Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1436: What is the relationship between us

Gu Liang has become accustomed to her being as shrewd as a fox and sometimes ignorant as mentally retarded.

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded faintly, "Sometimes, in order to make the engraving more beautiful, traditional Chinese characters are used, especially when the font is slightly thin."

Tangtang was overjoyed, "Yes, yes, his name is very thin!"

Without waiting for Gu Liang to ask, she got up and left the table, ran upstairs happily, making a clear-paced thump.

After a while, he thumped down again, with a small white lady's shoulder bag on his shoulder, and shouted as he ran out: "Field mouse! Field mouse! I'm going out! Drive! Drive!..."

After a while, the thin and tall young man walked into the dining room and came to Gu Liang, bowing his head respectfully.

This person is called Tian Shu, the driver of the family.

Gu Liang slowly cut the steak. The outer layer was fried with oil, and the inside was tender red. In fact, he was not old, but suddenly lost his appetite.

"Bring your bodyguards and follow up when you are there. You have to figure out who you have seen and what you have said..." Gu Liang put down his knife and fork and raised his eyes to look at him, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, Lord." The young man nodded.

Tangtang's urging sound came from outside: "Vole! You are slow to die!"

Gu Liang said, "Go, don't let your wife wait too long."

The driver left in response.

Gu Liang picked up the wine glass and shook it lightly. The awakening aroma of the wine surrounded his nose. After taking a small sip, he heard the sound of the car engine going away.

Feeling bored inexplicably.

It's always the wife he's marrying, who has gone through the ceremony and gone through the formalities. Although this relationship involves some interest considerations, it is impossible to ignore it.

In the empty dining room, Gu Liang sat alone at the dining table, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, a little bit self-deprecating in his heart, he was already married, how could he still feel lonely?

The servant came to remove the cutlery and asked, "Sir, do I need to leave a meal for my wife?"

Gu Liang smiled and said, "Stay."


When Tangtang returned home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

She didn't even have time to say hello, and hurried into the bathroom when she came back.

The driver reported to Gu Liang 1510: "My wife went to the cemetery, and started looking for the tomb after entering. We were not asked to help, and we were not allowed to get too close. Later, I should have found it and sat in front of the tombstone. About half an hour, and then I came back."

Gu Liang asked, "Whose tomb is it?"

"We stood far away, remembered the location, and went over to check after the wife left. The person on the tombstone is named Mu Zening."

Gu Liang frowned when he heard this and remained silent.

Isn't Mu Zening the third young master of the Mu family? After committing homicide, he escaped, and later died in another place, but Murong inherited the funeral of this man.

How could Tangtang know this person?

But... there are too many weird things about her, and there is no shortage of this one.

Gu Liang returned to the room thoughtfully and sat for a while. Tangtang came in after taking a shower, her hair dripping again.

Gu Liang asked her to use a dry hair hat.

She pursed her lips and complained: "It's very uncomfortable, like a big mallet!"

Gu Liang had to take a dry towel and wipe her hair personally, but she couldn't stand her dripping with water everywhere.

While wiping, he asked: "Where did you go today?"

"I went to the cemetery, it's terrible! You absolutely can't think of how many mosquitoes there are there that almost killed me..." She chattered.

Gu Liang laughed, "You are the only one who lives at night, don't bite who you bite? Why do you suddenly want to go there today?"

Tangtang replied simply: "I won't tell you, the secret!"

Gu Liang's movements stopped.

At the end, I felt a little relaxed again.

In fact, she is also very good like this, she can speak straight, can't say nothing, don't detour, and don't lie.

Gu Liang loosened the towel in his hand, and gently fiddled with the half-dried hair. It was black and shiny, with a beautiful luster.

Knowing she was a little childish, but he still wanted to say something clearly.

"Tangtang, do you know what the relationship is between us?"

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