Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1406: Because he should fight

After four years of university, Mu Zichuan never came back.

After graduation, he went abroad to continue his studies in finance, and he never even called home.

His son's refusal to go home has become the heart disease of Master Mu. The guilt, guilt, dull pain and other emotions tortured him over time and made him weaker.

Bai Wei accompanies him on a walk in the garden, looking at the flowers and trees, and feeding the koi in the lake, so that the depression in his chest can be slightly relieved.

After staying for a long time, I felt that the villa was too big and cold. I simply asked the craftsman to build a bungalow in the garden. It didn’t need to be too big, but it needed plenty of sunlight and fresh air. Once the window was opened, the blue sky could be seen. The sky and clear lake water.

In later days, Bai Wei lived with Master Mu in a small bungalow, a kind of leisurely retreat in the forest.

In recent years, Qingjiang City has developed rapidly, trains continue to increase speed, and airports have been built with great momentum.

She carried the mixed cat meal and sent it to the stray cats at the back door of the garden. A plane flew over the sky above her head, bringing out a long jet white mark.

She looked up, and an inexplicable youthful voice appeared in her mind: "This is not to be beautiful, it is forward-looking... The times are constantly improving..."

"Bai Wei!" A sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

She turned her head to look and saw Luo Junqi leading two five or six-year-old boys walking.

"Look at the good things your son did!" Luo Junqi pushed Murong Cheng forward and pushed Bai Wei into Bai Wei's arms. "It's too cruel to start! Look, what's my Zining like?!"

The two children's faces were colored, Mu Zening was obviously more serious, there were wounds on his face from nails, and a thin layer of blood scabs formed.

Bai Wei knelt down and gently wiped out the scraps of grass from Murong Cheng's hair, and asked softly, "Rong Cheng, why did you fight Zening?"

Murong Cheng said, "Because he should fight."

Luo Junqi's eyebrows raised suddenly, "How do you teach the child?! Listen to what he said!"

Bai Wei also stunned, and smiled to her son: "Rong Cheng, quickly admit your mistakes to your third brother."

The little boy was very stubborn, his face turned aside, "I'm right! He said I was a child without a father, so I should fight!"

Bai Wei was startled, and then went to see Luo Junqi.

Children will not say such things for no reason, they must have heard something from adults.

Luo Junqi's expression couldn't help but feel embarrassed, she felt embarrassed when she was suddenly discovered when she was discussing right and wrong behind her back.

Bai Wei frowned, and said to Luo Junqi face-to-face: "Madam, how can you teach your children to say such things? If you are not satisfied with me, you can tell me face to face. You should not spread rumors out of thin air. Besides, the third young master was taught such things. What if it breaks?"

"What kind of pretense are you pretending to be? Who will show you fake innocence..." Luo Junqi glanced at her extremely contemptuously and muttered, "It sounds good to say that it is artificial insemination, who knows what the dirty and smelly behind is."

After speaking, he picked up his son, turned and left: "Let's go, don't play with this little ruffian of unknown origin in the future."

Luo Junqi didn't believe that Bai Wei had done artificial insemination at all. She believed that Bai Wei's child was a wild species outside.

Others may not know, but Luo Junqi personally went to the United States to do artificial insemination, whether it was the pre-sperm storage or the subsequent physical examination, she knew the whole process very well.

At that time, this was an emerging technology, and the country had just started. There were only two or three institutions in the country that were qualified to do artificial insemination, and the success rate was not high.

Before Bai Wei was pregnant, she had been in Qingjiang. The only time she went out for a long journey was to a small city that was not too big. Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for her to do artificial insemination.

While loathing Bai Wei, Luo Junqi gloated at the same time: the old thing is really confused, and she was fainted by this vixen, she didn't know if she wore a green cap!

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