Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1420: Gu Liang was recruited

Mu Zi hadn't seen Gu Liang for a long time.

Not only in real life, but even on TV news, news about him has almost disappeared.

In the last two months, because the wedding period is approaching, there have been several news about Gu's family planning wedding banquet.

Strange to say, it stands to reason that big families like the Gu family will get engaged one to three years before they get married.

As for Gu Liang's marriage, Mu Zi counted the time. From the time she received the news to the date of the wedding, it took only half a year to complete the marriage.

It's really hasty.

When Gu Yan wandered elsewhere, Mu Zi and Murong Cheng discussed: "It's rude not to be present at the wedding, so it's better to prepare some gifts to send over and wish him well in advance."

Murong Cheng lazily said, "It's not necessary. You may not be able to find someone if you prepare a gift."

"Why?" Mu Zi looked at him inexplicably, "Do you know where he is?"

Murong Cheng glanced at her and said nothing.

Mu Zi tugged at the corner of his clothes and urged in a low voice, "You said it."

Murong Cheng took a sip of the wine slowly, and said lightly: "Eat the food, whatever he does."

"Can't I be curious?!" Mu Zi glared at him.

"Okay." Murong Cheng looked around, bowed her head and said in her ear, "He has been recruited, and now it is estimated that he will fly abroad to find a wizard."

Mu Zi was stunned when he heard the words, but didn't understand.

"What do you mean?...successful?"

"Yeah." Murong embraced Mu Zi's waist and walked quietly to the unmanned corner of the banquet hall, talking while walking.

"About a year ago... After he came back from abroad, he found out that he had a strange disease. At first he thought it was a skin allergy, but he didn't get better after taking the medicine. After consulting several doctors, they couldn't find out the cause, but the symptoms got worse. The more serious it became, everyone was at a loss. In the end, a doctor privately suggested that he go to the mage to try. Maybe something dirty was stained outside."

Mu Zi's eyes widened immediately, and he was surprised: "Does this mean... is it that he is evil?"

"Maybe." Murong Cheng nodded slightly, "His illness is indeed quite evil."

"Can't find a solution? You can let Du Hao and Huang Laogui go and have a look. Isn't Du Hao's shop selling many small things to exorcise evil spirits?"

"I've seen it. Almost all the mages that can be found in the country have been searched." Murong Cheng said, "If the news of the Gu Family Patriarch's accident is spread out, it will cause a big trouble, so when the mages were invited, they didn’t show their faces and only let the mages. After looking at the wound, they didn't know what to do with the thing, saying it was a Western sorcery. They had never encountered it or treated it."

Even the domestic wizards and warlocks are also assigned. What's more, the sorcerers from abroad don't understand the rules, so they don't know how to solve them. Otherwise, they won't pay attention to the so-called ring-breaking and have to tie the bell.

Murong Cheng went on to say: "Some people say that there is a woman in Taoshui Village who is very good at divination and fortunetelling. Gu Liang went to do the calculation. The woman didn't say anything, just told him to get married."

"Married?" Mu Zi asked, "The hexagram shows him to get married?"

"Probably he won't live long, so I asked him to get married and leave his blood." Murong Cheng sighed lightly. Although Gu Liang is always unpleasant, it is not worth it for him, "Such a method of death is too bad."

Mu Zi still found it incredible, or in other words, she couldn't accept it.

How can a person die for no reason?

She frowned and asked dubiously: "How can Gu Er Youngo be like a okay person in such a big matter? I don't think he is worried about his brother at all."

"The guy who doesn't have a way, just pour some wine, and can get anything out of his mouth, how can he tell him? Besides, telling him won't help."

Murong Cheng looked down at Mu Zi, with a smile but a smile: "Yes, by the way, Gu Liang's marriage partner this time is still a relative with you."

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