Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1382: Like a flash bomb

Slap a slap and give a sweet date, that's about it.

Bai Wei didn't have any thoughts. She had a simple mind. She just wanted to do her own business. She never wanted to fight for anything, nor did she think about the twists and turns in other people's hearts.

Dr. Zhou said: "I will give you more jobs, so that the hospital leaders can see the results of your work more. In the future, you will have a great advantage!

Did you know that the competition in the hospital is fierce, and it is very difficult for a nurse with low qualifications like you to be judged! ...But don't worry too much, I will try my best to help you. "

While talking, the two had already reached the gate of the hospital.

Bai Weinene whispered: "That... Doctor Zhou, thank you for considering me, but I have no plans to go abroad in the near future."

Her mother was seriously ill and had few days left, so she couldn't leave it alone and go to the field.

Doctor Zhou said disapprovingly: "Young people must be self-motivated. How can such a rare learning opportunity be missed? You don't have to be afraid of unfamiliar life over there. If I am here, I will take care of you."

Without waiting for Bai Wei to speak, he said again: "Today you must be very tired, I will send you back."

There was a row of tents at the entrance of the hospital. There were bicycles parked under the tents. Dr. Zhou pushed out a brand new one from the inside and walked up to Bai Wei with his head upright, quite proud.

A passing colleague saw it and said, "Oh, Doctor Zhou bought a bicycle. Is this a new model?"

"Well, it's the latest model." Doctor Zhou replied in a low-key manner, but the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't hide, he was extremely proud.

At this time, bicycles are in short supply, and brand-name new bicycles are high-end products that most people can't afford. It can be said that Dr. Zhou's bicycle will be quite beautiful when riding out.

But Bai Wei didn't want to touch him at all.

If this is to sit up... let others see it, they will definitely think she is in a relationship with Doctor Zhou, how can I explain it clearly in the future?

When I was embarrassed, I heard someone calling her--

"Bai Wei, why are you here?" Mu Zichuan came over with a bunch of flowers, "I've been waiting for you outside for a long time."

Bai Wei saw Mu Zichuan, her eyes straightened.

Today, he is... so different!

The hair was turned into a big back like Chow Yun Fat in "God of Gamblers", all the bangs were combed back, and the wax was black and shiny!

Wearing a white shirt and smoky-grey striped suit, he was straight and straight, and his black leather shoes were shiny, and he could compete with his hair.

This dress is too fashionable, too garish!

Not to mention that he still has a big bouquet of bright pink flowers in his hand! Standing at the entrance of the hospital, it is as conspicuous as a flash bomb!

Bai Wei has an urge to run away.

Mu Zichuan came over, threw the flower in her arms regardless, lifted his chin slightly, and looked at Doctor Zhou, "Who is this person?"

Bai Wei already felt the gaze around her strongly.

She lowered her head and confided in her: "This is Zhou doctor..."

Before he finished speaking, Doctor Zhou looked at Mu Zichuan vigilantly: "Who are you again?! What is your relationship with Bai Wei?"

"Can't tell?" Mu Zichuan grabbed Bai Wei's shoulder, "isn't it obvious enough?"

Bai Wei: "!!!"

"Do you have a boyfriend?!" Zhou Fulin suddenly lost his temper.

Bai Wei hurriedly waved her hand: "No! Me, me and him...we actually..."

She wanted to explain, but she was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to start. She was flustered, and when the hospital director came out by accident, Bai Wei became even more panicked!

In this situation, no one wants to be seen by the leader!

What do you think of the hospital? The work style is so frivolous, waiting for the conference to name and criticize!

Bai Wei was anxious to cry: "I was seen by the dean! You are going to kill me!"

"Is that your dean?" Mu Zichuan took a look and thought a little, he strode towards the dean--

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