Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1378: Free paper towels

Mu Zichuan remembered the first half of the same song, but Bai Wei remembered the second half.

Road to the world, happy young man

The road is rugged, but there is no sunshine

In the mud, how many directions can happiness have

A hint of dreamlike wind and rain

The road is boundless...

At that time, she didn't know that this phrase reflected the fate of the teenager behind her, but she felt sad when she heard it. She seemed to be able to empathize with the hesitation and confusion.

By the end of the film, the backlog of emotions finally poured out.

The two girls burst into tears, distressing the life and death of the hero and heroine in the movie.

Boss Mu supplies them with tissues for free.

Bai Wei was immersed in the sadness after watching the movie, silently wiping her tears, failing to care about Mu Zichuan taking advantage of her.

In fact, at first, she was worried about being detected by her friends, so she didn't dare to move.

Later, I watched the film, watched it, and entered the plot. I was completely in the movie, and I forgot about it.

Now she wiped her tears for a while, her emotions slowly eased, she finally remembered that she and this guy held hands for more than an hour...

Embarrassed, angry, and helpless, all kinds of moods intertwined.

Bai Wei bit her lip and looked at him, wanted to hit him, couldn't reach out, wanted to scold him, but couldn't swear.

"I want to watch the film next time." Mu Zichuan said with a smile.

Bai Wei: "..."

She swallowed and left.

Mu Zichuan smiled, in a good mood.

He was humming a song and was about to go downstairs to find Huang Mao to change back to his clothes. Inadvertently, he saw a lady's bag on the chair. I don't know who left it.

"Boss, did you see my bag?" The girl went back and forth, ran back hurriedly, and saw her bag at a glance, "It really fell here."

She breathed a sigh of relief immediately, picked up her bag and prepared to leave, Mu Zichuan called her to stop, and picked up the keychain on the ground: "And this, don't run again if you can't find the key for a while."

"Ah, thank you so much!" The girl showed a grateful expression on her face, "I can't even enter the house if I lose the key."

At the end, he smiled and looked at Mu Zichuan: "Little boss, you are a good person. You are sincere and look good. If you are more active and seize the opportunity, you will still be very competitive."

Mu Zichuan heard her overtones, smiled and raised her eyebrows, "How do you tell?"

"Bai Wei is in our courtyard. There are many suitors. Some suitors will pass if they are rejected. But some of them are not very authentic. They are a bit high on the basis of their position and have some money in the family. Don't mention how bad people are stumbling under your shoes..."

The girl sighed melancholy, while looking at Mu Zichuan with her eyes, "...If I were Bai Wei, and encounter such a thing, who can help me, I must be moved to death."

Mu Zichuan understood it and said with a smile: "Thank you, I will invite you to dinner another day."

"Come on!" The girl waved her hand, picked up her bag and ran away.


Bai Wei waited on the side of the road for a while, and finally waited until her friend came back. She couldn't help but say something like: "Look at you, lost everything. Fortunately, I got it back. There is a mixed bag. What if the bag is picked up by someone else? ?"

"Oh, you also know that fish and dragons are mixed, then I want you to accompany me back to find a bag, you are not willing." The friend took the opportunity to complain.

"That's because of..." Bai Wei was at a loss, pursing her lips, her expression a little worried.

The friend smiled and said, "You are shy, right? You like that young boss?"

"No!" Bai Wei widened her eyes.

"I see you holding hands."

When Bai Wei heard the words, her entire face turned red! "I...I did it because...because...because he was too strong! I can't make it!"

Friends are curious: "You really don't like him?"

"I don't like it!" Bai Wei sulked, "Why should I like him?!"

" did you feel when he held your hand?"

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