Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1430: Ideal and reality

The ideal wife is a beautiful, elegant, intelligent, and perfect woman who has both inside and outside.

Although I relaxed the conditions because I was anxious to have a child, the one who got married...

Sitting cross-legged, without changing pajamas, eating a peach makes his face full of wet juice.

Gu Liang was silent for a long time and asked her, "My mother and my brother, how did you know about it?"

Tangtang spit out a peach pit, proud: "Huh, why should I tell you?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Patience again...

Thinking about the relationship between him and her, it is nothing more than hope that she will get rid of voodoo. Gu Liang simply went straight to the subject and asked her, "When will treatment begin?"

Tangtang finished eating the peaches, slapped his lips, and said, "I was so angry just now. I didn't have enough to eat and I was so hungry."

"..." Gu Liang looked in the direction of the dining room, and there were dishes and chopsticks on the table.

He asked the servant to reheat the food, added a few new dishes, and put them on the table full of desserts and fruits.

Tangtang smiled openly when she saw it, and ate happily.

Taking advantage of her eating effort, Gu Liang called the servant and asked what happened at home today.

The servant dared not conceal it and explained it clearly.

In fact, it was really nothing serious. It was that Gu's mother came and found that her daughter-in-law didn't get up until noon, and she was a little dissatisfied. Then while eating, she saw Tangtang's indecent appearance and nagged a few words.

Gu's mother holds her own identity, and the derogatory irony in the words is very subtle. Tangtang may not understand it, but after a long time of nagging, Tangtang becomes very impatient. At that time, she scolded: "Smelly old lady, you have finished It’s not over! Have you let people eat?!"

For so many years, Gu's mother was patronizing, and everyone was eager to please, but the married daughter-in-law scolded her face to face!

She is mad! The **** blurted out——

"You little bitch! How dare you..."

"You old bitch!"

"Ah, you...ah..." Mother Gu covered her chest, almost fainted.

He couldn't scold Tangtang, so he asked Gu Yan to call Gu Liang, and wanted his son to come back and find a place for him!

So the series of situations just happened.

After listening, Gu Liang was silent again.

He found that after getting married, he often fell silent...

Tangtang's dining appearance, if required by the standards of the famous Shuyuan, is indeed very indecent, no wonder Gu Mu would criticize.

The chopsticks are used in a mess, the spoon makes a crisp sound from time to time in the bowl, and the calf is still swaying back and forth under the chair. As for eating, it is more casual.

Picking up a meal, eating for nearly an hour, Gu Liang gambled all his cultivation and demeanor as patience, endured until Tangtang finished eating, and said again: "The voodoo on my arm..."

Tangtang covered his belly, frowning and said, "I'm eating to support, my stomach hurts."

Gu Liang: "..."

Forbearance... I can't bear it!

Gu Liang got up abruptly, and the chair was pushed to make a loud noise!

He stared coldly at Tangtang across the table, then strode away with a sullen face, and went to the study without a word.

I lighted a cigarette in the study. After smoking, my irritability remained unabated, so I lighted another cigarette.

Thinking that she was twelve years younger than him, young and immature, he really didn't need to care about her as much, maybe the thing on his arm was too evil, which caused him to get worse and worse lately, and he was always angry.

Gu Liang calmed down in the study for a while, feeling calm, and felt that he should have a good talk with her.

The servant knocked on the door lightly outside, hesitated and said, "Mister, madam, she... seems a little uncomfortable..."

Gu Liang heard this and sighed, "Go and call Dr. Zhang."


Gu Liang came to the restaurant again.

Tangtang was still sitting in her seat, clutching her belly, and laying her face on the dining table sideways, her eyes filled with tears, a miserable look.

Gu Liang looked at poor, sighed again, and asked her, "Does my stomach hurt?"

Tangtang's tears rolled in his eye sockets, rolled and rolled, his eyelashes trembled and tears fell.

"Yeah." She said in a small voice, "It hurts."

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