Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1376: Why are you taking off your pants

Mu Zichuan did not go to Bai Wei immediately.

In the end, you will inevitably hesitate after experiencing the beginning of love.

Several times I went to see her secretly, thinking that if the time was right, I could talk to her, but it was a pity that God did not continue to care for him.

Every time, Bai Wei was either following her elders or her colleagues. She couldn't leave the door behind closed doors when she was at home, and she was so busy when she was in the hospital, Mu Zichuan could not find a chance to get close for a while.

After six or seven days, Mu Zichuan was called by Huang Mao to watch the film in the video room.

In fact, he has these projection equipments at home, and they are more advanced, imported from overseas, and you can watch what you want. I just came over today to join in the fun.

The title of the film is "Shuangyan in Golden Bottles", and you know what the content is when you listen to the name.

A group of boys huddled in a small room. Seeing the wonderful place, the skin of the melon seeds in their mouths also forgot to vomit. The air is filled with the smell of smoke, sweat, and damp musty. They are strangely mixed together, extremely unpleasant, but they are strangely fused with the environment.

Huang Mao kicked the big head sitting in front of him, "Put your shoes on, it's stinking."

"My feet don't smell, who did you fart?"

"Japan, who fart? No lack of virtue..."

The room began to curse, squirting at each other, making low-level boring jokes.

Mu Zichuan went out lazily, wanting to change the air.

When I was about to walk to the door, I heard a familiar voice.

"Let's go... you can go to the cinema, I always think it's not very good here..."

It's Bai Wei.

Mu Zichuan became energetic and immediately pressed to the wall, listening carefully to the voices outside.

"The movies in the cinema are all fixed, and if you don't show this movie, you can't watch it after you go." Another girl said.

Bai Wei looked embarrassed and resisted going to the video studio, "But...I still don't think it's good, look at this, these titles... are too that..."

In order to attract business, the video hall usually set up a board outside with "attractive" film titles written on it.

The girl also felt embarrassed, but the desire to watch the movie overcame everything. She persuaded Bai Wei: "Others watch other people's, we watch ours, what are we afraid of? Besides, there are private boxes inside, don't interfere with each other, just go, you just accompany me See it once..."

Mu Zichuan thought for a while, ran back to the room quickly, pulled up the yellow hair who was practising with others, and pulled it to the wall, and asked, "Where is Uncle Fat?"

"Ah?...Uncle Fat, Uncle Fat went to play mahjong." Huang Mao stared at him in a daze, "He asked me to look at the store for a while, what's wrong?"

Mu Zichuan said: "Take off your clothes!"

"Wh...what?" Huang Mao was dumbfounded. Before he could react, he saw that Mu Zichuan had taken off his school uniform jacket two or three times.

After Mu Zichuan took off his own, seeing Huang Mao still stunned, he said impatiently: "Take it off!"

"No...No, Brother Chuan...I am..."

Huang Mao panicked and asked what was going on? Even if Brother Chuan sees his anger by watching a third-level movie, he can't find him to spoil it!

Mu Zichuan waited impatiently, and directly violently pushed the person on the wall, and stripped off Huang Mao's fairly trendy denim jacket!

Huang Mao's face was against the wall and he dared not move. He was frightened by Mu Zichuan's fierce and viciousness, his face was completely pale! After all, he was only sixteen years old. Where did you ever encounter such a thing? It’s not that scary to be beaten by Mu Zichuan before!

"Brother...Brother Chuan, lighten..." Huang Mao choked up, "I haven't tasted a woman yet, I'm still young..."

Sad for a while, there was no movement, Huang Mao wiped his tears and turned around, and found no one behind him.

"Huang Mao, why are you taking off your pants? Hahaha, you want to hit a plane!" Big head laughed loudly when he saw his bare ass.

Huang Mao raised his pants and cursed: "Can't I take off my pants and fart?!"

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