The Tang family is no longer empty. If something happens to him, his mother will not survive. I have been looking for him in Jingzhou for three days, and that guy is really sinking. I stayed angry for three days. I didn't go back to my hometown or stay in a hotel. I was mixed in the Internet cafe... When I found him, he was holding a dagger and was going to seek revenge."

He spoke an understatement, but Zhuang Jia hung her whole heart and asked nervously: "Nothing happened, right? Are you hurt?"

Yu Yang Dan glanced at her, "Something has happened. My girlfriend is about to break up, and the phone can't get through, but I haven't found Tang Linhao's person yet, so I can't go back immediately... When I find him, think about this guy and delay me. He accidentally got serious about his life-long event, and went back to the hospital to report it."

Zhuang Jia lowered her head with a guilty conscience, and said like a mosquito: "Then you didn't make it clear to me. I have been waiting for your call. My mother blacked you out..."

Yu Yang sighed and lowered his head against her forehead, "Fortunately, I was coaxed back."

Zhuang Jia asked in a low voice: "If I break up again in the future, will you still coax me?"

"As long as the reason for breaking up is not that I don't love me, it's fun to coax you." Yu Yang laughed.

Zhuang Jia silently hugged him tightly, thinking: I will always love you, and you must always coax me.

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