Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1448: Gu Liang's loneliness

Within a few days, Tangtang became familiar with Ning Meng.

Every day she followed Gu Liang to the company, Gu Liang worked, she went to Ning Meng to play, Gu Liang did not work, she still went to Ning Meng to play.

The more times, Gu Liang felt a little subtle in his heart.

In fact, Tangtang always clings to him when he is doing things seriously. He is a little annoying, so he wants to throw a computer or phone to her and let her stop.

But she doesn't stick to him anymore, and she feels something is wrong again. Relaxation is relaxed, and quiet is also really quiet, but her arms are empty, and she seems to be missing a pendant.

The more sour statement is: a little faint...empty and lonely.

Gu Liang pulled Tangtang into his arms, "Didn't you say that you wanted to be with me all the time, that's why you came to the company? Why do you go to her every day?"

Tangtang was a bit distressed, and hesitated and said, "She is more fun over there..."

"Tangtang, are you here to play, or are you here to accompany me?" Gu Liang asked angrily.

"I want to accompany you too, but you want to have meetings and work... Ignore me... Then I am very boring to stay." She looked at him aggrievedly, and said quietly, "The filming department There are many people over there, many beautiful clothes..."

Gu Liang felt helpless, he didn't seem to need to care about this with her, and it was really boring to stay in the office.

It is also good for Tangtang to have more contact with the crowd. Learn to learn about interpersonal communication and gain more knowledge.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said: "You can only stay in the department, you can't run around, you can't play for too long, you have to come back before get off work, can you do it?"

"I know!" Tangtang hugged his face, mua kissed, and happily went to Ning Meng.

In the empty office, only Gu Liang was left, facing all kinds of boring documents.

Gu Liang: "Oh..."


Tangtang is curious about everything. He learns everything very quickly, and only three minutes of heat when he learns.

Gu Liang felt that she should do the same to Ning Meng, and it won't be long before she gets bored.

But this time, Tangtang’s three minutes lasted a long time...

She learns to match clothes, learn to choose shoes, and the style of bags is very particular. There are also university questions in a hat, and the use of skin care products and cosmetics. Just how to choose a lipstick that suits her is enough for her to study for ten and a half days. .

On Saturday and Sunday, Gu Liang suddenly found out in his conscience that he had never taken Tangtang out to play seriously, and used his mobile phone to send her every time.

The weather is good these days and it is suitable for traveling. It is better to take her to a horse farm to learn how to ride a horse.

Gu Liang had a good plan in his heart. Who knows he had a plan a long time ago, and he would go out if he was dressed up and said: "Vole! Vole! Go ahead and drive..."

Gu Liang pulled her back: "Where?"

Tangtang said in a very good mood: "I have an appointment with my friends to play, and they want to teach me to play mahjong!"

"Friend?" Gu Liang was surprised, "What friend?"

She told him one by one: "Sister Lemon, Sister Alina, Sister Nana..."

Gu Liang: "..."

What kind of friend is this? This TM is a group of ex-girlfriends!

Gu Liang endured his irritation and said, "Don't go, change clothes. Today we are going to the racecourse."

Tangtang was not happy, and immediately pouted unhappy: "No, I want to learn to play mahjong!"

Gu Liang's tone was firm: "You are not allowed to learn Mahjong."

Tangtang hugged his arm and acted like a baby: "Then I don't learn mahjong, I just go out to play with them, okay..."

"No." Gu Liang remained cold.

I usually rely on her, but this time it won’t work. No matter how generous he is, it is impossible to give his wife to three ex-girlfriends!

The two were arguing, when a strange sound suddenly came from outside, and then a group of men in black with guns rushed in and surrounded the two!

Outside the gate, a man approached unhurriedly, handsome and handsome as always.

He stared at Tangtang and sneered: "Little devil, we meet again."

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