Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1454: Not necessarily simple

This time, the pain time was nearly half shorter than last time.

Gu Liang was sweating and went to the bathroom to wash as usual.

After washing, he stood in front of the mirror and looked at his arm. The blackness has faded to the middle of the forearm, and he has become more active than before. If it used to be like a waterweed in the water, now it is like a writhing bug.

They cover the surface of the skin one by one, and with the change of shape, they are no longer in the shape of branches that were static before, but are weird like worms and snakes. In short, it is chilling.

This change made Gu Liang feel very bad.

It turned out that it was just a dead thing, but now it "lives".


Gu Liang returned to the room, Tangtang didn't sleep, and sat on the bed eagerly waiting for him.

What kind of look is that, uneasy, eager, cautious, and timid to please...

It makes people very unbearable, wanting to rub into the bones and love, but at the same time remembering the fleeting ferocity on her face when she was violent, this mood is extremely contradictory and complicated.

Gu Liang suppressed the confusion and walked over to lie down. She also lay down next to him.

Neither of them was drowsy for a while. Gu Liang raised his arm slightly and asked her, "Why is this happening?"

"It's okay." Tangtang touched there lightly, "It moves because it is slowly maturing."

"Mature?" Gu Liang frowned in confusion, "Why did he mature?"

"Because... When I eat it, it will eat me too, but don't worry, I am very powerful."

She snuggled up softly, her cheek pressed against his arm, and said in a small voice: "I won't let it hurt you."

This eating process is similar to the confrontation between water and fire. Water can extinguish the fire, but during the extinguishing process, part of the water will be dried by the flame.

Gu Liang believed that Tangtang had the strength to defeat it. After all, the black area on his arm was indeed greatly reduced.

He couldn't help asking himself, if Tangtang was not useful to him, would he still refuse Murong Cheng's request firmly?

In the adult world, there are no simple things you like and I like. There are always all kinds of trivial considerations and calculations, sometimes compromises, silly fashions, and sometimes greedy testing of the other party’s bottom line to gain greater benefits.

The appearance of Murong Cheng made Gu Liang re-examine this relationship.

People and ghosts have different paths. This is true. Do you really want to abandon her?

The nephrite jade in her arms is warm and fragrant, well-behaved, she has body temperature, heartbeat, and is alive. She also makes him laugh by saying childish language from time to time. How could she be a ghost...

Gu Liang sighed in his heart and closed his eyes.

The next day, Tangtang didn't make a fuss about going out.

She stayed quietly at home and read the physics book. She was fascinated by it, and she also sketched and took notes.

He is also very good at eating, not picky, elegant, like a lady.

Gu Liang didn't know who she learned the dining etiquette from. He only knew that her learning ability had always been strong and she loved to imitate.

His female secretary often held a cup of coffee and leaned on the desk to chat with colleagues.

Tangtang thought that this posture was beautiful, so she also learned that the female secretary served a cup of coffee, and then leaned on his table, watching him work with a smile, even if she didn't drink coffee at all.

Gu Liang used to think that she was as simple as white paper, but now that she thinks about it, she is more like a fairy who has just entered the world, learning to speak, learn to eat, learn to do things, and learn to live like a human in this world.

But is the fairy innocent? not necessarily.

It is absurd to use human thinking to contemplate the idea of ​​ghosts.

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